The purpose of the ClassGenerator tool is to seamlessly transform JavaScript classes into PlantUML script, allowing for the effortless generation of UML Class diagrams. To illustrate its functionality, let's consider an illustrative example — an exemplary JavaScript class that we can readily convert into a visually appealing UML class diagram.
JavaScript Class
Create a standard JavaScript class, like so:
PlantUML Class Diagram
Convert JavaScript class into PlantUML class diagram, using ClassGenerator...
PlantUML Image Types
Each available image type accessible via the -m or --make flag
- png
- svg
- eps
- eps:text
- pdf
- vdx
- xmi
- scxml
- html
- txt
- utxt
- latex
- latex:nopreamble
- braille
PlantUML Script
Convert JavaScript class into PlantUML script, using ClassGenerator...
PlantUML Linked Class Diagram
Convert JavaScript class with linked JavaScript objects into a linked PlantUML class diagram...