Reputable Quotes

Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.
- Unknown

My Portfolio


10/1/2023 6:34:10 AM

Additional functionality for Deviant Art

In the expansive realm of digital art and creativity, DeviantArt stands as a vibrant and diverse community where artists from around the globe showcase their talents. Navigating through this vast sea of artistic expres...


8/1/2023 6:01:00 AM

JavaScript automated mouse cursor

MouseMove is a compact JavaScript library that simplifies the implementation of mouse movements and actions, by following an array of user-defined commands or functions. It offers users a user-friendly and efficien...


6/1/2023 6:10:12 AM

PlantUML class generator for JavaScript

UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagrams are powerful visual representations used to depict the structure, relationships, and behavior of object-oriented systems. They provide a standardized and intuitive way to ...

Entity Simulation

4/1/2023 6:35:01 AM

Entity simulator for simulated experiments

An entity simulator is a powerful tool designed to replicate and study the behavior, interactions, and characteristics of various entities in a controlled virtual environment. It provides a platform for creating dynami...

Sacred Geometry

2/1/2023 6:45:59 AM

Sketch Pad & Study Tool

Sacred geometry is a fascinating field of study that explores the relationship between geometry, symbolism, and spirituality. It is an ancient discipline that has been practiced by various cultures throughout history, ...