The Blog

Failing Faster

3/1/2023 6:47:00 AM

In the pursuit of success, the concept of "failing faster" has gained considerable attention and recognition. Traditionally, failure has been viewed as a setback, a source of disappointment or discouragement. However, a paradigm shift has occurred, e...

Modern Computation

5/1/2023 7:23:00 AM

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, computers have become an integral part of our modern lives. These powerful machines have undergone tremendous advancements, transforming the way we work, communicate, and explore the world. As we stand at...

Remote Work

9/1/2023 6:02:00 AM

In recent years, the world has witnessed a significant shift in the way we work, with remote work emerging as a prominent trend across various industries. This transformation has had a profound impact on software and web application developers. While...

A.I. Madness

2/1/2024 7:25:02 AM

We’re standing at the edge of a vast and bewildering frontier, staring into the abyss of Artificial Intelligence with the slack-jawed wonder of cavemen glimpsing fire for the first time. The problem is, we don’t quite know how to harness this blazing...

TikTok Ban

4/1/2024 6:31:35 AM

The TikTok ban in April – a moment of colossal idiocy etched into the annals of American legislative history. Picture this: a bunch of aged, out-of-touch bureaucrats, frenzied by their own paranoia, waving their wrinkled fists at the digital sky, det...