
// @program: 		canvasLab 
// @brief: 			HTML5 canvas drawing framework 
// @author: 		Justin D. Byrne 
// @email: 
// @version: 		0.7.163 
// @license: 		GPL-2.0

"use strict";

////    TYPEDEFS    ////////////////////////////////////////
 * Canvas Lab objects, for Objects & Collections
 * @typedef 		{Object} clObject

 * Canvas Lab Template, for the creation of objects through a collection
 * @typedef 		{Object}   Template
 * @property 		{Point}    point 							X & Y coordinates
 * @property 		{clObject} master 							Master Canvas Lab object
 * @property 		{Function} init 							Initialization of Template

 * Change, for animation changes through a transition
 * @typedef 		{Object<Object>} clChange

 * Transition, for animation transition instances
 * @typedef 		{Object}   Transition
 * @param           {clObject} transition.object            	CanvasLab Object
 * @param           {Function} transition.timing            	Timing function
 * @param           {number}   transition.period            	Period of time
 * @param           {clChange} transition.change            	Changes to object

////    COMPONENTS    //////////////////////////////////////
 * Base module for shared accessors & mutators
 * @namespace       PROPERTY_BLOCKS
     * Individual property accessors & mutators
     * @var             {Object} PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.alpha                                           **/
             * Set alpha value
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              Alpha value; 0 - 1
            set ( value )
                this._alpha = ( value <= 1  &&  value >= 0 ) ? value : this._alpha;

             * Set alpha value
             * @public
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Alpha value; 0 - 1
            get ( )
                return this._alpha;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.area                                            **/
        /** @notes for <Rectangle>, <cImage>                                                     **/
             * Get area of this object
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Area of this object
            get ( )
                return ( this.width * this.height );
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas                                          **/
             * Set canvas value
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
            set ( value )
                this._canvas = ( value ) ? ( this._isInDom ( value ) )

                                               ? document.getElementById ( value ).getContext ( '2d' )

                                               : console.warn ( `"${value}" is not a valid DOM element !` )

                                         : ( window.canvaslab.canvas )

                                               ? document.getElementById ( window.canvaslab.canvas ).getContext ( '2d' )

                                               : this._canvas;

             * Get canvas value
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
            get ( )
                return ( this._canvas != undefined ) ? : undefined;
        /** @function                                          **/
        /** @notes for <Rectangle>, <cImage>                                                     **/
             * Get center of this object
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
            get ( )
                let _x = this.x - ( this.x - this.anchor.x ) + ( this.width  / 2 );

                let _y = this.y - ( this.y - this.anchor.y ) + ( this.height / 2 );

                return new Point ( _x, _y );
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master                                          **/
             * Set master object
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {clObject} value                            Canvas Lab object
            set ( value )
                this._master = ( this._isCanvasLabObject ( value ) ) ? value : this._master;

             * Get master object
             * @public
             * @function
             * @return          {clObject}                                  Master Canvas Lab object
            get ( )
                return this._master;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offset                                          **/
             * Set offset
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {Point} value                               Shadow offset
            set ( value )
                this._offset = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._offset;

             * Get offset
             * @public
             * @function
             * @return          {Point}                                     Shadow offset
            get ( )
                return this._offset;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offsetX                                         **/
             * Set x-axis offset value
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
            set ( value )
                this._offset.x = value;

             * Get x-axis offset value
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
            get ( )
                return this._offset.x;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offsetY                                         **/
             * Set the y-axis offset value
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
            set ( value )
                this._offset.y = value;

             * Get y-axis offset value
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
            get ( )
                return this._offset.y;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point                                           **/
             * Set point
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
            set ( value )
                this._point = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? new Point ( value.x, value.y ) : this._point;

             * Get point
             * @public
             * @function
             * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
            get ( )
                return this._point;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX                                          **/
             * Set x-axis value
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
            set ( value )
                this._point.x = value;

             * Get x-axis value
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
            get ( )
                return this._point.x;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY                                          **/
             * Set the y-axis value
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
            set ( value )
                this._point.y = value;

             * Get y-axis value
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
            get ( )
                return this._point.y;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.perimeter                                       **/
             * Get perimeter
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Perimeter of rectangle
            get ( )
                return ( this.area * 2 );
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.radius                                          **/
             * Set radius
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              Radius of circle
            set ( value )
                this._radius = ( typeof value === 'number' && value > 0 ) ? value : this._radius;

             * Get radius
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Radius of circle
            get ( )
                return this._radius;

     * Collection property accessors & mutators
     * @var             {Object} PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor                                          **/
             * Set anchor type
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {string} value                              Anchor type
            set ( value )
                this._anchor.type = ( this._isAnchor ( value ) ) ? value : this._anchor.type;

                this._setAnchorPoint ( );

             * Get anchor
             * @public
             * @function
             * @return          {Anchor}                                    Anchor properties
            get ( )
                return this._anchor;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area                                            **/
             * Get area of this object
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Area of rectangle
            get ( )
                return ( this.width * this.height );
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect                                          **/
             * Get aspect properties
             * @public
             * @function
             * @return          {Aspect}                                    Aspect properties
            get ( )
                this._setAspect ( );

                return this._aspect;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth                                     **/
             * Get aspect with
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Width value
            get ( )
                return this._aspect.width;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight                                    **/
             * Get aspect height
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Height value
             * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight}
            get ( )
                return this._aspect.height;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas                                          **/
             * Set canvas value
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
            set ( value )
                this._canvas = ( value ) ? ( this._isInDom ( value ) )

                                               ? document.getElementById ( value ).getContext ( '2d' )

                                               : ( this._isCanvasLabObject ( value ) )

                                                     ? null

                                                     : console.warn ( `"${value}" is not a valid DOM element !` )

                                         : ( document.getElementById ( window.canvaslab.canvas ).getContext ( '2d' ) )

                                               ? document.getElementById ( window.canvaslab.canvas ).getContext ( '2d' )

                                               : this._canvas;

                if ( ( this.length > 0 )  &&  ( this._canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D ) )

                    for ( let _object of this )

                        if ( _object )

                            _object.canvas = this.canvas;

             * Get canvas value
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
            get ( )
                return ( this._canvas != undefined ) ? : undefined;
        /** @function                                          **/
             * Get center of this object
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
            get ( )
                let [ _x, _y ] = [ this.width / 2, this.height / 2 ];

                return new Point ( _x, _y );
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint                                        **/
             * Returns the last Point within this Array
             * @public
             * @function
             * @return          {Point}                                     Last Array element's X & Y Coordinates
            get ( )
                return this [ this.length - 1 ].point;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter                                       **/
             * Get perimeter of this object
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Perimeter of rectangle
            get ( )
                return ( this.area * 2 );
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template                                        **/
             * Set template
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {Object} value                              Template object
            set ( value )
                if ( this._isTemplate ( value ) )
                    [ this._template, this._template._master ] = [ value, this ];

                    this._template.init ( );

                    this._setAllCanvases ( );

             * Get template
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {Object}                                    Template object
            get ( )
                return this._template;

     * Animation property accessors & mutators
     * @var             {Object} PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cache                                            **/
             * Set cache
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {boolean} value                             True || False
            set ( value )
                this._options.cache = ( typeof value == 'boolean' ) ? value : this._options.cache;

             * Get cache
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
            get ( )
                return this._options.cache;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cancel                                           **/
             * Cancels animation
             * @readOnly
             * @function
            get ( )
       = false;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.period                                           **/
             * Set period of animation
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              Period of animation-time
            set ( value )
                this._period = ( this._isNumber ( value ) ) ? value : this._period;

             * Get period of animation
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Period of animation-time
            get ( )
                return this._period;
        /** @function PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.queue                                            **/
             * Set queue
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {Queue} value                               Queue object
            set ( value )
                this._queue = ( value instanceof Queue ) ? value : this._queue;

             * Get queue
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {Queue}                                     Queue object
            get ( )
                return this._queue;
 * Shared utility functions
 * @namespace       UTILITIES
     * Utilities for collection functions
     * @function UTILITIES.collection
         * Draw function
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
        draw ( canvas )
            if ( canvas != undefined ) this.canvas = canvas;

                if ( this._canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D )

                    if ( this.length > 0 )
                        this._setAnchorPoint ( );

                        for ( let _object of this )
                            this._setPointOffset ( _object );

                            this._drawOptionsPre ( _object, this.options );

                            _object.draw ( );

                        this._drawOptionsPost ( );

                        console.warn ( `No ${} exist to draw !` );


                    console.warn ( `'canvas' property is not set for ${} !` );

         * Draws anchor point
         * @public
         * @function
        drawAnchor ( )
            let _anchor = new Rectangle ( new Point ( this.x, this.y ), new Aspect ( 5, 5 ) );

                _anchor.fill.color = new Rgb ( 255, 0, 0 );

                _anchor.canvas     = this.canvas;

                _anchor.draw ( );

         * Draws associated options
         * @public
         * @function
        drawOptionsPost ( )
            let _offset = 20;

            let _aspect = new Aspect ( this.width + _offset, this.height + _offset );


            if ( this.options.border ) this._drawBorder ( _aspect );

            if ( this.options.axis   ) this._drawAxis   ( );

            if ( this.options.anchor ) this._drawAnchor ( );

         * Pushes child object(s) into this collection
         * @public
         * @function
        push ( )
            for ( let _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++ )

                if ( arguments [ _i ] instanceof this.storageType )

                    Array.prototype.push.apply ( this, [ arguments [ _i ] ] );


                    if ( ! this._isPoint ( arguments [ _i ] ) )

                        console.error ( `[ERROR] Argument ${ ( _i + 1 ) }, of type "${ arguments [ _i ] }", is not a valid type !` );

         * Sets anchor's point against this object's point location
         * @public
         * @function
        setAnchorPoint ( )
            this._setAspect ( );

            this._anchor =;

            switch ( this.anchor.type )
                case 'center':       this.anchor.x -= this.width / 2;   this.anchor.y -= this.height / 2;  break;

                case 'top':          this.anchor.x -= this.width / 2;   /*       ... do nothing        */  break;

                case 'topRight':     this.anchor.x -= this.width;       /*       ... do nothing        */  break;

                case 'right':        this.anchor.x -= this.width;       this.anchor.y -= this.height / 2;  break;

                case 'bottomRight':  this.anchor.x -= this.width;       this.anchor.y -= this.height;      break;

                case 'bottom':       this.anchor.x -= this.width / 2;   this.anchor.y -= this.height;      break;

                case 'bottomLeft':   /*       ... do nothing       */   this.anchor.y -= this.height;      break;

                case 'left':         /*       ... do nothing       */   this.anchor.y -= this.height / 2;  break;

                case 'topLeft':      /*       ... do nothing       */   /*       ... do nothing        */  break;

         * Sets offset of child object against this constructor's point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} Object                             CanvasLab Object
        setPointOffset ( Object )
            Object.x += this.x;

            Object.y += this.y;

     * Utilities for individual functions
     * @function UTILITIES.individual
         * Utility color functions
         * @function UTILITIES.individual.color
             * Utility color cycling functions
                 * Cycle colors for stroke
                 * @public
                 * @function
                 * @param           {Rgb}    start                              Starting RGB value
                 * @param           {Rgb}    end                                Ending RGB value
                 * @param           {number} progress                           Progress time unit; 0.00 - 1.00
                 * @param           {number} [max=1]                            Maximum increments
                stroke ( start, end, progress, max = 1 )
                    this._stroke._color._cycle ( start, end, progress, max );

                 * Cycle colors for fill
                 * @public
                 * @function
                 * @param           {Rgb}    start                              Starting RGB value
                 * @param           {Rgb}    end                                Ending RGB value
                 * @param           {number} progress                           Progress time unit between; 0.00 - 1.00
                 * @param           {number} [max=1]                            Maximum increments
                fill ( start, end, progress, max = 1 )
                    this._fill.color._cycle ( start, end, progress, max );

                 * Cycle colors for gradient
                 * @public
                 * @function
                 * @param           {Rgb}    start                              Starting RGB value
                 * @param           {Rgb}    end                                Ending RGB value
                 * @param           {number} progress                           Progress time unit between; 0.00 - 1.00
                 * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
                 * @param           {number} [max=1]                            Maximum increments
                gradient ( start, end, progress, stop, max = 1 )
                    this._fill.gradient.stopColorCycle ( start, end, progress, stop, max );

                 * Cycle colors for gradient stop(s)
                 * @public
                 * @function
                 * @param           {Rgb}      start                            Color model & values
                 * @param           {Rgb}      end                              Color model & values
                 * @param           {number}   progress                         Progress time unit; 0.00 - 1.00
                 * @param           {number}   stop                             Color stop to cycle
                 * @param           {number}   max                              Maximum number of steps between interpolation
                stop ( start, end, progress, stop, max )
                    this.stops [ stop ].color._cycle ( start, end, progress, max );

         * Utility draw functions
         * @function UTILITIES.individual.draw
             * Draws anchor point
             * @public
             * @function
            anchor ( color = new Rgb ( 255, 0, 0 ) )
                let _anchor = new Rectangle ( new Point ( this.x, this.y ), new Aspect ( 5, 5 ) );

                    _anchor.fill.color = color;

                    _anchor.canvas     = this.canvas;

                    _anchor.draw ( );

             * Draws an axis for the associated object
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
             * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
             * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
            axis ( offset = 20, color = new Rgb ( 245, 80, 50 ) )
                let _collections = [ 'Circles', 'Ellipses', 'Rectangles', 'RoundedRectangles', 'Texts' ];

                let _lines = new Lines;

                    _lines.push ( new Line, new Line );

                    _lines.stroke.color = color;

                    _lines.point        =;

                if ( _collections.includes ( ) )              // Fix offset issue(s)

                    [ _lines.point.x, _lines.point.y ] = [ _lines.point.x + this.aspect.offset.x, _lines.point.y + this.aspect.offset.y ];

                    _lines.canvas       = ( this instanceof Point ) ? this.options._master.canvas : this.canvas;

                    _lines [ 0 ].start  = new Point ( - offset, 0 );

                    _lines [ 0 ].end    = new Point (   offset, 0 );

                    _lines [ 1 ].start  = new Point ( 0, - offset );

                    _lines [ 1 ].end    = new Point ( 0,   offset );

                    _lines.draw ( );

             * Draws an axis for the associated object
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
             * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
            border ( aspect, color = new Rgb ( 245, 80, 50 ) )
                let _collections = [ 'Circles', 'Ellipses', 'Rectangles', 'RoundedRectangles', 'Texts' ];

                if ( this._isAspect ( aspect ) )
                    let _border = new Rectangle (, aspect );

                    if ( _collections.includes ( ) )          // Fix offset issue(s)

                        [ _border.x, _border.y ] = [ _border.x + this.aspect.offset.x, _border.y + this.aspect.offset.y ]

                        _border.stroke.color     = color;

                        _border.fill.color.alpha = 0;

                        _border.canvas           = ( this instanceof Point ) ? this.options._master.canvas : this.canvas;

                        _border.draw ( );

                    console.warn ( `"${value}" is not a valid aspect !` );

         * Utility misc functions
         * @function UTILITIES.individual.misc
             * Push or pops the passed object
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {Object} object                             Object; Circle, Rectangle, Text
            pushPop ( object )
                let _index = undefined;

                if ( object instanceof this.storageType )
                    if ( this._canvas != undefined )

                        object.canvas = this.canvas;

                    if ( this.length != 0 )
                        for ( let _id in this )

                            if ( this [ _id ] instanceof this.storageType )

                                if ( this [ _id ].isThere ( object ) )

                                    _index = _id;



                        ( _index != undefined )

                            ? this.splice ( _index, 1 )

                            : this.push   ( object );

                        this [ 0 ] = object;

                    console.warn ( `${} only accepts '${}' objects !`);

             * Move this object
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number}  degree                            Direction to move; in degrees
             * @param           {number}  distance                          Distance to move
            move ( degree, distance )
                let _point = this._rotatePoint ( { x: this.x, y: this.y }, degree, distance );

                [ this.x, this.y ] = [ _point.x, _point.y ];

             * Rotate this object
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} degree                             Distance to rotate; in degrees
            rotate ( value )
                if ( this._isDegree ( value ) )
                    let [ _x, _y ] = [ this.x, this.y ];

                ( );

                    this._canvas.translate ( _x, _y );

                    this._canvas.rotate    ( ( value * Math.PI / 180 ) / 45 );

                    // this._canvas.rotate    ( ( ( value % 360 ) * Math.PI / 180 ) / 22.5 );

                    this._canvas.translate ( -_x, -_y );

             * Rotates the origin point by the degree & distance passed
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {Point}  origin                             Origin point
             * @param           {number} degree                             Degree to rotate
             * @param           {number} distance                           Distance from origin
            rotatePoint ( origin = { x, y }, degree, distance )
                let _point = new Point;

                let _angle = ( degree % 360 );

                    _point.x = origin.x - Math.cos ( _angle * Math.PI / 180 ) * distance;

                    _point.y = origin.y - Math.sin ( _angle * Math.PI / 180 ) * distance;

                return _point;

             * Shows coordinates of this object
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of coordinates y origin
             * @param           {number} [fontSize=16]                      Coordinates font size
            showCoordinates ( offset = 10, fontSize = 16 )
                let _text  = new Text ( this.point, `( ${this.x}, ${this.y} )` );

                    _text.canvas         =  this.canvas;

                    _text.size           =  fontSize;

                    _text.options.shadow =  false;

                    _text.offset.y       =  ( offset / 2 );

                    _text.options.shadow = true;

                    _text.shadow.color   = new Rgb ( 255, 255, 255 );

                    _text.shadow.blur    = 1;

                    _text.shadow.x       = _text.shadow.y    = 1;

                    _text.draw ( );

         * Utility draw collection functions
         * @function UTILITIES.individual.set
             * Sets all option values throughout a collection
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {string}  property                          Option property
             * @param           {boolean} value                             True || False
            all ( property, value )
                let _ancestor = ( 'Collection', '' ).toLowerCase ( );

                this [ `_${property}` ] = value;                    // Set: parent element

                if ( this._master.length > 0 )

                    for ( let _item of this._master )

                        _item [ _ancestor ] [ property ] = value;   // Set: child elements

             * Sets anchor's point against this object's point location
             * @public
             * @function
             * @notes for Rectangle & cImage only
            anchorPoint ( )
                [ this._anchor.x, this._anchor.y ] = [ this.x, this.y ];

                switch ( this.anchor.align )
                    case 'center':       this.anchor.x -= this.width / 2;   this.anchor.y -= this.height / 2;  break;

                    case 'top':          this.anchor.x -= this.width / 2;   /*       ... do nothing        */  break;

                    case 'topRight':     this.anchor.x -= this.width;       /*       ... do nothing        */  break;

                    case 'right':        this.anchor.x -= this.width;       this.anchor.y -= this.height / 2;  break;

                    case 'bottomRight':  this.anchor.x -= this.width;       this.anchor.y -= this.height;      break;

                    case 'bottom':       this.anchor.x -= this.width / 2;   this.anchor.y -= this.height;      break;

                    case 'bottomLeft':   /*       ... do nothing       */   this.anchor.y -= this.height;      break;

                    case 'left':         /*       ... do nothing       */   this.anchor.y -= this.height / 2;  break;

                    case 'topLeft':      /*       ... do nothing       */   /*       ... do nothing        */  break;

             * Sets shadow properties
             * @public
             * @function
            shadow ( )
                this._canvas.shadowBlur    = this._shadow.blur;

                this._canvas.shadowOffsetX = this._shadow.x;

                this._canvas.shadowOffsetY = this._shadow.y;

                this._canvas.shadowColor   = this._shadow.color.toCss ( );

             * Sets fill type of the associated object
             * @public
             * @function
            fillType ( )
                 * Sets stops for gradient fill types
                 * @public
                 * @function
                 * @param           {Object}        gradient                    [description]
                 * @param           {Array.<Stops>} stops                       [description]
                function _setStops ( gradient, stops )
                    for ( let _stop of stops )

                        gradient.addColorStop ( _stop.offset, _stop.color.toCss ( ) );

                    return gradient;

                switch ( this.fill.type )
                    case 'solid':

                        this._canvas.fillStyle = this.fill.color.toCss ( );


                    case 'linear':

                        let _linear = this._canvas.createLinearGradient ( this.fill.gradient.start.x, this.fill.gradient.start.y, this.fill.gradient.end.x, this.fill.gradient.end.y );

                        this._canvas.fillStyle = _setStops ( _linear, this.fill.gradient.stops );


                    case 'radial':

                        let _radial = this._canvas.createRadialGradient ( this.fill.gradient.start.x, this.fill.gradient.start.y, this.fill.gradient.startRadius, this.fill.gradient.end.x, this.fill.gradient.end.y, this.fill.gradient.endRadius );

                        this._canvas.fillStyle = _setStops ( _radial, this.fill.gradient.stops );


                    case 'conic':

                        let _conic = this._canvas.createConicGradient ( this.fill.gradient.angle, this.fill.gradient.point.y, this.fill.gradient.point.x );

                        this._canvas.fillStyle = _setStops ( _conic, this.fill.gradient.stops );


                    case 'pattern':

                        this.fill._pattern.onload = ( ) =>
                                this._canvas.fillStyle = this._canvas.createPattern ( this.fill.pattern, this.fill.repetition );

                                this._canvas.fill ( );



     * Utilities for animation functions
     * @function UTILITIES.animation
         * End animation
         * @private
         * @function
        end ( )
            let _frame = requestAnimationFrame ( this.animate );

            cancelAnimationFrame ( _frame );


         * Returns an inverted angle; of 360 degrees
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} angle                              Angle to convert
         * @return          {number}                                    Inverted angle
        getInvertedAngle ( angle )
            return ( angle + 180 ) % 360;
 * Shared validation functions
 * @namespace       VALIDATION
     * Returns whether the passed value is a 256 color value; 0 - 255
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              256 color value; 0 - 255
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    is256 ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value >= 0 && value <= 255 ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is an Anchor alignment
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {string} value                              Anchor alignment
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isAnchor ( value )
        let _options = [ 'center', 'top', 'topRight', 'right', 'bottomRight', 'bottom', 'bottomLeft', 'left', 'topLeft' ];

        for ( let _option of _options ) if ( value === _option )  return true;

        return false;

     * Returns whether the passed value is an Angle or equivalent value
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Object|number} value                       Angle object or number value
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isAngle ( value )
        if ( value instanceof Angle ) return true;

        return ( ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value <= 360 ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is an Anchor alignment
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {string} value                              Anchor alignment
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isAlign ( value )
        let _options = [ 'center', 'top', 'topRight', 'right', 'bottomRight', 'bottom', 'bottomLeft', 'left', 'topLeft' ];

        for ( let _option of _options ) if ( value === _option )  return true;

        return false;

     * Returns whether the passed value is an alpha value; 0.00 - 1
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              Alpha value; 0.00 - 1
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isAlpha ( value )
        return (  ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value >= 0 && value <= 1  )  );

     * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isAspect ( value )
        if ( value instanceof Aspect ) return true;

        // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //

        let _length = ( Object.keys ( value ).length == 2 );

        let _width  = ( value.hasOwnProperty ( 'width'  ) ) ? ( typeof value.width  === 'number' ) : false;

        let _height = ( value.hasOwnProperty ( 'height' ) ) ? ( typeof value.height === 'number' ) : false;

        return ( _width && _height && _length );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a blur value
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              Blur value
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isBlur ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value >= 0 ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isCanvasLabObject ( value )
        let _clObjects = [ Group, Line, Lines, Circle, Circles, Ellipse, Ellipses, Rectangle, Rectangles, RoundedRectangle, Text, Texts ]

        for ( let _object of _clObjects )

            if ( value instanceof _object )

                return true;

        return false;

     * Returns whether the passed value is a CSS color name
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {string} value                              CSS color name
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isColorName ( value )
        let _colors =
            E: [ ],
            J: [ ],
            Q: [ ],
            U: [ ],
            X: [ ],
            Z: [ ]

        return _colors [ value [ 0 ].toUpperCase ( ) ].includes ( value );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a color model
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Object} value                              Color model or object equivalent
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isColorModel ( value )
        return ( value instanceof Rgb ) ? true : false;

     * Returns whether the passed value is a decimal value; 0.00 - 1
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              Decimal value; 0.00 - 1
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isDecimal ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value >= 0 && value <= 1  ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a degree
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              Degree
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isDegree ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value <= 360 ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a fill type
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {string} value                              Fill type
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isFillType ( value )
        return [ 'solid', 'linear', 'radial', 'conic', 'pattern' ].includes ( value );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a gradient object
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Object} value                              Gradient object
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isGradient ( value )
        if ( value instanceof Linear ) return true;

        if ( value instanceof Radial ) return true;

        if ( value instanceof Conic  ) return true;

        return false;

     * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {string} value                              Element id
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isInDom ( value )
        return ( document.getElementById ( value ) != null );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a Number value
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              Number value
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isNumber ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'number')  &&  !isNaN ( value ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isPoint ( value )
        if ( value instanceof Point ) return true;

        // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //

        let _length = ( Object.keys ( value ).length == 2 );

        let _x      = ( value.hasOwnProperty ( 'x' ) ) ? ( typeof value.x === 'number' ) : false;

        let _y      = ( value.hasOwnProperty ( 'y' ) ) ? ( typeof value.y === 'number' ) : false;

        return ( _length && _x && _y );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a Point & Aspect
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Object} value                              Object
     * @param           {Point}  value.point                        Point object
     * @param           {Aspect} value.aspect                       Aspect object
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isPointNAspect ( value )
        let _point  = undefined;

        let _aspect = undefined;

        if ( typeof value === 'object' )

            if ( ( Object.keys ( value ).length == 2 ) )
                _point  = ( value.hasOwnProperty ( 'point'  ) ) ? this._isPoint ( value.point )

                                                                : false;

                _aspect = ( value.hasOwnProperty ( 'aspect' ) ) ? this._isAspect ( value.aspect )

                                                                : false;

        return ( _point  &&  _aspect );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a radian; 0 - 6.28...
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              Radian value; 0 - 6.28...
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isRadian ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value >= 0 && value <= 6.283185307179586 ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a radius value
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              Radius value
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isRadius ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value > 0 ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a repetition value
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {string} value                              Repetition value
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isRepetition ( value )
        return [ 'repeat', 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y', 'no-repeat' ].includes ( value );

     * Returns whether the passed value is an Array of segment values
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Array.<number>} value                      Array of segment values
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isSegments ( value )
        function isArrayNumeric ( value )
            let _result = undefined;

            for ( let _element of value )
                _result = ( typeof _element != 'number' ) ? false : true;

                if ( _result == false ) break;

            return _result;

        return ( Array.isArray ( value ) ) ? isArrayNumeric ( value ) : false;

     * Returns whether the passed value is a Stop or object equivalent
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Object} value                              Stop or object equivalent
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isStop ( value )
        if ( value instanceof Stop ) return true;

        // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //

        let _object = ( typeof value === 'object'  &&  ! Array.isArray ( value ) );

        let _offset = ( value.hasOwnProperty ( 'offset' ) ) ? VALIDATION.isNumber     ( value.offset ) : false;

        let _color  = ( value.hasOwnProperty ( 'color'  ) ) ? VALIDATION.isColorModel ( value.color  ) : false;

        return ( _object && _offset && _color );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a stroke type
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {string} value                              Stroke type
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isStrokeType ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'string' )  &&  [ 'solid', 'dashed' ].includes ( value ) );

     * Returns whether the passed value is a Template
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {Template} value                            Template object
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isTemplate ( value )
         * Returns classes functions
         * @private
         * @memberof VALIDATION
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} object                             Template object
         * @return          {Array}                                     Array of functions
        function _getClassFunctions ( object )
            let _results = new Array;

            let _object  = object;

                _results.push ( ... Object.getOwnPropertyNames ( _object ) );
            while ( _object = Object.getPrototypeOf ( _object ) );

                _results = _results.sort ( ).filter ( ( element, i, array ) =>
                               if ( element != array [ i + 1 ] && typeof object [ element ] == 'function' )

                                    return true;
                           } );

            return _results;

        if ( value != undefined )
            let _instance  = eval ( `new ${};` );

            let _functions = _getClassFunctions ( value );

            let _point  = ( Object.hasOwn ( _instance, '_point'  ) );

            let _master = ( Object.hasOwn ( _instance, '_master' ) );

            let _init   = _functions.includes ( 'init' );

            return ( _point && _master && _init );

            return false;

     * Returns whether the passed value is a width value
     * @public
     * @memberof VALIDATION
     * @function
     * @param           {number} value                              Width value
     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
    isWidth ( value )
        return ( ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  ( value >= 0 ) );

////    CANVASLAB    ///////////////////////////////////////
 * @class           {Object} canvasLab                          CanvasLab core application
 * @property        {Object} canvas                             Main canvas context
 * @property        {Array}  canvases                           Array of all canvas contexts
 * @property        {string} font                               Main font type
class canvasLab
    _canvas   = undefined;
    _canvases = undefined;
    _font     = undefined;

    #application = new Application;

     * Create a canvasLab object
     * @property        {string} canvasId                           Canvas identifier
    constructor ( canvas )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isInDom = VALIDATION.isInDom;

        this._init ( );

        this.canvas = canvas;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas identifier
        set canvas ( value )
            this._canvas = ( this._isInDom ( value ) ) ? document.getElementById ( value ).getContext ( '2d' )

                                                       : this._canvas;

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas identifier
         * @see             {@link discrete.canvas}
        get canvas ( )

    ////    [ CANVASES ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvasId                           Canvas identifier
        set canvases ( canvasId )
            let _canvas = ( this._isInDom ( canvasId ) ) ? document.getElementById ( canvasId ).getContext ( '2d' )

                                                         : undefined;

            if ( this._canvases == undefined )

                this._canvases = new Array;

            if ( _canvas != undefined )

                this._canvases.push ( _canvas );

         * Set canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Array}                                     Array of canvas contexts
        get canvases ( )
            return this._canvases;

    ////    [ FONT ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set main font type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} font                               Main font type
        set font ( value )
            this._font = ( typeof value === 'string' ) ? value : this._font;

         * Get main font type
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string} font                               Main font type
        get font ( )
            return this._canvas.font;

    ////    [ APPLICATION ]    /////////////////////////////

         * Returns this application
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Application}                               Canvas Lab application
        get application ( )
            return this.#application;

    ////    DOM    /////////////////////////////////////////

         * Get dom details
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    DOM details
        get dom ( )
            return this.#application.dom;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom  ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns the center X & Y coordinates of the present canvas
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center X & Y coordinates
        get center ( )
            return new Point (

                           this._canvas.canvas.clientWidth  / 2,                // X coordinate

                           this._canvas.canvas.clientHeight / 2                 // Y coordinate

         * Clears canvas
         * @private
         * @function
        clearCanvas ( )
            let _canvas = document.getElementById ( this.canvas );

            if ( _canvas )  // @TODO: identify why this check has to take place periodically !

                this._canvas.clearRect ( 0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height );

         * Animate the transition passed
         * @property        {Transition} transition                     Transition animation
        animate ( transition = { object, timing, period, change } )
            if ( transition )

                this.#application.animation = transition;

    ////    INITIALIZE  ////////////////////////////////////

         * CanvasLab initializer
         * @private
         * @function
        _init ( )
            let _canvases = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'canvas' );

            if ( typeof _canvases === 'object' && this._canvases === undefined )

                for ( let _id in _canvases )

                    if ( _id == 0 )

                        this.canvas   = _canvases [ _id ].id;


                        this.canvases = _canvases [ _id ].id;

////    SUBJECTS    ////////////////////////////////////////
 * @class           {Object} Rgb 								RGB color model
 * @property        {number} [red=0] 							Red value; 0 - 255
 * @property        {number} [green=0] 							Green value; 0 - 255
 * @property        {number} [blue=0] 							Blue value; 0 - 255
 * @property        {number} [alpha=1] 							Alpha value; 0 - 1 (decimal)
class Rgb
	_red   = 0;
	_green = 0;
	_blue  = 0;
	_alpha = 1;

	 * Create an RGB color model
	 * @param 			{number} red                               	Red value
	 * @param 			{number} green                             	Green value
	 * @param 			{number} blue 								Blue value
	 * @param 			{number} alpha 								Alpha value
	constructor ( red, green, blue, alpha )
		////    COMPOSITION    /////////////////////////////

			this._is256 = VALIDATION.is256;

			Object.defineProperty ( this, 'alpha', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.alpha );   = red; = green;  = blue;
		this.alpha = ( alpha === undefined ) ? 1 : alpha;

	////    [ RED ]    /////////////////////////////////////

		 * Sets the red value
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param           {number} red                        		Red value; 0 - 255
		set red ( value )
			this._red = this._is256 ( value ) ? Math.round ( value ) : this._red;

		 * Gets the red value
		 * @readOnly
		 * @function
		 * @return 			{number}									Red value; 0 - 255
		get red ( )
			return this._red;

	////    [ GREEN ]    ///////////////////////////////////

		 * Sets the green value
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param 			{number} green 								Green value; 0 - 255
		set green ( value )
			this._green = this._is256 ( value ) ? Math.round ( value ) : this._green;

		 * Gets the green value
		 * @readOnly
		 * @function
		 * @return 			{number} 									Green value; 0 - 255
		get green ( )
			return this._green;

	////    [ BLUE ]    ////////////////////////////////////

		 * Sets the blue value
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param 			{number} blue 								Blue value; 0 - 255
		set blue ( value )
			this._blue = this._is256 ( value ) ? Math.round ( value ) : this._blue;

		 * Gets the blue value
		 * @readOnly
		 * @function
		 * @return 			{number} 									Blue value; 0 - 255
		get blue ( )
			return this._blue;

	////    [ ALPHA ]    ///////////////////////////////////

		 * Set alpha value
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param  			{number} value 								Alpha value; 0 - 1
		 * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.alpha}
		set alpha ( value ) { }

		 * Set alpha value
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @return  		{number} 									Alpha value; 0 - 1
		 * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.alpha}
		get alpha ( ) { }

	////    [ VALIDATION ]    //////////////////////////////

	     * Returns whether the passed value is a 256 color value; 0 - 255
	     * @private
	     * @function
	     * @param           {number} value 								256 color value; 0 - 255
	     * @return          {boolean} 									True || False
	     * @see             {@link VALIDATION.is256}
		_is256 ( ) { }

	////    [ UTILITIES ]    ///////////////////////////////

		 * Linear interpolation color transitions
		 * @private
		 * @function
		 * @param  			{Object} start 								Color model & values
		 * @param  			{Object} end 								Color model & values
		 * @param 			{number} progress 							Progress time unit; 0.00 - 1.00
		 * @param 			{number} max 								Maximum number of steps between interpolation
		_lerp ( start, end, progress, max )
			return Math.round ( start + ( end - start ) * progress / max );

		 * Linear interpolation of Rgb values
		 * @private
		 * @function
		 * @param  			{Object} start 								Color model & values
		 * @param  			{Object} end 								Color model & values
		 * @param 			{number} progress 							Progress time unit; 0.00 - 1.00
		 * @param 			{number} max 								Maximum number of steps between interpolation
		_lerpRgb ( start, end, progress, max )
	    	this._red   = this._lerp (,,   progress, max );

	    	this._green = this._lerp (,, progress, max );

	    	this._blue  = this._lerp (,,  progress, max );

		 * Color cycling
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param  			{Rgb}    start								Color model & values
		 * @param  			{Rgb}    end 								Color model & values
		 * @param 			{number} progress 							Progress time unit; 0.00 - 1.00
		 * @param 			{number} max 								Maximum number of steps between interpolation
		cycle ( start, end, progress, max )
	    	this._lerpRgb ( start, end, progress, max );

		 * Returns a CSS compatible <color> string value
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @return 			{string} 									CSS <color> string
		toCss ( )
			return `rgb(${} ${} ${} / ${this.alpha * 100}%)`;
 * @class           {Object}  Options                           Options for collections
 * @property        {boolean} [anchor=false]                    Show anchor
 * @property        {boolean} [axis=false]                      Show axis
 * @property        {boolean} [border=false]                    Show border
 * @property        {boolean} [coordinates=false]               Show coordinates
 * @property        {boolean} [controlPoints=false]             Show control points
 * @property        {boolean} [points=false]                    Show points
 * @property        {boolean} [shadow=false]                    Show shadow
 * @property        {Object}  master                            Master object
class Options
    _anchor        = false;
    _axis          = false;
    _border        = false;
    _coordinates   = false;
    _controlPoints = false;
    _points        = false;
    _shadow        = false;

    _master = undefined;

     * Create an options object
     * @param           {boolean} anchor                            Show anchor
     * @param           {boolean} axis                              Show axis
     * @param           {boolean} border                            Show border
     * @param           {boolean} coordinates                       Show coordinates
     * @param           {boolean} controlPoints                     Show control points
     * @param           {boolean} points                            Show points
     * @param           {boolean} shadow                            Show shadow
    constructor ( anchor, axis, border, coordinates, controlPoints, points, shadow )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'master', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master );

        this.axis          = axis;
        this.anchor        = anchor;
        this.border        = border;
        this.coordinates   = coordinates;
        this.controlPoints = controlPoints;
        this.points        = points;
        this.shadow        = shadow;

    ////    [ ANCHOR ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set anchor value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Anchor; true | false
        set anchor ( value )
            this._anchor = ( typeof value == 'boolean' ) ? value : this._anchor;

         * Get anchor value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Anchor; true | false
        get anchor ( )
            return this._anchor;

    ////    [ AXIS ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Axis; true | false
        set axis ( value )
            this._axis = ( typeof value === 'boolean' ) ? value : this._axis;

         * Get axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Axis; true | false
        get axis ( )
            return this._axis;

    ////    [ BORDER ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set border value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Border; true | false
        set border ( value )
            this._border = ( typeof value === 'boolean' ) ? value : this._border;

         * Get border value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Border; true | false
        get border ( )
            return this._border;

    ////    [ COORDINATES ]     ////////////////////////////

         * Set coordinates value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Coordinates; true | false
        set coordinates ( value )
            this._coordinates = ( typeof value === 'boolean' ) ? value : this._coordinates;

         * Get coordinates value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Coordinates; true | false
        get coordinates ( )
            return this._coordinates;

    ////    [ CONTROL POINTS ]  ////////////////////////////

         * Set control points value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Control points; true | false
        set controlPoints ( value )
            this._controlPoints = ( typeof value === 'boolean' ) ? value : this._controlPoints;

         * Get control points value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Control points; true | false
        get controlPoints ( )
            return this._controlPoints;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set shadow value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Shadow; true | false
        set shadow ( value )
            this._shadow = ( typeof value === 'boolean' ) ? value : this._shadow;

         * Get shadow value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Shadow; true | false
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ MASTER ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set master object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} value                            Canvas Lab object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master}
        set master ( value ) { }

         * Get master object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Master Canvas Lab object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master}
        get master ( ) { }

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject}
        _isCanvasLabObject ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object} Anchor                             Anchor object
 * @property        {Point}  point                              X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {string} align                              Anchor alignment
class Anchor
	_point = new Point;

	_align = 'center';

	constructor ( )
		//// 	COMPOSITION 	////////////////////////////

			this._isAlign = VALIDATION.isAlign;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

	////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} point                               X & Y axis coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y axis coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ TYPE ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set anchor alignment
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Anchor alignment
        set align ( value )
            this._align = ( this._isAlign ( value ) ) ? value : this._align;

         * Get anchor alignment
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Anchor alignment
        get align ( )
            return this._align;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Anchor alignment
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Anchor alignment
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAnchor}
        _isAnchor ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}  Angle                             Angle properties of associated object
 * @property        {number}  [start=0]                         The start of the angle, in radians; measured from the positive x-axis
 * @property        {number}  [end=360]                         The end of the angle, in radians; measured from the positive x-axis
 * @property        {boolean} [clockwise=true]                  Path arc clockwise
class Angle
    _start     = 0;
    _end       = 360;
    _clockwise = true;

     * Create an angle
     * @param           {number}  start                             The angle at which the arc starts in degrees, measured from the positive x-axis
     * @param           {number}  end                               The angle at which the arc ends in degrees, measured from the positive x-axis
     * @param           {boolean} clockwise                         Draws the arc clockwise between the start and end angles
    constructor ( start, end, clockwise )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isDegree = VALIDATION.isDegree;
            this._isRadian = VALIDATION.isRadian;

        this.start     = start;
        this.end       = end;
        this.clockwise = clockwise;

    ////    [ START ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set start angle
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Start angle; in degrees
        set start ( value )
            this._start = ( this._isDegree ( value ) ) ? value : this._start;

         * Get start angle
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Start value; in degrees
        get start ( )
            return this._start;

    ////    [ END ]     ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set end angle
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              End angle; in degrees
        set end ( value )
            this._end = ( this._isDegree ( value ) ) ? value : this._end;

         * Get end angle
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    End angle; in degrees
        get end ( )
            return this._end;

    ////    [ CLOCKWISE ]   ////////////////////////////////

         * Set clockwise
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Clockwise; true | false
        set clockwise ( value )
            this._clockwise = ( typeof value === 'boolean' ) ? value : this._clockwise;

         * Get clockwise
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Clockwise; true | false
        get clockwise ( )
            return this._clockwise;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a degree
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Degree
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isDegree}
        _isDegree ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a radian; 0 - 6.28...
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Radian value; 0 - 6.28...
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isRadian}
        _isRadian ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Convert radian to degree
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Radian
         * @return          {number}                                    Conversion in degrees
        _convert2Degree ( value )
            return ( this._isRadian ) ? ( value / ( Math.PI / 180 ) ) : console.warn ( `${value} is not a radian value !` );

         * Convert degree to radian
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Degree
         * @return          {number}                                    Conversion in radians
        _convert2Radian ( value )
            return ( this._isDegree ) ? ( value * ( Math.PI / 180 ) ) : console.warn ( `${value} is not a degree value !` );

         * Get start angle in radians
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Start value; to radians
        get startInRadians ( )
            return this._convert2Radian ( this.start );

         * Get end angle in radians
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    End value; in radians
        get endInRadians ( )
            return this._convert2Radian ( this.end );
 * @class           {Object} Aspect                             Aspect dimensions of associated object
 * @property        {number} [width=0]                          Width
 * @property        {number} [height=0]                         Height
class Aspect
    _width  = 0;
    _height = 0;

    #offset = new Point;

     * Create an aspect
     * @param           {number} width                              Width of aspect
     * @param           {number} height                             Height of aspect
    constructor ( width, height )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isPoint = VALIDATION.isPoint;

        this.width  = width;
        this.height = height;

    ////    [ WIDTH ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set width
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Width value
        set width ( value )
            this._width = ( typeof value === 'number' && value > 0 ) ? value : this._width;

         * Get width
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Width value
        get width ( )
            return this._width;

    ////    [ HEIGHT ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set height
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Height value
        set height ( value )
            this._height = ( typeof value === 'number' && value > 0 ) ? value : this._height;

         * Get height
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Height value
        get height ( )
            return this._height;

    ////    [ OFFSET ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get offset
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Aspect offset
        get offset ( )
            return this.#offset;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get center of aspect
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return              {Point}                                 Center point of this aspect
        get center ( )
            let _point = new Point ( this.widthCenter, this.heightCenter );

            return _point;

         * Get center of height
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Center of height
        get heightCenter ( )
            return this.height / 2;

         * Get center of width
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Center of with
        get widthCenter ( )
            return this.width / 2;
 * @class           {Object} ControlPoints                      Defines the shape of a bezier curve
 * @property        {number} p0                                 Control point one
 * @property        {number} p1                                 Control point two
 * @property        {number} p2                                 Control point three
 * @property        {number} p3                                 Control point four
class ControlPoints
    _p0 = 0;
    _p1 = 0;
    _p2 = 0;
    _p3 = 0;

     * Create control points
     * @param           {number} p0                                 Control point one
     * @param           {number} p1                                 Control point two
     * @param           {number} p2                                 Control point three
     * @param           {number} p3                                 Control point four
    constructor ( p0, p1, p2, p3 )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isNumber = VALIDATION.isNumber;

        this.p0 = p0;
        this.p1 = p1;
        this.p2 = p2;
        this.p3 = p3;

    ////    [ ONE ]     ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Set control point one
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Control point one
        set p0 ( value )
            this._p0 = ( this._isNumber ( value ) ) ? value : this._p0;

         * Get control point one
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Control point one
        get p0 ( )
            return this._p0;

    ////    [ TWO ]     ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Set control point one
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Control point two
        set p1 ( value )
            this._p1 = ( this._isNumber ( value ) ) ? value : this._p1;

         * Get control point one
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Control point two
        get p1 ( )
            return this._p1;

    ////    [ THREE ]     //////////////////////////////////////

         * Set control point one
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Control point three
        set p2 ( value )
            this._p2 = ( this._isNumber ( value ) ) ? value : this._p2;

         * Get control point one
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Control point three
        get p2 ( )
            return this._p2;

    ////    [ FOUR ]     ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Set control point one
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Control point four
        set p3 ( value )
            this._p3 = ( this._isNumber ( value ) ) ? value : this._p3;

         * Get control point one
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Control point four
        get p3 ( )
            return this._p3;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Number value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Number value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isNumber}
        _isNumber ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object} Font                               Font base class for text objects
 * @property        {string} type                               Font type or face; typography name
 * @property        {number} [size=24]                          Size of font; in pixels
 * @property        {string} [weight='normal']                  Weight of font
 * @property        {number} maxWidth                           Font's maximum width
 * @property        {Point}  offset                             Point offset coordinates
class Font
    _type     = undefined;
    _size     = 24;
    _weight   = 'normal';
    _maxWidth = undefined;
    _offset   = new Point;

    #_options = {  weight: [ 'normal', 'bold', 'italic' ]  }

    ////    [ TYPE ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set font type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Type face; typography name
        set type ( value )
            this._type = ( typeof value === 'string' ) ? value : this._type;

            if ( value === undefined )

                if ( window.canvaslab instanceof canvasLab )
                    let _regex = /(\w+(\s))?(?<size>\d+)px\s(?<type>\w.+)/;

                    let _font  = canvaslab.font;

                    this._type = ( _regex.test ( _font ) )

                                     ? _regex.exec ( _font ).groups [ 'type' ]

                                     : this._type;

                    console.warn ( 'canvaslab is not instantiated !' );

         * Get type
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Type face; typography name
        get type ( )
            return this._type;

    ////    [ SIZE ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set font size
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Font size
        set size ( value )
            this._size = ( typeof value === 'number'  ) ? value : this._size;

         * Get font size
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Font size
        get size ( )
            return this._size;

    ////    [ WEIGHT ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set font weight
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Font weight
        set weight ( value )
            let _currentValue = this._weight;

            for ( let _option of this.#_options.weight )
                this._weight = ( value == _option ) ? value : this._weight;

                if ( this._weight != _currentValue ) break;

         * Get font weight
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Font weight
        get weight ( )
            return this._weight;

    ////    [ MAXWIDTH ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Set font's max width
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Max width
        set maxWidth ( value )
            this._maxWidth = ( typeof value === 'number' ) ? value : this._maxWidth;

         * Get font's max width
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Max width
        get maxWidth ( )
            return this._maxWidth;

    ////    [ OFFSET ]   ///////////////////////////////////

         * Get font's offset
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Font's offset; ( x, y )
        get offset ( )
            return this._offset;

    ////    & EXTEND &   ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set font
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              CSS style font property syntax
        set font ( value )
            this.font = ( /(\w+(-\w+?)?|[1-9][0][0]?)(\s?)\d{1,3}px\s\w.+/.test ( value ) ) ? value : this.font;

         * Get font
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    CSS style font property syntax
        get font ( )
            return `${this._weight} ${this._size}px ${this._type}`;
 * @class           {Object}  Point                             X & Y coordinates for an object
 * @property        {number}  [x=0]                             X - x-axis coordinate
 * @property        {number}  [y=0]                             Y - y-axis coordinate
 * @property        {Options} options                           Ancillary properties
class Point
    _x = 0;
    _y = 0;

    _canvas = undefined;

    #_options = new Options;

     * Create a point
     * @param           {number} x                                  X coordinate value
     * @param           {number} y                                  Y coordinate value
    constructor ( x, y )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isAspect = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isInDom  = VALIDATION.isInDom;

            this._drawAxis    = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder  = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._rotatePoint = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas );

            delete this.#_options._shadow;
            delete this.#_options._border;

        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    ////    [ X ]   ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
        set x ( value )
            this._x = (  ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  !isNaN ( value )  ) ? value : this._x;

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
        get x ( )
            return this._x;

    ////    [ Y ]   ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Set the y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
        set y ( value )
            this._y = (  ( typeof value === 'number' )  &&  !isNaN ( value )  ) ? value : this._y;

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
        get y ( )
            return this._y;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                     Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Options}                                   Options object
        get options ( )
            return this.#_options;

    ////    & EXTEND &  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
        get center ( )
            return new Point ( this.x, this.y );

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom  ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder ( ) { }

         * Rotates the origin point by the degree & distance passed
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Point}  origin                             Origin point
         * @param           {number} degree                             Degree to rotate
         * @param           {number} distance                           Distance from origin
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint}
        _rotatePoint ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of drawable options
        drawOptions ( offset = 20 )
            let _aspect = new Aspect ( offset, offset );


            this._drawBorder ( _aspect );

            this._drawAxis   ( );

         * Invert x & y coordinate values
         * @public
         * @function
        invert ( )
            let _y = this.y;

            [ this.y, this.x ] = [ this.x, _y ];

         * Move this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number}  degree                            Direction to move; in degrees
         * @param           {number}  distance                          Distance to move
        move ( degree, distance )
            let _point = this._rotatePoint ( { x: this.x, y: this.y }, degree, distance );

            [ this.x, this.y ] = [ _point.x, _point.y ];
 * @class           {Object} Stop                               Color stop properties for associated array(s)
 * @property        {string} [color=<Rgb>]                      Color model & value
 * @property        {number} offset                             Representation of the color stop position; 0 = start, & 1 = end
class Stop
    _color  = new Rgb;
    _offset = undefined;

     * Create a color stop
     * @property        {string} color                             CSS color value
     * @property        {number} offset                            Representation of the color stop position
    constructor ( color, offset )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isColorModel = VALIDATION.isColorModel;
            this._isDecimal    = VALIDATION.isDecimal;

        this.color  = color;
        this.offset = offset;

    ////    [ COLOR ]     //////////////////////////////////

         * Set color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model; Rgb, Hsl, Hwb
        set color ( value )
            this._color = ( this._isColorModel ( value ) ) ? value : this._color;

         * Get color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Color model; Rgb, Hsl, Hwb
        get color ( )
            return this._color;

    ////    [ OFFSET ]   ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set offset value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Offset value
        set offset ( value )
            this._offset = ( this._isDecimal ( value ) ) ? value : this._offset;

         * Get offset value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Offset value
        get offset ( )
            return this._offset;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a color model
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isColorModel}
        _isColorModel ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a decimal value; 0.00 - 1
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Decimal value; 0.00 - 1
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isDecimal}
        _isDecimal ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}       Conic                        Conic gradient object type and properties
 * @property        {Point}        point                        X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {number}       angle                        Angle in radians
 * @property        {Array.<Stop>} stops                        Array of color stops
class Conic
    _point = new Point;
    _angle = 0;
    _stops = new Array;

     * Create a Conic gradient object type
     * @property        {number}       angle                        Angle in radians
     * @property        {Point}        point                        Starting point of linear gradient
     * @property        {Array.<Stop>} stops                        Array of color stops
    constructor ( angle, point, stops )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isPoint  = VALIDATION.isPoint;
            this._isRadian = VALIDATION.isRadian;
            this._isStop   = VALIDATION.isStop;

            this._stopColorCycle = UTILITIES.individual.color.cycle.stop;

        this.point = point;
        this.angle = angle;
        this.stops = stops;

    ////    [ ANGLE ]     //////////////////////////////////

         * Set angle property
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Angle} value                               Angle object
        set angle ( value )
            this._angle = ( this._isRadian ( value ) ) ? value : this._angle;

         * Set angle property
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Angle}                                     Angle object
        get angle ( )
            return this._angle;

    ////    [ START ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Point
        set point ( value )
            this._point = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._point;

         * Get point
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Point
        get point ( )
            return this._point;

    ////    [ STOPS ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set color stops
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array.<Stop>} values                       Color stops
        set stops ( value )
            if ( Array.isArray ( value ) )

                for ( let _stop of value )

                    if ( this._isStop ( _stop ) )

                        this._stops.push ( _stop );

                console.warn ( '[ ERROR ]: value is not of type Array !' );

         * Get color stops
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Array.<Stop>}                              Color stops
        get stops ( )
            return this._stops;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a radian; 0 - 6.28...
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Radian value; 0 - 6.28...
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isRadian}
        _isRadian ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Stop or object equivalent
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Stop or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isStop}
        _isStop   ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Cycle colors for gradient stop(s)
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object}   start                            Color model & values
         * @param           {Object}   end                              Color model & values
         * @param           {number}   progress                         Progress time unit; 0.00 - 1.00
         * @param           {number}   stop                             Color stop to cycle
         * @param           {number}   max                              Maximum number of steps between interpolation
         * @param           {function} clear                            Clear callback from root object
         * @param           {function} draw                             Draw callback from root object
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.color.cycle.stop}
        _stopColorCycle ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}       Linear                       Linear gradient object type and properties
 * @property        {Point}        start                        Start X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Point}        end                          End X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Array.<Stop>} stops                        Array of color stops
class Linear
    _start = new Point;
    _end   = new Point;
    _stops = new Array;

     * Create a Linear gradient object type
     * @property        {Point}        start                        Starting point of linear gradient
     * @property        {Point}        end                          Ending point of linear gradient
     * @property        {Array.<Stop>} stops                        Array of color stops
    constructor ( start, end, stops )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isColorModel = VALIDATION.isColorModel;
            this._isPoint      = VALIDATION.isPoint;
            this._isStop       = VALIDATION.isStop;

            this._stopColorCycle = UTILITIES.individual.color.cycle.stop;

        this.start = start;
        this.end   = end;
        this.stops = stops;

    ////    [ START ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set starting point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Starting point
        set start ( value )
            this._start = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._start;

         * Set starting point
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Starting point
        get start ( )
            return this._start;

    ////    [ END ]     ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set ending point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Ending point
        set end ( value )
            this._end = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._end;

         * Set ending point
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Ending point
        get end ( )
            return this._end;

    ////    [ STOPS ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set color stops
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array.<Stop>} values                       Color stops
        set stops ( value )
            if ( Array.isArray ( value ) )

                for ( let _stop of value )

                    if ( this._isStop ( _stop ) )

                        this._stops.push ( _stop );

                console.warn ( '[ ERROR ]: value is not of type Array !' );

         * Get color stops
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Array.<Stop>}                              Color stops
        get stops ( )
            return this._stops;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a color model
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isColorModel}
        _isColorModel ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Stop or object equivalent
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Stop or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isStop}
        _isStop   ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Cycle colors for gradient stop(s)
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object}   start                            Color model & values
         * @param           {Object}   end                              Color model & values
         * @param           {number}   progress                         Progress time unit; 0.00 - 1.00
         * @param           {number}   stop                             Color stop to cycle
         * @param           {number}   max                              Maximum number of steps between interpolation
         * @param           {function} clear                            Clear callback from root object
         * @param           {function} draw                             Draw callback from root object
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.color.cycle.stop}
        stopColorCycle ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}       Radial                       Radial gradient object type and properties
 * @property        {Point}        start                        Start X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Number}       startRadius                  Starting radius of linear gradient
 * @property        {Point}        end                          End X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Number}       endRadius                    Ending radius of linear gradient gradient
 * @property        {Array.<Stop>} stops                        Array of color stops
class Radial
    _start       = new Point;
    _startRadius = 0;

    _end         = new Point;
    _endRadius   = 0;

    _stops       = new Array;

     * Create a Radial gradient object type and properties
     * @property        {Point}        start                        Starting point of linear gradient
     * @property        {Number}       startRadius                  Starting radius of linear gradient gradient
     * @property        {Point}        end                          Ending point of linear gradient
     * @property        {Number}       endRadius                    Ending radius of linear gradient gradient
     * @property        {Array.<Stop>} stops                        Array of color stops
    constructor ( start, startRadius, end, endRadius, stops )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isPoint      = VALIDATION.isPoint;
            this._isStop       = VALIDATION.isStop;
            this._isColorModel = VALIDATION.isColorModel;
            this._isRadius     = VALIDATION.isRadius;

            this._stopColorCycle = UTILITIES.individual.color.cycle.stop;

        this.start       = start;
        this.startRadius = startRadius;

        this.end         = end;
        this.endRadius   = endRadius;

        this.stops       = stops;

    ////    [ START ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set starting point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Starting point
        set start ( value )
            this._start = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._start;

         * Set starting point
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Starting point
        get start ( )
            return this._start;

    ////    [ START RADIUS ]     ///////////////////////////

         * Set starting radius
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Number} value                              Starting radius
        set startRadius ( value )
            this._startRadius = ( this._isRadius ( value ) ) ? value : this._startRadius;

         * Set starting radius
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Number}                                    Starting radius
        get startRadius ( )
            return this._startRadius;

    ////    [ END ]     ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set ending point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Ending point
        set end ( value )
            this._end = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._end;

         * Set ending point
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Ending point
        get end ( )
            return this._end;

    ////    [ END RADIUS ]     /////////////////////////////

         * Set ending radius
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Number} value                              Ending radius
        set endRadius ( value )
            this._endRadius = ( this._isRadius ( value ) ) ? value : this._endRadius;

         * Set ending radius
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Number}                                    Ending radius
        get endRadius ( )
            return this._endRadius;

    ////    [ STOPS ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set color stops
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array.<Stop>} value                        Color stops
        set stops ( value )
            if ( Array.isArray ( value ) )

                for ( let _stop of value )

                    if ( this._isStop ( _stop ) )

                        this._stops.push ( _stop );

                console.warn ( '[ ERROR ]: value is not of type Array !' );

         * Get color stops
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Array.<Stop>}                              Color stops
        get stops ( )
            return this._stops;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a color model
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isColorModel}
        _isColorModel ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a radius value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Radius value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isRadius}
        _isRadius ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Stop or object equivalent
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Stop or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isStop}
        _isStop   ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Cycle colors for gradient stop(s)
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object}   start                            Color model & values
         * @param           {Object}   end                              Color model & values
         * @param           {number}   progress                         Progress time unit; 0.00 - 1.00
         * @param           {number}   stop                             Color stop to cycle
         * @param           {number}   max                              Maximum number of steps between interpolation
         * @param           {function} clear                            Clear callback from root object
         * @param           {function} draw                             Draw callback from root object
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.color.cycle.stop}
        _stopColorCycle ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}  Fill                              Fill container for various fill types
 * @property        {Object}  [color=<Rgb>]                     Color model & value
 * @property        {string}  [type='solid']                    Fill type; solid | linear | radial | conic | pattern
 * @property        {Object}  gradient                          Gradient object; Linear | Radial | Conic
 * @property        {Pattern} pattern                           Pattern fill object
class Fill
    _color      = new Rgb ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    _type       = 'solid';
    _gradient   = undefined;
    _pattern    = undefined;
    _repetition = 'repeat';

     * Create a fill type
     * @param           {Object} [color=<Rgb>]                      Color model & value
     * @param           {string} [type='solid']                     Fill type
     * @param           {Object} gradient                           Gradient object
    constructor ( color, type, gradient )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isColorModel = VALIDATION.isColorModel;
            this._isGradient   = VALIDATION.isGradient;
            this._isFillType   = VALIDATION.isFillType;
            this._isRepetition = VALIDATION.isRepetition;

        this.color    = color;
        this.type     = type;
        this.gradient = gradient;

    ////    [ COLOR ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set color type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model; Rgb
        set color ( value )
            this._color = this._isColorModel ( value ) ? value : this._color;

         * Get color type
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Color model; Rgb
        get color ( )
            return this._color;

    ////    [ TYPE ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set type value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Fill type value
        set type ( value )
            this._type = ( this._isFillType ( value ) ) ? value : this._type;

         * Get type value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Fill type value
        get type ( )
            return this._type;

    ////    [ GRADIENT ]   /////////////////////////////////

         * Set gradient gradient properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Gradient object & properties
        set gradient ( value )
            this._gradient = ( this._isGradient ( value ) ) ? value : this._gradient;

            this._type     = ( this._isGradient ( value ) ) ? ( ) : this._type;

         * Get gradient gradient properties
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Gradient object & properties
        get gradient ( )
            return this._gradient;

    ////    [ PATTERN ]   //////////////////////////////////

         * Sets pattern property value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Path of image to pattern
        set pattern ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'string' )
                let _image = new Image;

                    _image.src = value;

                this._pattern = _image;

                this.type     = 'pattern';

         * Gets pattern property value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Pattern}                                   Pattern fill object
        get pattern ( )
            return this._pattern;

    ////    [ REPITION ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Sets repetition property value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Repetition property value
        set repetition ( value )
            this._repetition = ( this._isRepetition ( value ) ) ? value : this._repetition;

         * Gets repetition property value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Repetition property value
        get repetition ( )
            return this._repetition;

    ////    VALIDATION    //////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a color model
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isColorModel}
        _isColorModel ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a gradient object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Gradient object
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isGradient}
        _isGradient ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a fill type
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Fill type
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isFillType}
        _isFillType ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a repetition value
         * @public
         * @memberof VALIDATION
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Repetition value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isRepetition}
        _isRepetition ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object} Shadow                             Shadow of associated object
 * @property        {Object} [color=<Rgb>]                      RGB color value; r, g, b
 * @property        {number} [blur=3]                           Blur strength
 * @property        {Point}  offset                             Point offset coordinates
class Shadow
    _color  = new Rgb;
    _blur   = 3;
    _offset = new Point;

     * Create a shadow
     * @param           {Object} color                              RGB color value
     * @param           {number} blur                               Shadow blur value
     * @param           {Point}  offset                             Shadow offset
    constructor ( color, blur, offset = { x: undefined, y: undefined } )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isColorModel = VALIDATION.isColorModel;
            this._isBlur       = VALIDATION.isBlur;
            this._isPoint      = VALIDATION.isPoint;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'offset', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offset  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offsetX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offsetY );

        this.color  = color;
        this.blur   = blur;
        this.offset = offset;

    ////    [ COLOR ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model; Rgb, Hsl, Hwb
        set color ( value )
            this._color = ( this._isColorModel ( value ) ) ? value : this._color;

         * Get color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Color model; Rgb, Hsl, Hwb
        get color ( )
            return this._color;

    ////    [ BLUR ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set blur value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} blur                               Blur value
        set blur ( value )
            this._blur = ( this._isBlur ( value ) ) ? value : this._blur;

         * Get blur value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Blur value
        get blur ( )
            return this._blur;

    ////    [ OFFSET.(X)(Y) ]   ////////////////////////////

         * Set offset
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Shadow offset
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offset}
        set offset ( value ) { }

         * Get offset
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Shadow offset
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offset}
        get offset ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis offset value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offsetX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis offset value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offsetX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set the y-axis offset value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offsetY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis offset value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offsetY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a color model
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isColorModel}
        _isColorModel ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a blur value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Blur value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isBlur}
        _isBlur ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}   Stroke                           Stroke properties of associated object
 * @property        {Object}   [color=<Rgb>]                    Color model & value
 * @property        {string}   [type='solid']                   Stroke type; solid | dashed
 * @property        {number[]} [segments=[5, 5]]                Dashed line segment distance(s)
 * @property        {number}   [width=2]                        Thickness of stroke
 * @property        {Shadow}   shadow                           Shadow properties
class Stroke
    _color    = new Rgb;
    _type     = 'solid';
    _segments = [ 5, 5 ];
    _width    = 1;

     * Create a stroke
     * @param           {Object}   color                            RGB color value
     * @param           {number}   type                             Stroke type
     * @param           {number[]} segments                         Dashed line segment distance(s)
     * @param           {number}   alpha                            Alpha value; number/decimal
     * @param           {number}   width                            Thickness of stroke
    constructor ( color, type, segments, width )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isColorModel = VALIDATION.isColorModel;
            this._isStrokeType = VALIDATION.isStrokeType;
            this._isSegments   = VALIDATION.isSegments;
            this._isWidth      = VALIDATION.isWidth;

        this.color    = color;
        this.type     = type;
        this.segments = segments;
        this.width    = width;

    ////    [ TYPE ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Type: (0) Solid or (1) Dashed
        set type ( value )
            this._type = ( this._isStrokeType ( value ) ) ? value : this._type;

         * Get type
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Type: (0) Solid or (1) Dashed
        get type ( )
            return this._type;

    ////    [ SEGMENTS ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Set segment value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array} value                               Dashed line segment distance(s)
        set segments ( value )
            this._segments = ( this._isSegments ( value ) ) ? value : this._segments;

         * Get segment value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Array}                                     Dashed line segment distance(s)
        get segments ( )
            return this._segments;

    ////    [ COLOR ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model; Rgb
        set color ( value )
            this._color = ( this._isColorModel ( value ) ) ? value : this._color;

         * Get color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Color model; Rgb
        get color ( )
            return this._color;

    ////    [ WIDTH ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set width value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Thickness of stroke
        set width ( value )
            this._width = ( this._isWidth ( value ) ) ? value : this._width;

         * Get width value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Thickness of stroke
        get width ( )
            return this._width;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a color model
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isColorModel}
        _isColorModel ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Array of segment values
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Array.<number>} value                      Array of segment values
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isSegments}
        _isSegments   ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a stroke type
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Stroke type
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isStrokeType}
        _isStrokeType ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a width value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Width value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isWidth}
        _isWidth      ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}  OptionsCollection                 Options for shapes, lines, and groups
 * @property        {boolean} [shadow=false]                    Display shadow
 * @property        {boolean} [border=false]                    Display border
 * @property        {boolean} [axis=false]                      Display axis
 * @property        {boolean} [points=false]                    Display points
 * @property        {boolean} [coordinates=false]               Display coordinates
 * @property        {boolean} [controlPoints=false]             Display control points
 * @property        {boolean} [shadow=false]                    Display shadow
class OptionsCollection
    _shadow        = false;
    _border        = false;
    _axis          = false;
    _points        = false;
    _coordinates   = false;
    _controlPoints = false;

     * Create an options collection
     * @param           {boolean} shadow                            Show shadow
     * @param           {boolean} border                            Show border
     * @param           {boolean} axis                              Show axis
     * @param           {boolean} points                            Show points
     * @param           {boolean} coordinates                       Show coordinates
    constructor ( shadow, border, axis, points, coordinates )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._setAll = UTILITIES.individual.set.all;

        this.shadow      = shadow;
        this.border      = border;
        this.axis        = axis;
        this.points      = points;
        this.coordinates = coordinates;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set shadow value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Shadow; true | false
        set shadow ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'boolean' )  this._setAll ( 'shadow', value );

         * Get shadow value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Shadow; true | false
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ BORDER ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set border value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Border; true | false
        set border ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'boolean' )  this._setAll ( 'border', value );

         * Get border value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Border; true | false
        get border ( )
            return this._border;

    ////    [ AXIS ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Axis; true | false
        set axis ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'boolean' )  this._setAll ( 'axis', value );

         * Get axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Axis; true | false
        get axis ( )
            return this._axis;

    ////    [ COORDINATES ]     ////////////////////////////

         * Set coordinates value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Coordinates; true | false
        set coordinates ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'boolean' )  this._setAll ( 'coordinates', value );

         * Get coordinates value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Coordinates; true | false
        get coordinates ( )
            return this._coordinates;

    ////    [ CONTROL POINTS ]  ////////////////////////////

         * Set control points value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             Control points; true | false
        set controlPoints ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'boolean' )  this._setAll ( 'controlPoints', value );

         * Get control points value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   Control points; true | false
        get controlPoints ( )
            return this._controlPoints;

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Sets all option values throughout a collection
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string}  property                          Option property
         * @param           {boolean} value                             True || False
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.all}
        _setAll ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}            PointCollection         X & Y coordinates for an object
 * @property        {number}            [x=0]                   X - x-axis coordinate
 * @property        {number}            [y=0]                   Y - y-axis coordinate
 * @property        {OptionsCollection} options                 Ancillary properties
class PointCollection
    _x = 0;
    _y = 0;

    #_options = new OptionsCollection;

     * Create a point collection
    constructor ( )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._setAll = UTILITIES.individual.set.all;

            delete this.#_options._shadow;
            delete this.#_options._border;

    ////    [ X ]   ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
        set x ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'number' )  this._setAll ( 'x', value );

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
        get x ( )
            return this._x;

    ////    [ Y ]   ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Set the y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
        set y ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'number' )  this._setAll ( 'y', value );

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
        get y ( )
            return this._y;

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {OptionsCollection}                         Options collection object
        get options ( )
            return this.#_options;

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Sets all option values throughout a collection
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string}  property                          Option property
         * @param           {boolean} value                             True || False
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.all}
        _setAll ( ) { }

         * Invert x & y coordinate values
         * @public
         * @function
        invert ( )
            let _y = this.y;

            [ this.y, this.x ] = [ this.x, _y ];
 * @class           {Object} ShadowCollection                   Shadow of associated object
 * @property        {Object} [color=<Rgb>]                      Color model & value
 * @property        {number} blur                               Blur strength
 * @property        {Point}  offset                             Point offset coordinates
class ShadowCollection
    _color  = new Rgb;
    _blur   = 3;
    _offset = new Point;

     * Create a shadow collection
    constructor ( )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isColorModel = VALIDATION.isColorModel;
            this._isBlur       = VALIDATION.isBlur;
            this._isPoint      = VALIDATION.isPoint;

            this._setAll = UTILITIES.individual.set.all;

    ////    [ COLOR ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              RGB color value
        set color ( value )
            if ( this._isColorModel ( value ) )

                this._setAll ( 'color', value );

         * Get color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    RGB color value
        get color ( )
            return this._color;

    ////    [ BLUR ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set blur value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} blur                               Blur value
        set blur ( value )
            if ( this._isBlur ( value ) )

                this._setAll ( 'blur', value );

         * Get blur value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Blur value
        get blur ( )
            return this._blur;

    ////    [ OFFSET.(X)(Y) ]   ////////////////////////////

         * Set offset
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Shadow offset
        set offset ( value )
            if ( this._isPoint ( value ) )

                this._setAll ( 'offset', value );

         * Get offset
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Shadow offset
        get offset ( )
            return this._offset;

         * Set x-axis offset value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
        set x ( value )
            this._offset.x = value;

         * Get x-axis offset value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
        get x ( )
            return this._offset.x;

         * Set the y-axis offset value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
        set y ( value )
            this._offset.y = value;

         * Get y-axis offset value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
        get y ( )
            return this._offset.y;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a blur value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Blur value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isBlur}
        _isBlur  ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Sets all option values throughout a collection
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string}  property                          Option property
         * @param           {boolean} value                             True || False
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.all}
        _setAll ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}   StrokeCollection                 Stroke properties of associated object
 * @property        {Object}   [color=<Rgb>]                    Color model & value
 * @property        {string}   [type='solid']                   Stroke type; solid | dashed
 * @property        {number[]} [segments=[5, 5]]                Dashed line segment distance(s)
 * @property        {number}   [alpha=1]                        Alpha (transparency); number/decimal
 * @property        {number}   [width=2]                        Thickness of stroke
 * @property        {Shadow}   shadow                           Shadow properties
class StrokeCollection
    _color    = new Rgb;
    _type     = 'solid';
    _segments = [ 5, 5 ];
    _width    = 2;

    _master   = undefined;

     * Create a stroke collection
    constructor ( )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject;
            this._isColorModel      = VALIDATION.isColorModel;
            this._isStrokeType      = VALIDATION.isStrokeType;
            this._isSegments        = VALIDATION.isSegments;
            this._isWidth           = VALIDATION.isWidth;

            this._setAll = UTILITIES.individual.set.all;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'master', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master );

    ////    [ COLOR ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              RGB color value
        set color ( value )
            if ( this._isColorModel ( value ) )

                this._setAll ( 'color', value );

         * Get color value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    RGB color value
        get color ( )
            return this._color;

    ////    [ TYPE ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Type: (0) Solid or (1) Dashed
        set type ( value )
            if ( this._isStrokeType ( value ) )

                this._setAll ( 'type', value );

         * Get type
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Type: (0) Solid or (1) Dashed
        get type ( )
            return this._type;

    ////    [ SEGMENTS ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Set segment value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array} value                               Dashed line segment distance(s)
        set segments ( value )
            if ( this._isSegments ( value ) )

                this._setAll ( 'segments', value );

         * Get segment value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Array}                                     Dashed line segment distance(s)
        get segments ( )
            return this._segments;

    ////    [ WIDTH ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set width value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Thickness of stroke
        set width ( value )
            if ( this._isWidth ( value ) )

                this._setAll ( 'width', value );

         * Get width value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Thickness of stroke
        get width ( )
            return this._width;

    ////    [ MASTER ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set master object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} value                            Canvas Lab object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master}
        set master ( value ) { }

         * Get master object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Master Canvas Lab object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master}
        get master ( ) { }

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a color model
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Color model or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isColorModel}
        _isColorModel ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Array of segment values
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Array.<number>} value                      Array of segment values
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isSegments}
        _isSegments   ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a stroke type
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Stroke type
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isStrokeType}
        _isStrokeType ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a width value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Width value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isWidth}
        _isWidth      ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Sets all option values throughout a collection
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string}  property                          Option property
         * @param           {boolean} value                             True || False
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.all}
        _setAll ( ) { }

////    OBJECTS    /////////////////////////////////////////
 * @class           {Object}            Position 				Position object
 * @property        {Point}             point 					Original X & Y coordinates for an object's position
 * @property        {number}            distance 				Distance from origin to destination
 * @property        {number}            direction 				Direction to move towards destination; in degrees
 * @property        {Stroke}            stroke 					Stroke properties
 * @property        {Fill}              fill 					Fill properties
 * @property        {Shadow}            shadow 					Shadow properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {clObject} 			master 					Master object
class Position
	_origin    = undefined;
	_distance  = undefined;
	_direction = undefined;

	// _radius    = undefined;

	_master    = undefined;

	 * Create a Position object
	 * @property        {Point}  point                              Original X & Y coordinates for an object's position
	 * @property        {number} distance                  			Distance from origin to destination
	 * @property        {number} direction 							Direction to move towards destination; in degrees
	constructor ( origin, distance, direction )
		////    COMPOSITION    /////////////////////////////

			this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject;
			this._isPoint 			= VALIDATION.isPoint;

			Object.defineProperty ( this, 'master', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master );

		this.origin    = origin;
		this.distance  = distance;
		this.direction = direction;

	////    [ ORIGIN ]    //////////////////////////////////

		 * Set origin
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param 			{Point} value 								X & Y coordinates
		set origin ( value )
			this._origin = value;

         * Get origin
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
		get origin ( )
			return this._origin;

	////    [ DISTANCE ]    ////////////////////////////////

		 * Set distance
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param 			{number} value 								Distance from origin to destination
		set distance ( value )
			if ( value != undefined  &&  this._isPoint ( value ) )

                this._distance = Math.sqrt (
                                               ( Math.pow ( value.x - this.master.x, 2 ) ) +

                                               ( Math.pow ( value.y - this.master.y, 2 ) )

		 * Get distance
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @return 			{number} 									Distance from origin to destination
		get distance ( )
			return this._distance;

	////    [ DIRECTION ]    ///////////////////////////////

		 * Set direction
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param 			{number} value 								Direction in degrees
		set direction ( value )
			if ( value != undefined  &&  this._isPoint ( value ) )

				this._direction = Math.atan2 ( value.y - this.master.y, value.x - this.master.x );

		 * Get direction
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @return 			{number}									Direction in degrees
		get direction ( )
			return this._direction;

	////    [ RADIUS ]    //////////////////////////////////

		// set radius ( value )
		// {
		// 	this._radius = value;
		// }

		// get radius ( )
		// {
		// 	return this._radius;
		// }

	////    [ MASTER ]    //////////////////////////////////

		 * Set master object
		 * @public
		 * @function
		 * @param 			{clObject} value 							Canvas Lab object
		 * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master}
		set master ( value ) { }

         * Get master object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject} 									Master Canvas Lab object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master}
		get master ( ) { }

	////    VALIDATION    //////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject}
        _isCanvasLabObject ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }
 * @class           {Object}            Circle                  Circle object
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {number|Point}     [radius=25]              Radius of circle
 * @property        {Angle}             angle                   Angle properties
 * @property        {Stroke}            stroke                  Stroke properties
 * @property        {Fill}              fill                    Fill properties
 * @property        {Shadow}            shadow                  Shadow properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
 * @property        {Position}          position                Position properties
class Circle
    _point  = new Point;
    _radius = 25;
    _angle  = new Angle;
    _stroke = new Stroke;
    _fill   = new Fill;
    _shadow = new Shadow;

    _canvas = undefined;

    _anchor   = new Anchor;
    #options  = new Options;
    #position = new Position;

     * Create a Circle object
     * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
     * @property        {number|Point}      radius                  Radius of circle
     * @property        {Angle}             angle                   Angle properties
     * @property        {Stroke}            stroke                  Stroke properties
     * @property        {Fill}              fill                    Fill properties
     * @property        {Shadow}            shadow                  Shadow properties
     * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  Canvas Id
    constructor (
                    point  = { x: undefined, y: undefined },
                    angle  = { start: undefined, end:  undefined, clockwise:   undefined },
                    stroke = { color: undefined, type: undefined, segments:    undefined, width: undefined },
                    fill   = { color: undefined, type: undefined },
                    shadow = { color: undefined, blur: undefined, offset: { x: undefined, y:     undefined } },
                    canvas = undefined
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isAspect = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isAnchor = VALIDATION.isAnchor;
            this._isDegree = VALIDATION.isDegree;
            this._isInDom  = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isNumber = VALIDATION.isNumber;
            this._isPoint  = VALIDATION.isPoint;

            this._drawAnchor  = UTILITIES.individual.draw.anchor;
            this._drawAxis    = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder  = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._rotatePoint = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint;
            this._setFillType = UTILITIES.individual.set.fillType;
            this._setShadow   = UTILITIES.individual.set.shadow;

            this.move            = UTILITIES.individual.misc.move;
            this.rotate          = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotate;
            this.showCoordinates = UTILITIES.individual.misc.showCoordinates;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

            delete this.#options._controlPoints;
            delete this.#options._points;
            delete this.#options._master;

        this.point  = point;
        this.radius = radius;

        ////    OBJECT INITIALIZER(S)   ////////////////////

            this._angle  = new Angle  ( angle.start, angle.end, angle.clockwise );

            this._stroke = new Stroke ( stroke.color, stroke.type, stroke.segments, stroke.width );

            this._fill   = new Fill   ( fill.color,   fill.type );

            this._shadow = new Shadow ( shadow.color, shadow.blur, { x: shadow.offset.x, y: shadow.offset.y } );

        this.canvas = canvas;

        ////    ANCILLARY   ////////////////////////////////

            this.#options.shadow  = ( shadow.offset.x != undefined && shadow.offset.y != undefined );

            this.#position.master = this;

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ RADIUS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set radius value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number|Point} value                        Radius of circle
        set radius ( value )
            if ( value )
                this._radius = ( this._isNumber ( value ) ) ? value : this._radius;

                this._radius = ( this._isPoint  ( value ) ) ? value : this._radius;

         * Get radius value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number|Point}                              Radius of circle
        get radius ( )
            return this._radius;

    ////    [ ANGLE ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get angle properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Angle}                                     Angle properties
        get angle ( )
            return this._angle;

    ////    [ STROKE ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get stroke properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Stroke}                                    Stroke properties
        get stroke ( )
            return this._stroke;

    ////    [ FILL ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get fill properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Fill}                                      Fill properties
        get fill ( )
            return this._fill;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get shadow properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Shadow}                                    Shadow properties
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link individual.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link individual.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ ANCHOR ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get anchor
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Anchor}                                    Anchor properties
        get anchor ( )
            return this._anchor;

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Options}                                   Options properties
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ LOCATION ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Get position properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Position}                                  Position properties
        get position ( )
            return this.#position;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Anchor alignment
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Anchor alignment
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAnchor}
        _isAnchor ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a degree
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Degree
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isDegree}
        _isDegree ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom  ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Number value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Number value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isNumber}
        _isNumber ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

         * Check whether the passed object is already present
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Circle} circle                             Object to validate
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
        isThere ( circle )
            if ( circle instanceof this.constructor )

                return (
                           ( this.point.x == circle.point.x ) &&                // Point X

                           ( this.point.y == circle.point.y ) &&                // Point Y

                           ( this.radius  == circle.radius  )                   // Radius

                       ) ? true : false;


                console.warn ( `"${}" is not of type ${}` );

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Draws anchor point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.anchor}
        _drawAnchor ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
        _drawOptions ( )
            let _offset = 20;

            let _aspect = ( this._isPoint ( this.radius ) ) ? new Aspect ( ( this.radius.x * 2 ) + _offset, ( this.radius.y * 2 ) + _offset )

                                                            : new Aspect ( ( this.radius   * 2 ) + _offset, ( this.radius   * 2 ) + _offset );


            if ( this.#options.border      ) this._drawBorder     ( _aspect );

            if ( this.#options.axis        ) this._drawAxis       ( _offset );

            if ( this.#options.anchor      ) this._drawAnchor     ( );

            if ( this.#options.coordinates ) this.showCoordinates ( );

         * Rotates the origin point by the degree & distance passed
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Point}  origin                             Origin point
         * @param           {number} degree                             Degree to rotate
         * @param           {number} distance                           Distance from origin
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint}
        _rotatePoint ( ) { }

         * Sets anchor's point against this object's point position
         * @private
         * @function
        _setAnchorPoint ( )
            [ this._anchor.x, this._anchor.y ] = [ this.x, this.y ];

            if ( this._isPoint ( this.radius ) )

                switch ( this.anchor.align )
                    case 'center':      /*     ... do nothing        */   /*     ... do nothing        */   break;

                    case 'top':         /*     ... do nothing        */   this.anchor.y += this.radius.y;   break;

                    case 'topRight':    this.anchor.x -= this.radius.x;   this.anchor.y += this.radius.y;   break;

                    case 'right':       this.anchor.x -= this.radius.x;   /*     ... do nothing        */   break;

                    case 'bottomRight': this.anchor.x -= this.radius.x;   this.anchor.y -= this.radius.y;   break;

                    case 'bottom':      /*     ... do nothing        */   this.anchor.y -= this.radius.y;   break;

                    case 'bottomLeft':  this.anchor.x += this.radius.x;   this.anchor.y -= this.radius.y;   break;

                    case 'left':        this.anchor.x += this.radius.x;   /*     ... do nothing        */   break;

                    case 'topLeft':     this.anchor.x += this.radius.x;   this.anchor.y += this.radius.y;   break;


                switch ( this.anchor.align )
                    case 'center':      /*     ... do nothing      */   /*     ... do nothing      */   break;

                    case 'top':         /*     ... do nothing      */   this.anchor.y += this.radius;   break;

                    case 'topRight':    this.anchor.x -= this.radius;   this.anchor.y += this.radius;   break;

                    case 'right':       this.anchor.x -= this.radius;   /*     ... do nothing      */   break;

                    case 'bottomRight': this.anchor.x -= this.radius;   this.anchor.y -= this.radius;   break;

                    case 'bottom':      /*     ... do nothing      */   this.anchor.y -= this.radius;   break;

                    case 'bottomLeft':  this.anchor.x += this.radius;   this.anchor.y -= this.radius;   break;

                    case 'left':        this.anchor.x += this.radius;   /*     ... do nothing      */   break;

                    case 'topLeft':     this.anchor.x += this.radius;   this.anchor.y += this.radius;   break;

         * Sets fill type of the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.fillType}
        _setFillType ( ) { }

         * Sets shadow properties
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.shadow}
        _setShadow ( ) { }

         * Get area of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Area of this object
        get area ( )
            return (  Math.PI * Math.pow ( this.radius, 2 )  );

         * Get diameter of circle
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Diameter of circle
        get diameter ( )
            return (  this.radius * 2  );

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Point coordinates
        get center ( )
            this._setAnchorPoint ( );

            let _x = this.x - ( this.x - this.anchor.x );

            let _y = this.y - ( this.y - this.anchor.y );

            return new Point ( _x, _y );

         * Get circumference of circle
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Circumference of circle
        get circumference ( )
            return (  Math.PI * this.diameter ( )  );

         * Rotate this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} degree                             Distance to rotate; in degrees
         * @param           {string} [anchor='center']                  Anchoring point during rotation
         * @param           {number} [clear=true]                       Clear canvas during each rotation
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotate}
        rotate ( ) { }

         * Shows coordinates of this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of coordinates y origin
         * @param           {number} [fontSize=16]                      Coordinates font size
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.showCoordinates}
        showCoordinates ( ) { }

    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
        draw ( canvas )
            if ( canvas != undefined ) this.canvas = canvas;

            if ( this._canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D )
                this._setAnchorPoint ( );

                if ( this.#options.shadow ) this._setShadow ( );                                    // Set: shadow

                this._canvas.strokeStyle = this.stroke.color.toCss ( );

                this._setFillType ( );

                this._canvas.lineWidth   = this.stroke.width;


                this._canvas.setLineDash ( ( this.stroke.type === 'solid' ) ? new Array : this.stroke.segments );

                this._canvas.beginPath   ( );

                ( this._isPoint ( this.radius ) )

                    ? this._canvas.ellipse ( this.anchor.x, this.anchor.y, this.radius.x, this.radius.y, 0, this.angle.startInRadians, this.angle.endInRadians, ( this.angle.clockwise ) ? false : true )

                    : this._canvas.arc     ( this.anchor.x, this.anchor.y, this.radius, this.angle.startInRadians, this.angle.endInRadians, ( this.angle.clockwise ) ? false : true );

                this._canvas.stroke ( );

                if ( this.fill.type != 'pattern' )

                    this._canvas.fill ( );

                if ( this.#options.shadow ) this._canvas.shadowColor = new Rgb ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ).toCss ( );         // Reset: shadow

                this._drawOptions ( );

                console.warn ( `'canvas' property is not set for ${} !` );
 * @class           {Object}            Ellipse                 Ellipse object
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Point}            [radius=<Point<20, 30>]  Radius of ellipse
 * @property        {Angle}             angle                   Angle properties
 * @property        {Stroke}            stroke                  Stroke properties
 * @property        {Fill}              fill                    Fill properties
 * @property        {Shadow}            shadow                  Shadow properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
 * @property        {Position}          position                Position properties
 * @extends 		{Circle}
class Ellipse extends Circle
	_radius  = new Point ( 20, 30 );

	_anchor  = new Anchor;

	////    [ RADIUS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set radius value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value 								Radius of circle
        set radius ( value )
            this._radius = ( value  &&  this._isPoint  ( value ) ) ? value : this._radius;

         * Get radius value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point} 									Radius of circle
        get radius ( )
            return this._radius;
 * @class           {Object}            Line                    Line object
 * @property        {Point}             start                   Start X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Point}             end                     End X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Stroke}            stroke                  Stroke properties
 * @property        {Shadow}            shadow                  Shadow properties
 * @property        {string}           [lineCap='round']        Line cap's end points shape
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {ControlPoints}     controlPoints           Control point properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
 * @property        {Position}          position                Position properties
class Line
    _start   = new Point;
    _end     = new Point;
    _stroke  = new Stroke;
    _shadow  = new Shadow;

    _lineCap = 'round';

    _canvas  = undefined;

    #controlPoints = new ControlPoints;
    #options       = new Options;
    #position      = new Position;

     * Create a Line object
     * @property        {Point}  start                              Starting point of line
     * @property        {Point}  end                                Ending point of line
     * @property        {Stroke} stroke                             Stroke properties
     * @property        {Shadow} shadow                             Shadow properties
     * @property        {string} lineCap                            Shape of end points
     * @property        {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
    constructor (
                    start   = { x:     undefined, y:    undefined },
                    end     = { x:     undefined, y:    undefined },
                    stroke  = { color: undefined, type: undefined, segments:    undefined, width: undefined },
                    shadow  = { color: undefined, blur: undefined, offset: { x: undefined, y:     undefined } },
                    lineCap = undefined,
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isAspect = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isDegree = VALIDATION.isDegree;
            this._isInDom  = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isNumber = VALIDATION.isNumber;
            this._isPoint  = VALIDATION.isPoint;

            this._drawAxis    = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder  = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._rotatePoint = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint;
            this._setShadow   = UTILITIES.individual.set.shadow;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas );

        ////    POINT OVERLOADING   ////////////////////////

            if ( start != undefined )                           // Start
                if ( this._isPoint ( start ) )  [ this.start.x, this.end.x ] = [ start.x, end.x ];

                if ( this._isNumber ( start ) )
                    let _height = ( start / 2 );

                    this.start.y = end.y - _height;
                    this.end.y   = end.y + _height;

                    this.start.x = this.end.x = end.x;

            if ( end != undefined )                             // End
                if ( this._isPoint ( end ) )  [ this.start.y, this.end.y ] = [ start.y, end.y ];

                if ( this._isNumber ( end ) )
                    let _width = ( end / 2 );

                    this.start.x = start.x - _width
                    this.end.x   = start.x + _width;

                    this.start.y = this.end.y = start.y;

        ////    OBJECT INITIALIZER(S)   ////////////////////

            this._stroke = new Stroke ( stroke.color, stroke.type, stroke.segments, stroke.width );

            this._shadow = new Shadow ( shadow.color, shadow.blur, { x: shadow.offset.x, y: shadow.offset.y } );

        this.lineCap = lineCap;
        this.canvas  = canvas;

        ////    ANCILLARY   ////////////////////////////////

            this.#options.shadow      = ( shadow.offset.x != undefined && shadow.offset.y != undefined );
            this.#options.master      = this;

            this._start.options.master = this;
              this._end.options.master = this;

            Object.defineProperty ( this.#options, "points",
                set ( value )
                    this._points = ( typeof value === 'boolean' ) ? value : this.#options.points;

                    this._master._start.options.points = value;

                      this._master._end.options.points = value;
                get ( )
                    return this._points;
            } );

    ////    [ START ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set starting point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Starting point
        set start ( value )
            this._start = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._start;

         * Set starting point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Starting point
        get start ( )
            return this._start;

    ////    [ END ]     ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set ending point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               Ending point
        set end ( value )
            this._end = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._end;

         * Set ending point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Ending point
        get end ( )
            return this._end;

    ////    [ STROKE ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get stroke properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Stroke}                                    Stroke properties
        get stroke ( )
            return this._stroke;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get shadow properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Shadow}                                    Shadow properties
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ LINECAP ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set line cap
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Line cap
        set lineCap ( value )
            this._lineCap = ( value === 'butt' || value === 'round' || value === 'square' ) ? value : this._lineCap;

         * Get line cap
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Line cap
        get lineCap ( )
            return this._lineCap;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Options}                                   Options properties
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ CONTROL POINTS ]  ////////////////////////////

         * Get control point properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {ControlPoints}                             Control points properties
        get controlPoints ( )
            return this.#controlPoints;

    ////    [ LOCATION ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Get position properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Position}                                  Position properties
        get position ( )
            return this.#position;

    ////    & EXTEND &  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
        get center ( )
            let _x = ( this.start.x > this.end.x )

                         ? this.end.x   + (  ( this.start.x - this.end.x   ) / 2  )

                         : this.start.x + (  ( this.end.x   - this.start.x ) / 2  );

            let _y = ( this.start.y > this.end.y )

                         ? this.end.y   + (  ( this.start.y - this.end.y   ) / 2  )

                         : this.start.y + (  ( this.end.y   - this.start.y ) / 2  );

            return new Point ( _x, _y );

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a degree
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Degree
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isDegree}
        _isDegree ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom  ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Number value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Number value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isNumber}
        _isNumber ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

         * Check whether the passed object is already present
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Line} line                                 Object to validate
        isThere ( line )
            if ( line instanceof this.constructor )
                let _toString  = ( valueA, valueB ) => `${valueA} ${valueB}`;

                let _thisStart = _toString ( this.start.x, this.start.y ), _thisEnd = _toString ( this.end.x, this.end.y );

                let _lineStart = _toString ( line.start.x, line.start.y ), _lineEnd = _toString ( line.end.x, line.end.y );

                return (  ( _thisStart == _lineStart )  &&  ( _thisEnd == _lineEnd )  )

                           ? true

                           : (  ( _thisStart == _lineEnd )  &&  ( _thisEnd == _lineStart )  );

                console.warn ( `"${}" is not of type ${}` );

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
        _drawOptions ( )
            let _offset = 20;

            let _aspect = new Aspect ( ( this.end.x - this.start.x ) + ( _offset ),

                                       ( this.end.y - this.start.y ) + ( _offset ) );


            if ( this.#options.border        ) this._drawBorder       ( _aspect );

            if ( this.#options.axis          ) this._drawAxis         ( );

            if ( this.#options.points        ) this.drawPoints        ( );

            if ( this.#options.coordinates   ) this.showCoordinates   ( );

            if ( this.#options.controlPoints ) this.showControlPoints ( );

         * Rotates the origin point by the degree & distance passed
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Point}  origin                             Origin point
         * @param           {number} degree                             Degree to rotate
         * @param           {number} distance                           Distance from origin
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint}
        _rotatePoint ( ) { }

         * Set line's path
         * @private
         * @function
        _setPath ( )
            if ( this.controlPoints.p0 != 0 || this.controlPoints.p1 != 0 || this.controlPoints.p2 != 0 || this.controlPoints.p3 != 0 )

                this._canvas.bezierCurveTo ( this.controlPoints.p0 + this.start.x, this.controlPoints.p1 + this.start.y,
                                             this.controlPoints.p2 + this.end.x,   this.controlPoints.p3 + this.end.y,
                                             this.end.x,                           this.end.y );


                this._canvas.lineTo ( this.end.x, this.end.y );

         * Sets shadow properties
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.shadow}
        _setShadow ( ) { }

         * Set control points for bezier curve
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} p0                                 Control point 0
         * @param           {number} p1                                 Control point 1
         * @param           {number} p2                                 Control point 2
         * @param           {number} p3                                 Control point 3
        curve ( p0, p1, p2, p3 )
            this.controlPoints.p0 = p0;

            this.controlPoints.p1 = p1;

            this.controlPoints.p2 = p2;

            this.controlPoints.p3 = p3;

         * Draws start & end points
         * @public
         * @function
        drawPoints ( )
            this._start.drawOptions ( );

              this._end.drawOptions ( );

         * Move this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number}  degree                            Direction to move; in degrees
         * @param           {number}  distance                          Distance to move
        move ( degree, distance )
            let _pointStart = this._rotatePoint ( { x: this.start.x, y: this.start.y }, degree, distance );

            let _pointEnd   = this._rotatePoint ( { x: this.end.x,   y: this.end.y   }, degree, distance );

                [ this.start.x, this.start.y ] = [ _pointStart.x, _pointStart.y ];

                [ this.end.x,   this.end.y   ] = [ _pointEnd.x,   _pointEnd.y   ];

         * Rotate this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} degree                             Distance to rotate; in degrees
         * @param           {string} [anchor='center']                  Anchoring point during rotation
        rotate ( degree, anchor = 'center' )
            if ( this._isDegree ( degree ) )
                let _point = new Point ( );

                switch ( anchor )
                    case 'start':   [ _point.x, _point.y ] = [ this.start.x, this.start.y ];  break;

                    case 'end':     [ _point.x, _point.y ] = [ this.end.x,   this.end.y   ];  break;

                    case 'center':

                        [ _point.x, _point.y ] = [ ( ( this.start.x + this.end.x ) * 0.5 ), ( ( this.start.y + this.end.y ) * 0.5 ) ];



                        console.warn ( `"${anchor}" is not a valid 'anchor' variable !` );

            ( );

                this._canvas.translate (   _point.x,   _point.y );

                this._canvas.rotate    ( ( degree % 360 ) * Math.PI / 180 );

                this._canvas.translate ( - _point.x, - _point.y );

                this.draw ( );

                this._canvas.restore   ( );

         * Show control points for this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of control points y origin
         * @param           {number} [fontSize=16]                      Control points font size
        showControlPoints ( offset = 10, fontSize = 16 )
            let _point0 = new Point ( this.start.x,                         this.start.y                         );

            let _point1 = new Point ( this.controlPoints.p0 + this.start.x, this.controlPoints.p1 + this.start.y );

            let _point2 = new Point ( this.controlPoints.p2 + this.end.x,   this.controlPoints.p3 + this.end.y   );

            let _point3 = new Point ( this.end.x,                           this.end.y                           );

            let _textStart  = new Text ( _point1.x, _point1.y, `( ${this.#controlPoints.p0}, ${this.#controlPoints.p1} )` );

            let _textEnd    = new Text ( _point2.x, _point2.y, `( ${this.#controlPoints.p3}, ${this.#controlPoints.p4} )` );

                _textStart.canvas         = _textEnd.canvas         = this.canvas;

                _textStart.size           = _textEnd.size           = fontSize;

                _textStart.offset.y       = _textEnd.offset.y       = - ( offset * 2 );

                _textStart.stroke.color   = _textEnd.stroke.color   = new Rgb ( 255, 0, 0 );

                _textStart.options.shadow = _textEnd.options.shadow = true;

                _textStart.shadow.color   = _textEnd.shadow.color   = new Rgb ( 255, 255, 255 );

                _textStart.shadow.blur    = _textEnd.shadow.blur    = 1;

                _textStart.shadow.x       = _textEnd.shadow.x       = _textStart.shadow.y    = _textEnd.shadow.y    = 1;

                _textStart.draw ( );

                  _textEnd.draw ( );


            let _red   = new Rgb ( 255, 0, 0 );

            let _blue  = new Rgb ( 0, 0, 255 );

            let _green = new Rgb ( 0, 255, 0 );

            let _lineSegments = [ 2, 4 ];

            let _lineA = new Line ( _point0, _point1 );

            let _lineB = new Line ( _point2, _point3 );

            let _lineC = new Line ( _point1, _point2 );

            let _lines = new Lines ( _lineA, _lineB, _lineC );

                _lineA.stroke.type     = _lineB.stroke.type     = _lineC.stroke.type     = 1;

                _lineA.stroke.segments = _lineB.stroke.segments = _lineC.stroke.segments = _lineSegments;

                _lineA.canvas          = _lineB.canvas          = _lineC.canvas          = this.canvas;

                [ _lineA.stroke.color, _lineB.stroke.color, _lineC.stroke.color ] = [ _red, _blue, _green ];

                _lineA.draw ( );

                _lineB.draw ( );

                _lineC.draw ( );

            let _circleA = new Circle ( _point1 );

            let _circleB = new Circle ( _point2 );

                _circleA.radius             = _circleB.radius             = 3;

                _circleA.stroke.color.alpha = _circleB.stroke.color.alpha = 0;

                _circleA.canvas             = _circleB.canvas             = this.canvas;

                [ _circleA.fill.color, _circleB.fill.color ]  = [ _red, _blue ];

                _circleA.draw ( );

                _circleB.draw ( );

         * Shows coordinates of this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of coordinates y origin
         * @param           {number} [fontSize=16]                      Coordinates font size
        showCoordinates ( offset = 10, fontSize = 16 )
            let _textStart  = new Text ( this.start, `( ${this.start.x}, ${this.start.y} )` );

            let _textEnd    = new Text ( this.end,   `( ${this.end.x}, ${this.end.y} )`     );

                _textStart.canvas         = _textEnd.canvas         = this.canvas;

                _textStart.size           = _textEnd.size           = fontSize;

                _textStart.options.shadow = _textEnd.options.shadow = false;

                _textStart.offset.y       = _textEnd.offset.y       = - ( offset * 2 );

                _textStart.options.shadow = _textEnd.options.shadow = true;

                _textStart.shadow.color   = _textEnd.shadow.color   = new Rgb ( 255, 255, 255 );

                _textStart.shadow.blur    = _textEnd.shadow.blur    = 1;

                _textStart.shadow.x       = _textEnd.shadow.x       = _textStart.shadow.y    = _textEnd.shadow.y    = 1;

                _textStart.draw ( );

                  _textEnd.draw ( );

    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
        draw ( canvas )
            if ( canvas != undefined ) this.canvas = canvas;

            if ( this._canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D )
                let _straddle = 0.5;

                if ( this.#options.shadow ) this._setShadow ( );                                   // Set: shadow

                this._canvas.strokeStyle = this.stroke.color.toCss ( );

                this._canvas.lineCap     = this.lineCap;

                this._canvas.lineWidth   = this.stroke.width;


                this._canvas.setLineDash ( ( this.stroke.type === 'solid' ) ? new Array : this.stroke.segments );

                this._canvas.beginPath   ( );

                this._canvas.moveTo      ( this.start.x + _straddle, this.start.y + _straddle );

                this._setPath ( );

                this._canvas.stroke ( );

                if ( this.#options.shadow ) this._canvas.shadowColor = new Rgb ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ).toCss ( );   // Reset: shadow

                this._drawOptions ( );

                console.warn ( `'canvas' property is not set for ${} !` );
 * @class           {Object}            Rectangle               Rectangle object
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Aspect}            aspect                  Aspect properties
 * @property        {Array}             round                   Rounding properties
 * @property        {Stroke}            stroke                  Stroke properties
 * @property        {Fill}              fill                    Fill properties
 * @property        {Shadow}            shadow                  Shadow properties
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
 * @property        {Position}          position                Position properties
class Rectangle
    _point  = new Point;
    _aspect = new Aspect;
    _round  = new Array;
    _stroke = new Stroke;
    _fill   = new Fill;
    _shadow = new Shadow;
    _anchor = new Anchor;

    _canvas = undefined;

    #options  = new Options;
    #position = new Position;

     * Create a Rectangle object
     * @property        {Point}  point                              X & Y axis coordinates
     * @property        {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
     * @property        {Array}  round                              Rounding properties
     * @property        {Stroke} stroke                             Stroke properties
     * @property        {Fill}   fill                               Fill properties
     * @property        {Shadow} shadow                             Shadow properties
     * @property        {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
    constructor (
                    point  = { x:     undefined, y:      undefined },
                    aspect = { width: undefined, height: undefined },
                    round  = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
                    stroke = { color: undefined, type:   undefined, segments:    undefined, width: undefined },
                    fill   = { color: undefined, type:   undefined },
                    shadow = { color: undefined, blur:   undefined, offset: { x: undefined, y:     undefined } },
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isAspect = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isDegree = VALIDATION.isDegree;
            this._isInDom  = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isPoint  = VALIDATION.isPoint;

            this._drawAnchor     = UTILITIES.individual.draw.anchor;
            this._drawAxis       = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder     = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._rotatePoint    = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint;
            this._setAnchorPoint = UTILITIES.individual.set.anchorPoint;
            this._setFillType    = UTILITIES.individual.set.fillType;
            this._setShadow      = UTILITIES.individual.set.shadow;

            this.move            = UTILITIES.individual.misc.move;
            this.rotate          = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotate;
            this.showCoordinates = UTILITIES.individual.misc.showCoordinates;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'area',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.area   );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'center', );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'perimeter', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.perimeter );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',         PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',         PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

            delete this.#options._controlPoints;
            delete this.#options._points;
            delete this.#options._master;

        this.point  = point;

        this.width  = ( aspect.width  != undefined ) ? aspect.width  : 50;
        this.height = ( aspect.height != undefined ) ? aspect.height : 50;

        this.round  = round;

        ////    OBJECT INITIALIZER(S)   ////////////////////

            this._stroke = new Stroke ( stroke.color, stroke.type,  stroke.segments, stroke.width );

            this._fill   = new Fill   ( fill.color,   fill.type );

            this._shadow = new Shadow ( shadow.color, shadow.blur, shadow.offset );

        this.canvas = canvas;

        ////    ANCILLARY   ////////////////////////////////

            this.#options.shadow  = ( shadow.offset.x != undefined && shadow.offset.y != undefined );

            this.#position.master = this;

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ ASPECT ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set aspect properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} value                              Aspect properties
        set aspect ( value )
            this._aspect = ( this._isAspect ( value ) ) ? value : this._aspect;

         * Get aspect properties
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Aspect}                                    Aspect properties
        get aspect ( )
            return this._aspect;

         * Set aspect width
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Width value
        set width  ( value )
            this._aspect.width = ( typeof value === 'number' && value > 0 ) ? value : this._aspect._width;

         * Get aspect with
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Width value
        get width  ( )
            return this._aspect.width;

         * Set aspect height
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Height value
        set height ( value )
            this._aspect.height = ( typeof value === 'number' && value > 0 ) ? value : this._aspect._height;

         * Get aspect height
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Height value
        get height ( )
            return this._aspect.height;

    ////    [ ROUND ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set round properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array} value                               Radii properties
        set round ( value )
            this._round = Array.isArray ( value ) ? value : this._round;

         * Get round properties
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Array}                                     Radii properties
        get round ( )
            return this._round;

    ////    [ STROKE ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get stroke properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Stroke}                                    Stroke properties
        get stroke ( )
            return this._stroke;

    ////    [ FILL ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get fill properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Fill}                                      Fill properties
        get fill ( )
            return this._fill;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get shadow properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Shadow}                                    Shadow properties
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ ANCHOR ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get anchor
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Anchor}                                    Anchor properties
        get anchor ( )
            return this._anchor;

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Options}                                   Options properties
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ LOCATION ]    ////////////////////////////////

        get position ( )
            return this.#position;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a degree
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Degree
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isDegree}
        _isDegree ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom  ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

         * Check whether the passed object is already present
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Rectangle} rectangle                       Object to validate
        isThere ( rectangle )
            if ( rectangle instanceof this.constructor )

                return (
                           ( this.x      == rectangle.x      ) &&               // Point X

                           ( this.y      == rectangle.y      ) &&               // Point Y

                           ( this.width  == rectangle.width  ) &&               // Width

                           ( this.height == rectangle.height )                  // Height

                       ) ? true : false;


                console.warn ( `"${}" is not of type ${}` );

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Draws anchor point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.anchor}
        _drawAnchor ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
        _drawOptions ( )
            let _offset = 20;

            let _aspect = new Aspect ( this.width + _offset, this.height + _offset );


            if ( this.#options.border      ) this._drawBorder     ( _aspect );

            if ( this.#options.axis        ) this._drawAxis       ( _offset );

            if ( this.#options.anchor      ) this._drawAnchor     ( );

            if ( this.#options.coordinates ) this.showCoordinates ( );

         * Rotates the origin point by the degree & distance passed
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Point}  origin                             Origin point
         * @param           {number} degree                             Degree to rotate
         * @param           {number} distance                           Distance from origin
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint}
        _rotatePoint ( ) { }

         * Sets anchor's point against this object's point position
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.anchorPoint}
        _setAnchorPoint ( ) { }

         * Sets fill type of the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.fillType}
        _setFillType ( ) { }

         * Sets shadow properties
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.shadow}
        _setShadow ( ) { }

         * Get area of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Area of this object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.area}
        get area ( ) { }

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
         * @see             {@link}
        get center ( ) { }

         * Cycle colors for fill
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} progress                           Progress time unit between; 0.00 - 1.00
         * @param           {Rgb}    start                              Starting RGB value
         * @param           {Rgb}    end                                Ending RGB value
         * @param           {number} [max=1]                            Maximum increments
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.color.cycle.fill}
        fillColorCycle ( ) { }

         * Cycle colors for gradient
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} progress                           Progress time unit between; 0.00 - 1.00
         * @param           {Rgb}    start                              Starting RGB value
         * @param           {Rgb}    end                                Ending RGB value
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @param           {number} [max=1]                            Maximum increments
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.color.cycle.gradient}
        gradientColorCycle ( ) { }

         * Move this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number}  degree                            Direction to move; in degrees
         * @param           {number}  distance                          Distance to move
         * @param           {boolean} [draw=false]                      Draw post movement
         * @param           {boolean} [clear=false]                     Clear canvas during each movement
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.move}
        move ( ) { }

         * Get perimeter
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Perimeter of rectangle
         * @see             {@link}
        get perimeter ( ) { }

         * Rotate this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} degree                             Distance to rotate; in degrees
         * @param           {string} [anchor='center']                  Anchoring point during rotation
         * @param           {number} [clear=true]                       Clear canvas during each rotation
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotate}
        rotate ( ) { }

         * Shows coordinates of this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of coordinates y origin
         * @param           {number} [fontSize=16]                      Coordinates font size
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.showCoordinates}
        showCoordinates ( ) { }

    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
        draw ( canvas )
            if ( canvas != undefined ) this.canvas = canvas;

            if ( this._canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D )
                this._setAnchorPoint ( );

                if ( this.#options.shadow ) this._setShadow ( );                                   // Set: shadow

                this._canvas.strokeStyle = this.stroke.color.toCss ( );

                this._setFillType ( );

                this._canvas.lineWidth   = this.stroke.width;


                this._canvas.setLineDash ( ( this.stroke.type === 'solid' ) ? new Array : this.stroke.segments );

                this._canvas.beginPath   ( );

                this._canvas.roundRect   ( this.anchor.x, this.anchor.y, this.width, this.height, this.round );

                this._canvas.stroke      ( );

                if ( this.fill.type != 'pattern' )

                    this._canvas.fill ( );

                if ( this.#options.shadow ) this._canvas.shadowColor = new Rgb ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ).toCss ( );   // Reset: shadow

                this._drawOptions ( );

                console.warn ( `'canvas' property is not set for ${} !` );
 * @class           {Object}            RoundingRectangle 		RoundingRectangle object
 * @property        {Point}             point 					X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Aspect}            aspect 					Aspect properties
 * @property        {Array}             [round=[5, 5, 5, 5]] 	Rounding properties
 * @property        {Stroke}            stroke 					Stroke properties
 * @property        {Fill}              fill 					Fill properties
 * @property        {Shadow}            shadow 					Shadow properties
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor 					Anchor properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Options}  			options 				Options for this object
 * @property        {Position} 			position 				Position properties
 * @extends 		{Rectangle}
class RoundedRectangle extends Rectangle
	_round  = [ 5, 5, 5, 5 ];
 * @class           {Object}            Text                    Text element to render within a canvas element
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {string}            text                    Text to display
 * @property        {Stroke}            stroke                  Stroke properties
 * @property        {Fill}              fill                    Fill properties
 * @property        {Shadow}            shadow                  Shadow properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
 * @property        {Position}          position                Position properties
class Text extends Font
    _point  = new Point;
    _text   = undefined;
    _stroke = new Stroke;
    _fill   = new Fill;
    _shadow = new Shadow;

    _canvas = undefined;

    #options  = new Options;
    #position = new Position;

     * Create a Text object
     * @param           {Point}  point                              X & Y axis coordinates
     * @param           {string} text                               Text of text object
     * @param           {string} type                               Font type
     * @param           {number} size                               Font size
     * @param           {string} weight                             Font weight
     * @param           {number} maxWidth                           Font max width
     * @param           {Point}  offset                             Text offset
     * @param           {Stroke} stroke                             Stroke properties
     * @param           {Fill}   fill                               Fill Properties
     * @param           {Shadow} shadow                             Shadow properties
     * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
    constructor (
                    point  = { x: undefined, y: undefined },
                    text, type, size, weight, maxWidth,
                    offset = { x:     undefined, y:    undefined },
                    stroke = { color: undefined, type: undefined, segments:    undefined, width: undefined },
                    fill   = { color: undefined, type: undefined },
                    shadow = { color: undefined, blur: undefined, offset: { x: undefined, y:     undefined } },
        super ( );

        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isDegree   = VALIDATION.isDegree;
            this._isInDom    = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isPoint    = VALIDATION.isPoint;

            this._drawAnchor  = UTILITIES.individual.draw.anchor;
            this._rotatePoint = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint;
            this._setShadow   = UTILITIES.individual.set.shadow;

            this.move            = UTILITIES.individual.misc.move;
            this.rotate          = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotate;
            this.showCoordinates = UTILITIES.individual.misc.showCoordinates;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'offset', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offset );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

            stroke.width = ( stroke.width === undefined ) ? 0                   : stroke.width;
            fill.color   = ( fill.color   === undefined ) ? new Rgb ( 0, 0, 0 ) : fill.color;       // Set: default fill property as 'Black'

        this.point = point;
        this.text  = text;

        ////    SUPER CLASS PROPERTIES  ////////////////////

            super.type     = type;
            super.size     = size;
            super.weight   = weight;
            super.maxWidth = maxWidth;
            super.offset.x = offset.x;
            super.offset.y = offset.y;

        ////    OBJECT INITIALIZER(S)   ////////////////////

            this._stroke = new Stroke ( stroke.color, stroke.type, stroke.segments, stroke.width );

            this._fill   = new Fill   ( fill.color,   fill.type );

            this._shadow = new Shadow ( shadow.color, shadow.blur, { x: shadow.offset.x, y: shadow.offset.y } );

        this.canvas = canvas;

        ////    ANCILLARY   ////////////////////////////////

            this.#options.shadow = ( shadow.offset.x != undefined && shadow.offset.y != undefined );

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set the y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ TEXT ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set text
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Text of object
        set text ( value )
            this._text = ( typeof value === 'string' ) ? value : undefined;

         * Get text
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Text of object
        get text ( )
            return this._text;

    ////    [ STROKE ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get stroke properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Stroke}                                    Stroke properties
        get stroke ( )
            return this._stroke;

    ////    [ FILL ]    ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get fill properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Fill}                                      Fill properties
        get fill ( )
            return this._fill;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get shadow properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Shadow}                                    Shadow properties
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Options}                                   Options properties
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ LOCATION ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Get position properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Position}                                  Position properties
        get position ( )
            return this.#position;

    ////    * SUPER *   ////////////////////////////////////

        ////    [ type ]    ////////////////////

             * Set font's type
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {string} value                              Font's type
            set type ( value ) { super.type = value; }

             * Get font's type
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {string}                                    Font's type
            get type ( )       { return super.type;  }

        ////    [ size ]    ////////////////////

             * Set font's size
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              Font's size
            set size ( value ) { super.size = value; }

             * Get font's size
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Font's size
            get size ( )       { return super.size;  }

        ////    [ weight ]    //////////////////

             * Set font's weight
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {string} value                              Font's weight
            set weight ( value ) { super.weight = value; }

             * Get font's weight
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {string}                                    Font's weight
            get weight ( )       { return super.weight;  }

        ////    [ maxWidth ]    ////////////////

             * Set font's max width
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {number} value                              Font's max width
            set maxWidth ( value )
                super.maxWidth = ( value == undefined )

                                     ? ( this._canvas != undefined )

                                           ? this._canvas.measureText ( value )

                                           : value

                                     : value;

             * Get font's max width
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {number}                                    Font's max width
            get maxWidth ( ) { return super.maxWidth; }

        ////    [ offset ]    //////////////////

             * Set offset
             * @public
             * @function
             * @param           {Point} value                               Shadow offset
             * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offset}
            set offset ( value ) { }

             * Get offset
             * @readOnly
             * @function
             * @return          {Point}                                     Shadow offset
             * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.offset}
            get offset ( ) { }

        ////    [ font ]    ////////////////////

             * Get font
             * @public
             * @function
             * @return          {string}                                    CSS style font property syntax
            get font ( )
                return super.font;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a degree
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Degree
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isDegree}
        _isDegree ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom  ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Rotates the origin point by the degree & distance passed
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Point}  origin                             Origin point
         * @param           {number} degree                             Degree to rotate
         * @param           {number} distance                           Distance from origin
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint}
        _rotatePoint ( ) { }

         * Sets shadow properties
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.shadow}
        _setShadow   ( ) { }

         * Draws anchor point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.anchor}
        _drawAnchor ( ) { }

         * Draws axis through center of this object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of axis's edges
        _drawAxis ( offset = 10 )
            let _red        = new Rgb ( 245, 80, 50, 1 );

            let _size       = super.size;

            let _width      = this._canvas.measureText ( this.text ).width;

            let _height     = _size - ( offset / 2 );

            let _aspect     = new Aspect ( _width + offset, _height );

            let _xAxisStart = new Point ( this.x - ( _aspect.width / 2 ) - ( offset * 2 ), this.y - ( _aspect.height / 2.5 ) );

            let _xAxisEnd   = new Point ( this.x + ( _aspect.width / 2 ) + ( offset * 2 ), this.y - ( _aspect.height / 2.5 ) );

            let _yAxisStart = new Point ( this.x, this.y - _aspect.height - offset );

            let _yAxisEnd   = new Point ( this.x, this.y + _aspect.height - ( _size / 2 ) );

            let _xAxis = new Line ( _xAxisStart, _xAxisEnd,     /* Point ( Start, End ) */
                /* Stroke     */    { color: _red, type: 'solid', segments: undefined, width: 1 },
                /* Shadow     */      undefined,
                /* LineCap    */      undefined,
                /* Canvas     */      this.canvas );

            let _yAxis = new Line ( _yAxisStart, _yAxisEnd,     /* Point ( Start, End ) */
                /* Stroke     */    { color: _red, type: 'solid', segments: undefined, width: 1 },
                /* Shadow     */      undefined,
                /* LineCap    */      undefined,
                /* Canvas     */      this.canvas );

                _xAxis.draw ( );

                _yAxis.draw ( );

         * Draws border around this object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of border's perimeter
        _drawBorder ( offset = 10 )
            let _red    = new Rgb ( 245, 80, 50, 1 );

            let _clear  = new Rgb ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

            let _size   = super.size;

            let _width  = this._canvas.measureText ( this.text ).width;

            let _height = _size - ( offset / 2 );

            let _aspect = new Aspect ( _width + offset, _height );

            let _scaler = ( _size > 60 ) ? 3 : ( _size > 30 ) ? 3.5 : 4.5;

            let _y      = this.y  - ( _height / _scaler ) - ( offset / 2 );

            let _point  = new Point  ( this.x, _y );

            let _border = new Rectangle (
                /* Point  */  _point,
                /* Aspect */  _aspect,
                /* Round  */  undefined,
                /* Stroke */  { color: _red,   type: 'solid', segments: undefined,  width: 1 },
                /* Fill   */  { color: _clear, type: 'solid' },
                /* Shadow */  undefined,
                /* Canvas */  this.canvas

                _border.draw ( );

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
        _drawOptions ( )
            if ( this.#options.border      ) this._drawBorder      ( );

            if ( this.#options.axis        ) this._drawAxis        ( );

            if ( this.#options.anchor      ) this._drawAnchor      ( );

            if ( this.#options.coordinates ) this.showCoordinates  ( );

         * Move this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number}  degree                            Direction to move; in degrees
         * @param           {number}  distance                          Distance to move
         * @param           {boolean} [draw=false]                      Draw post movement
         * @param           {boolean} [clear=false]                     Clear canvas during each movement
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.move}
        move ( ) { }

         * Rotate this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} degree                             Distance to rotate; in degrees
         * @param           {string} [anchor='center']                  Anchoring point during rotation
         * @param           {number} [clear=true]                       Clear canvas during each rotation
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotate}
        rotate ( ) { }

         * Shows coordinates of this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of coordinates y origin
         * @param           {number} [fontSize=16]                      Coordinates font size
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.showCoordinates}
        showCoordinates ( ) { }

    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
        draw ( canvas, shadow = false )
            if ( canvas != undefined ) this.canvas = canvas;

            if ( this._canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D )
                if ( this.#options.shadow ) this._setShadow ( );                                   // Set: shadow

                [ this.x, this.y ] = [  ( this.x + this.offset.x ), ( this.y + this.offset.y )  ];  // Incorporate offset from super class

                this._canvas.font      = this.font;

                this._canvas.textAlign = 'center';

                this._canvas.fillStyle = this.fill.color.toCss ( );

                this._canvas.fillText ( this.text, this.x, this.y, this.maxWidth );                 // TODO: maxWidth is showing NaN !

                if ( this.stroke.width > 0 )
                    let _width = this._canvas.lineWidth;

                    this._canvas.lineWidth = this.stroke.width;

                    this._canvas.strokeStyle = this.stroke.color.toCss ( );

                    this._canvas.strokeText ( this.text, this.x, this.y, this.maxWidth );

                    this._canvas.lineWidth = _width;

                if ( this.#options.shadow ) this._canvas.shadowColor = new Rgb ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ).toCss ( );   // Reset: shadow

                this._drawOptions ( );

                console.warn ( `'canvas' property is not set for ${} !` );
 * @class           {Object}            cImage                  cImage object
 * @property        {string}            source 				    Source path of image file
 * @property        {Object}            primary  			    Primary set of coordinates
 * @property        {Object}            secondary 			    Secondary set of coordinates
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
 * @property        {Position}          position                Position properties
class cImage
	_source    = new Image;

	_primary   =
		point:  new Point,
		aspect: new Aspect

	_secondary =
		point:  undefined,
		aspect: undefined

	_canvas = undefined;

    _anchor   = new Anchor;
	#options  = new Options;
    #position = new Position;

     * Create a cImage object
     * @class           {Object}            cImage                  cImage object
 	 * @property        {string}            source                  Source path of image file
 	 * @property        {Object}            primary                 Primary set of coordinates
     * @property        {Object}            secondary               Secondary set of coordinates
     * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  Canvas Id
	constructor (
				    primary   = { point: { x: undefined, y: undefined }, aspect: { width: undefined, height: undefined } },
				    secondary = { point: { x: undefined, y: undefined }, aspect: { width: undefined, height: undefined } },
		////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

			this._isAspect       = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isDegree       = VALIDATION.isDegree;
            this._isInDom        = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isPoint        = VALIDATION.isPoint;
            this._isPointNAspect = VALIDATION.isPointNAspect;

            this._drawAnchor     = UTILITIES.individual.draw.anchor;
            this._drawAxis       = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder     = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._setAnchorPoint = UTILITIES.individual.set.anchorPoint;

            this.move   = UTILITIES.individual.misc.move;
            this.rotate = UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotate;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'area',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.area      );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.canvas    );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'center',    );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'perimeter', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.perimeter );

            delete this.#options._controlPoints;
            delete this.#options._points;
            delete this.#options._master;

        this.source    = source;
	    this.primary   = primary;
	    this.secondary = secondary;
	    this.canvas    = canvas;

	////    [ SOURCE ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Sets source property value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Path of image source
        set source ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'string' )
                let _image = new Image;

                    _image.src = value;

                this._source = _image;

                this.type     = 'source';

         * Gets source property value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Image}                                   	Image source
        get source ( )
            return this._source;

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
        set point ( value )
            this._primary.point = ( this._isPoint ( value ) ) ? value : this._primary.point;

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
        get point ( )
            return this._primary.point;

         * Set primary x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
        set x ( value )
            this._primary.point.x = value;

         * Get primary x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
        get x ( )
            return this._primary.point.x;

         * Set primary y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
        set y ( value )
            this._primary.point.y = value;

         * Get primary y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
        get y ( )
            return this._primary.point.y;

    ////    [ ASPECT ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set aspect properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} value                              Aspect properties
        set aspect ( value )
            this._primary.aspect = ( this._isAspect ( value ) ) ? value : this._primary.aspect;

         * Get aspect properties
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Aspect}                                    Aspect properties
        get aspect ( )
            return this._primary.aspect;

         * Get aspect with
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Width value
        get width ( )
            return this.source.width;

         * Get aspect height
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Height value
        get height ( )
            return this.source.height;

	////    [ PRIMARY ]    /////////////////////////////////

         * Sets primary property value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Path of image
        set primary ( value )
        	if ( this._isPointNAspect ( value ) )

        		[ this._primary.point, this._primary.aspect ] = [ value.point, value.aspect ];

         * Gets primary property value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Image}										Image object
        get primary ( )
            return this._primary;

    ////    [ SECONDARY ]    ///////////////////////////////

         * Sets secondary property value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Path of image
        set secondary ( value )
        	if ( this._isPointNAspect ( value ) )

        		[ this._secondary.point, this._secondary.aspect ] = [ value.point, value.aspect ];

         * Gets secondary property value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Image}										Image object
        get secondary ( )
            return this._secondary;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link individual.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link individual.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ ANCHOR ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get anchor
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Anchor}                                    Anchor properties
        get anchor ( )
            return this._anchor;

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Options}                                   Options properties
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ LOCATION ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Get position properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Position}                                  Position properties
        get position ( )
            return this.#position;

    ////    VALIDATION    //////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }

	     * Returns whether the passed value is a Point & Aspect
	     * @private
	     * @memberof VALIDATION
	     * @function
	     * @param           {Object} value                              Object of a Point & Aspect
	     * @param           {Point}  value.point                        Point object
	     * @param           {Aspect} value.aspect                       Aspect object
	     * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
	     * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPointNAspect}
	    _isPointNAspect ( ) { }

	////    UTILITIES    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Draws anchor point
         * @private
         * @function
        _drawAnchor ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
        _drawOptions ( )
            let _offset = 20;

            let _aspect = new Aspect ( this.source.width + _offset, this.source.height + _offset );


            if ( this.#options.border      ) this._drawBorder     ( _aspect );

            if ( this.#options.axis        ) this._drawAxis       ( );

            if ( this.#options.anchor      ) this._drawAnchor     ( );

            if ( this.#options.coordinates ) this.showCoordinates ( );

         * Rotates the origin point by the degree & distance passed
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Point}  origin                             Origin point
         * @param           {number} degree                             Degree to rotate
         * @param           {number} distance                           Distance from origin
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotatePoint}
        _rotatePoint ( ) { }

         * Sets anchor's point against this object's point position
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.set.anchorPoint}
        _setAnchorPoint ( ) { }

         * Get area of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Area of this object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.area}
        get area ( ) { }

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
         * @see             {@link}
        get center ( ) { }

         * Get perimeter of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Perimeter of rectangle
         * @see             {@link}
        get perimeter ( ) { }

         * Move this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number}  degree                            Direction to move; in degrees
         * @param           {number}  distance                          Distance to move
         * @param           {boolean} [draw=false]                      Draw post movement
         * @param           {boolean} [clear=false]                     Clear canvas during each movement
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.move}
        move ( ) { }

         * Rotate this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} degree                             Distance to rotate; in degrees
         * @param           {string} [anchor='center']                  Anchoring point during rotation
         * @param           {number} [clear=true]                       Clear canvas during each rotation
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.rotate}
        rotate ( ) { }

         * Shows coordinates of this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} [offset=10]                        Offset of coordinates y origin
         * @param           {number} [fontSize=16]                      Coordinates font size
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.misc.showCoordinates}
        showCoordinates ( ) { }

	////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw this object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
	    draw ( canvas )
            if ( canvas != undefined ) this.canvas = canvas;

            if ( this._canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D )
                let _drawImage = ( this.secondary.point ) ? ( ) => this._canvas.drawImage ( this._source, this.secondary.point.x, this.secondary.point.y, this.secondary.aspect.width, this.secondary.aspect.height, this.anchor.x, this.anchor.y, this.primary.aspect.width, this.primary.aspect.height )

                                                          : ( ) => this._canvas.drawImage ( this._source, this.anchor.x,          this.anchor.y,          this._source.width,          this._source.height );

                this._source.onload = ( ) =>
                    this._setAnchorPoint ( );

                    _drawImage ( );

                    this._drawOptions ( );
 * @class           {Array}             Circles                 Collection of circle elements within an array
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {StrokeCollection}  stroke                  Stroke collection properties
 * @property        {ShadowCollection}  shadow                  Shadow collection properties
 * @property        {Aspect}            aspect                  Aspect properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
class Circles extends Array
    _point   = new Point;
    _stroke  = new StrokeCollection;
    _shadow  = new ShadowCollection;
    _aspect  = new Aspect;

    _canvas   = undefined;
    _template = undefined;

    _anchor  = new Anchor;
    #options = new Options;
    #storage = { type: Circle }

     * Create Circles object
     * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
     * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  Canvas Id
     * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
    constructor ( point = { x: undefined, y: undefined }, canvas, template )
        super ( );

        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isAspect          = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject;
            this._isInDom           = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isPoint           = VALIDATION.isPoint;
            this._isTemplate        = VALIDATION.isTemplate;

            this._clearCanvas     = UTILITIES.individual.misc.clearCanvas;
            this._drawAnchor      = UTILITIES.collection.drawAnchor;
            this._drawAxis        = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder      = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._drawOptionsPost = UTILITIES.collection.drawOptionsPost;
            this._setAnchorPoint  = UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint;
            this._setPointOffset  = UTILITIES.collection.setPointOffset;

            this.draw   = UTILITIES.collection.draw;
            this.push   = UTILITIES.collection.push;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'anchor',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'area',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area         );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'aspect',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'width',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'height',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'center',       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'endPoint',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint     );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'perimeter', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter    );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'template',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template     );

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

        this.point    = point;
        this.canvas   = canvas;
        this.template = template;

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set the y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ STROKE ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get stroke properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Stroke}                                    Stroke properties
        get stroke ( )
            return this._stroke;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get shadow properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Shadow}                                    Shadow properties
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ ASPECT ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get aspect properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Aspect}                                    Aspect properties
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect}
        get aspect ( ) { }

         * Get aspect with
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Width value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth}
        get width ( ) { }

         * Get aspect height
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Height value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight}
        get height ( ) { }

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ TEMPLATE ]  //////////////////////////////////

         * Set template
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Template} value                            Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        set template ( value ) { }

         * Get template
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Template}                                  Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        get template ( ) { }

    ////    [ ANCHOR ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set anchor type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Anchor type
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor}
        set anchor ( value ) { }

         * Get anchor
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Anchor}                                    Anchor properties
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor}
        get anchor ( ) { }

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Options object
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ STORAGE TYPE ]  //////////////////////////////

         * Returns this collection's storage type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Canvas Lab object
        get storageType ( )
            return this.#storage.type;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject}
        _isCanvasLabObject ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Template
         * @private
         * @memberof VALIDATION
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Template object
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isTemplate}
        _isTemplate ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Draws anchor point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.drawAnchor}
        _drawAnchor ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.drawOptionsPost}
        _drawOptionsPost ( ) { }

         * Triggers associated pre-draw options
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object}  object                            CanvasLab Object
         * @param           {Options} options                           Options for collections
        _drawOptionsPre ( object, options )
            let _types = [ 'shadow', 'points', 'controlPoints', 'coordinates' ];

            for ( let _type of _types )

                if ( options [ _type ] )

                    object.options [ _type ] = true;

         * Sets anchor's point against this object's point location
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint}
        _setAnchorPoint ( ) { }

         * Sets aspect
         * @private
         * @function
        _setAspect ( )
            let [ _width, _height ] = [ this._canvas.canvas.clientWidth  * 2, this._canvas.canvas.clientHeight * 2 ]

            let [ _left,  _top    ] = [   _width,   _height ];

            let [ _right, _bottom ] = [ - _width, - _height ];

            if ( this.length > 0 )

                if ( === 'Ellipses' )

                    for ( let _object of this )
                        _left   = ( _object.x - _object.radius.x < _left   ) ? _object.x - _object.radius.x : _left;

                        _right  = ( _object.x + _object.radius.x > _right  ) ? _object.x + _object.radius.x : _right;

                        _top    = ( _object.y - _object.radius.y < _top    ) ? _object.y - _object.radius.y : _top;

                        _bottom = ( _object.y + _object.radius.y > _bottom ) ? _object.y + _object.radius.y : _bottom;


                    for ( let _object of this )
                        _left   = ( _object.x - _object.radius < _left   ) ? _object.x - _object.radius : _left;

                        _right  = ( _object.x + _object.radius > _right  ) ? _object.x + _object.radius : _right;

                        _top    = ( _object.y - _object.radius < _top    ) ? _object.y - _object.radius : _top;

                        _bottom = ( _object.y + _object.radius > _bottom ) ? _object.y + _object.radius : _bottom;


                console.warn ( `No ${} exist to draw !` );

            [ this._aspect.width,    this._aspect.height   ] = [ _right - _left, _bottom - _top ];

            [ this._aspect.offset.x, this._aspect.offset.y ] = [ _left,          _top           ];

         * Sets offset of child object against this constructor's point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} Object                             CanvasLab Object
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint}
        _setPointOffset ( ) { }

         * Get area of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Area of rectangle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area}
        get area ( ) { }

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
         * @see             {@link}
        get center ( ) { }

         * Returns the last Point within this Array
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Last Array element's X & Y Coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint}
        get endPoint ( ) { }

         * Get perimeter of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Perimeter of rectangle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter}
        get perimeter ( ) { }

         * Pushes child object(s) into this collection
         * @public
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.push}
        push ( ) { }

    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw function for collections
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.draw}
        draw ( ) { }
 * @class           {Array}             Ellipses                Collection of circle elements within an array
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {StrokeCollection}  stroke                  Stroke collection properties
 * @property        {ShadowCollection}  shadow                  Shadow collection properties
 * @property        {Aspect}            aspect                  Aspect properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
 * @extends 		{Circles}
class Ellipses extends Circles
	#options = new Options;

	////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Options object
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;
 * @class           {Array}             Group                   Collection of Line, Circle, Rectangle & Text objects
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {Array}             lines                   Collection of Line objects
 * @property        {Array}             circles                 Collection of Circle objects
 * @property        {Array}             ellipses                Collection of Ellipse objects
 * @property        {Array}             rectangles              Collection of Rectangle objects
 * @property        {Array}             roundedRectangles       Collection of Rounded Rectangle objects
 * @property        {Array}             text                    Collection of Text objects
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
class Group extends Array
    _point = new Point;

    _lines             = new Lines;
    _circles           = new Circles;
    _ellipses          = new Ellipses;
    _rectangles        = new Rectangles;
    _roundedRectangles = new RoundedRectangles;
    _texts             = new Texts;

    _canvas   = undefined;
    _template = undefined;

    #storage  = { types: [ 'lines', 'circles', 'ellipses', 'rectangles', 'roundedRectangles', 'texts' ] }

     * Create Group object
     * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
     * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  Canvas Id
     * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
    constructor ( point = { x: undefined, y: undefined }, canvas, template )
        super ( );

        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject;
            this._isInDom           = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isTemplate        = VALIDATION.isTemplate;
            this._isPoint           = VALIDATION.isPoint;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'template', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template );

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

        this.point    = point;
        this.canvas   = canvas;
        this.template = template;

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set the y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ LINES ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Get's lines
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Lines}                                     Lines collection
        get lines ( )
            return this._lines;

    ////    [ CIRCLES ]    /////////////////////////////////

         * Get's circles
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Circles}                                   Circles collection
        get circles ( )
            return this._circles;

    ////    [ ELLIPSES ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Get's ellipses
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Ellipses}                                  Ellipses collection
        get ellipses ( )
            return this._ellipses;

    ////    [ RECTANGLES ]    //////////////////////////////

         * Get's rectangles
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Rectangles}                                Rectangles collection
        get rectangles ( )
            return this._rectangles;

    ////    [ ROUNDED RECTANGLES ]    //////////////////////

         * Get's rounded rectangles
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {RoundedRectangles}                         Rectangles collection
        get roundedRectangles ( )
            return this._roundedRectangles;

    ////    [ TEXTS ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Get's texts
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Texts}                                     Texts collection
        get texts ( )
            return this._texts;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
        set canvas ( value )
            this._canvas = ( value ) ? ( this._isInDom ( value ) )

                                               ? document.getElementById ( value ).getContext ( '2d' )

                                               : ( this._isCanvasLabObject ( value ) )

                                                     ? null

                                                     : console.warn ( `"${value}" is not a valid DOM element !` )

                                         : ( document.getElementById ( window.canvaslab.canvas ).getContext ( '2d' ) )

                                               ? document.getElementById ( window.canvaslab.canvas ).getContext ( '2d' )

                                               : this._canvas;

            for ( let _type of this.#storage.types )

                if ( ( this [ _type ].length > 0 )  &&  ( this._canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D ) )

                    for ( let _object of this [ _type ] )

                        _object.canvas = this.canvas;

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
        get canvas ( )
            return ( this._canvas != undefined ) ? : undefined;

    ////    [ TEMPLATE ]  //////////////////////////////////

         * Set template
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Template} value                            Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        set template ( value ) { }

         * Get template
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Template}                                  Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        get template ( ) { }

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @public
         * @memberof VALIDATION
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject}
        _isCanvasLabObject ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Template
         * @private
         * @memberof VALIDATION
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Template object
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isTemplate}
        _isTemplate ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Sets all canvases throughout each internal collection of objects
         * @private
         * @function
        _setAllCanvases ( )
            if ( this._canvas )

                for ( let _type of this.#storage.types )

                    if ( this [ _type ].length )

                        this [ _type ].canvas = this.canvas;

         * Sets offset of child Rectangle against this constructor's point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Rectangle} Object                          Rectangle object
        _setPointOffset ( Object )
            Object.x += this.x;

            Object.y += this.y;

         * Pushes an object into this group
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} object                             Object; Line(s), Circle(s), Rectangle(S)
        push ( object )
            for ( let _value of arguments )

                switch ( )
                    ////    OBJECTS     ////////////////////

                        case 'Line':                this._lines.push ( _value );                break;

                        case 'Circle':              this._circles.push ( _value );              break;

                        case 'Ellipse':             this._ellipse.push ( _value );              break;

                        case 'Rectangle':           this._rectangles.push ( _value );           break;

                        case 'RoundedRectangle':    this._roundedRectangles.push ( _value );    break;

                    ////    COLLECTIONS     ////////////////

                        case 'Lines':               for ( let _line of _value ) this._lines.push ( _line );                                         break;

                        case 'Circles':             for ( let _circle of _value ) this._circles.push ( _circle );                                   break;

                        case 'Ellipses':            for ( let _ellipse of _value ) this._ellipses.push ( _ellipse );                                break;

                        case 'Rectangles':          for ( let _rectangle of _value ) this._rectangles.push ( _rectangle );                          break;

                        case 'RoundedRectangles':   for ( let _roundedRectangle of _value ) this._roundedRectangles.push ( _roundedRectangle );     break;

         * Pops an object out of this group
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} object                             Object; Line(s), Circle(s), Rectangle(S)
        pop ( object )
            for ( let _value of arguments )

                switch ( )
                    ////    OBJECTS     ////////////////////

                        case 'Line':                this._lines.pop ( _value );                break;

                        case 'Circle':              this._circles.pop ( _value );              break;

                        case 'Ellipse':             this._ellipse.pop ( _value );              break;

                        case 'Rectangle':           this._rectangles.pop ( _value );           break;

                        case 'RoundedRectangle':    this._roundedRectangles.pop ( _value );    break;

                    ////    COLLECTIONS     ////////////////

                        case 'Lines':               for ( let _line of _value ) this._lines.pop ( _line );                                         break;

                        case 'Circles':             for ( let _circle of _value ) this._circles.pop ( _circle );                                   break;

                        case 'Ellipses':            for ( let _ellipse of _value ) this._ellipses.pop ( _ellipse );                                break;

                        case 'Rectangles':          for ( let _rectangle of _value ) this._rectangles.pop ( _rectangle );                          break;

                        case 'RoundedRectangles':   for ( let _roundedRectangle of _value ) this._roundedRectangles.pop ( _roundedRectangle );     break;


                        console.warn ( `"${_value}" is not a supported type to be popped into ${}` );


    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw this group
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
        draw ( canvas )
            if ( canvas != undefined ) this.canvas = canvas;

            for ( let _type of this.#storage.types )

                if ( this [ _type ].length > 0 )
                    this._setPointOffset ( this [ _type ] );

                    this [ _type ].draw ( );

                    console.warn ( `No ${_type} exist to draw !` );
 * @class           {Array}             Lines                   Collection of Line objects
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {StrokeCollection}  stroke                  Stroke collection properties
 * @property        {ShadowCollection}  shadow                  Shadow collection properties
 * @property        {string}            lineCap                 Shape of end points
 * @property        {Aspect}            aspect                  Aspect properties
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
class Lines extends Array
    _point   = new Point;
    _stroke  = new StrokeCollection;
    _shadow  = new ShadowCollection;
    _lineCap = 'round';
    _aspect  = new Aspect;
    _anchor  = new Anchor;

    _canvas   = undefined;
    _template = undefined;

    #options = new Options;
    #storage = { type: Line }

     * Create a Lines object
     * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
     * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  Canvas Id
     * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
    constructor ( point = { x: undefined, y: undefined }, canvas, template )
        super ( );

        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isAspect          = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject;
            this._isInDom           = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isPoint           = VALIDATION.isPoint;
            this._isTemplate        = VALIDATION.isTemplate;

            this._clearCanvas     = UTILITIES.individual.misc.clearCanvas;
            this._drawAnchor      = UTILITIES.collection.drawAnchor;
            this._drawAxis        = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder      = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._drawOptionsPost = UTILITIES.collection.drawOptionsPost;
            this._setAnchorPoint  = UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint;

            this.draw   = UTILITIES.collection.draw;
            this.push   = UTILITIES.collection.push;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'anchor',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'area',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area         );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'aspect',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'width',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'height',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'endPoint',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint     );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'perimeter', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter    );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'template',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template     );

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

        this.point    = point;
        this.canvas   = canvas;
        this.template = template;

        this.stroke.master = this;

        ////    POPULATE COLLECTION     ////////////////////

            if ( arguments.length > 0 )

                this.push.apply ( this, arguments );

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set the y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ STROKE ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get stroke properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Stroke}                                    Stroke properties
        get stroke ( )
            return this._stroke;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get shadow properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Shadow}                                    Shadow properties
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ LINECAP ]  ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set line cap
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Line cap
        set lineCap ( value )
            this._lineCap = ( value === 'butt' || value === 'round' || value === 'square' ) ? value : this._lineCap;

         * Get line cap
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Line cap
        get lineCap ( )
            return this._lineCap;

    ////    [ ASPECT ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get aspect properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Aspect}                                    Aspect properties
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect}
        get aspect ( ) { }

         * Get aspect with
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Width value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth}
        get width ( ) { }

         * Get aspect height
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Height value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight}
        get height ( ) { }

    ////    [ ANCHOR ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set anchor type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Anchor type
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor}
        set anchor ( value ) { }

         * Get anchor
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Anchor}                                    Anchor properties
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor}
        get anchor ( ) { }

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ TEMPLATE ]  //////////////////////////////////

         * Set template
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Template} value                            Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        set template ( value ) { }

         * Get template
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Template}                                  Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        get template ( ) { }

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Options object
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ STORAGE TYPE ]  //////////////////////////////

         * Returns this collection's storage type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Canvas Lab object
        get storageType ( )
            return this.#storage.type;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject}
        _isCanvasLabObject ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Template
         * @private
         * @memberof VALIDATION
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Template object
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isTemplate}
        _isTemplate ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Draws anchor point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.collection.drawAnchor}
        _drawAnchor ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis   ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder  ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.drawOptionsPost}
        _drawOptionsPost ( ) { }

         * Triggers associated pre-draw options
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object}  object                            CanvasLab Object
         * @param           {Options} options                           Options for collections
        _drawOptionsPre ( object, options )
            let _types = [ 'shadow', 'points', 'controlPoints', 'coordinates' ];

            for ( let _type of _types )

                if ( options [ _type ] )

                    object.options [ _type ] = true;

         * Sets anchor's point against this object's point location
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint}
        _setAnchorPoint ( ) { }

         * Sets aspect
         * @private
         * @function
        _setAspect ( )
            let [ _width, _height ] = [ this._canvas.canvas.clientWidth  * 2, this._canvas.canvas.clientHeight * 2 ]

            let [ _left,  _top    ] = [   _width,   _height ];

            let [ _right, _bottom ] = [ - _width, - _height ];

            if ( this.length > 0 )

                for ( let _object of this )
                    _left   = ( _object.start.x < _left   ) ? _object.start.x : _left;

                    _left   = ( _object.end.x   < _left   ) ? _object.end.x   : _left;

                    _right  = ( _object.start.x > _right  ) ? _object.start.x : _right;

                    _right  = ( _object.end.x   > _right  ) ? _object.end.x   : _right;

                    _top    = ( _object.start.y < _top    ) ? _object.start.y : _top;

                    _top    = ( _object.end.y   < _top    ) ? _object.end.y   : _top;

                    _bottom = ( _object.start.y > _bottom ) ? _object.start.y : _bottom;

                    _bottom = ( _object.end.y   > _bottom ) ? _object.end.y   : _bottom;


                console.warn ( `No ${} exist to draw !` );

            [ this._aspect.width, this._aspect.height ] = [ _right - _left, _bottom - _top ];

         * Sets offset of child Line against this constructor's point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Line} Line                                 Line object
        _setPointOffset ( Line )
            Line.start.x += this.x;

            Line.end.x   += this.x;

            Line.start.y += this.y;

            Line.end.y   += this.y;

         * Get area of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Area of rectangle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area}
        get area ( ) { }

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
        get center ( )
            const getMin = ( value, start, end ) => ( value === undefined ) ? start : ( start < end ) ? ( start < value ) ? start : value : ( end < value ) ? end : value;

            let _x, _y = undefined;

            for ( let _object of this )
                _x = getMin ( _x, _object.start.x, _object.end.x );

                _y = getMin ( _y, _object.start.y, _object.end.y );

            [ _x, _y ] = [ _x + ( this.width / 2 ), _y + ( this.height / 2 ) ];

            return new Point ( _x, _y );

         * Returns the last Point within this Array
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Last Array element's X & Y Coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint}
        get endPoint ( ) { }

         * Get perimeter of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Perimeter of rectangle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter}
        get perimeter ( ) { }

         * Pushes child object(s) into this collection
         * @public
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.push}
        push ( ) { }

    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw function for collections
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.draw}
        draw ( ) { }
 * @class           {Array}             Rectangles              Collection of Rectangle objects
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {StrokeCollection}  stroke                  Stroke collection properties
 * @property        {ShadowCollection}  shadow                  Shadow collection properties
 * @property        {Aspect}            aspect                  Aspect properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
class Rectangles extends Array
    _point   = new Point;
    _stroke  = new StrokeCollection;
    _shadow  = new ShadowCollection;
    _aspect  = new Aspect;

    _canvas   = undefined;
    _template = undefined;

    _anchor  = new Anchor;
    #options = new Options;
    #storage = { type: Rectangle }

     * Create Rectangles object
     * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
     * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  Canvas Id
     * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
    constructor ( point = { x: undefined, y: undefined }, canvas, template )
        super ( );

        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isAspect          = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject;
            this._isInDom           = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isPoint           = VALIDATION.isPoint;
            this._isTemplate        = VALIDATION.isTemplate;

            this._clearCanvas     = UTILITIES.individual.misc.clearCanvas;
            this._drawAnchor      = UTILITIES.collection.drawAnchor;
            this._drawAxis        = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder      = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._drawOptionsPost = UTILITIES.collection.drawOptionsPost;
            this._setAnchorPoint  = UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint;
            this._setPointOffset  = UTILITIES.collection.setPointOffset;

            this.draw   = UTILITIES.collection.draw;
            this.push   = UTILITIES.collection.push;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'anchor',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'area',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area         );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'aspect',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'width',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'height',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'center',       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'endPoint',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint     );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'perimeter', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter    );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'template',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template     );

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

        this.point    = point;
        this.canvas   = canvas;
        this.template = template;

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set the y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ STROKE ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get stroke properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Stroke}                                    Stroke properties
        get stroke ( )
            return this._stroke;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get shadow properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Shadow}                                    Shadow properties
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ ASPECT ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get aspect properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Aspect}                                    Aspect properties
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect}
        get aspect ( ) { }

         * Get aspect with
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Width value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth}
        get width ( ) { }

         * Get aspect height
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Height value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight}
        get height ( ) { }

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ TEMPLATE ]  //////////////////////////////////

         * Set template
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Template} value                            Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        set template ( value ) { }

         * Get template
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Template}                                  Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        get template ( ) { }

    ////    [ ANCHOR ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set anchor type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Anchor type
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor}
        set anchor ( value ) { }

         * Get anchor
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Anchor}                                    Anchor properties
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor}
        get anchor ( ) { }

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Options object
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ STORAGE TYPE ]  //////////////////////////////

         * Returns this collection's storage type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Canvas Lab object
        get storageType ( )
            return this.#storage.type;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject}
        _isCanvasLabObject ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Template
         * @private
         * @memberof VALIDATION
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Template object
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isTemplate}
        _isTemplate ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Draws anchor point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.drawAnchor}
        _drawAnchor ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.drawOptionsPost}
        _drawOptionsPost ( ) { }

         * Triggers associated pre-draw options
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object}  object                            CanvasLab Object
         * @param           {Options} options                           Options for collections
        _drawOptionsPre ( object, options )
            let _types = [ 'shadow', 'points', 'controlPoints', 'coordinates' ];

            for ( let _type of _types )

                if ( options [ _type ] )

                    object.options [ _type ] = true;

         * Sets anchor's point against this object's point location
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint}
        _setAnchorPoint ( ) { }

         * Sets aspect
         * @private
         * @function
        _setAspect ( )
            let [ _width, _height ] = [ this._canvas.canvas.clientWidth  * 2, this._canvas.canvas.clientHeight * 2 ]

            let [ _left,  _top    ] = [   _width,   _height ];

            let [ _right, _bottom ] = [ - _width, - _height ];

            if ( this.length > 0 )

                for ( let _object of this )
                    _left   = ( _object.x < _left                    ) ? _object.x                  : _left;

                    _right  = ( _object.x + _object.width > _right   ) ? _object.x + _object.width  : _right;

                    _top    = ( _object.y < _top                     ) ? _object.y                  : _top;

                    _bottom = ( _object.y + _object.height > _bottom ) ? _object.y + _object.height : _bottom;


                console.warn ( `No ${} exist to draw !` );

            [ this._aspect.width,    this._aspect.height   ] = [ _right - _left, _bottom - _top ];

            [ this._aspect.offset.x, this._aspect.offset.y ] = [ _left - 25,     _top - 25      ];

         * Sets offset of child object against this constructor's point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} Object                             CanvasLab Object
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint}
        _setPointOffset ( ) { }

         * Get area of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Area of rectangle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area}
        get area ( ) { }

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
         * @see             {@link}
        get center ( ) { }

         * Returns the last Point within this Array
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Last Array element's X & Y Coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint}
        get endPoint ( ) { }

         * Get perimeter of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Perimeter of rectangle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter}
        get perimeter ( ) { }

         * Pushes child object(s) into this collection
         * @public
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.push}
        push ( ) { }

    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw function for collections
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.draw}
        draw ( ) { }
 * @class           {Array}             RoundedRectangles       Collection of Rounded Rectangle objects
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {StrokeCollection}  stroke                  Stroke collection properties
 * @property        {ShadowCollection}  shadow                  Shadow collection properties
 * @property        {Aspect}            aspect                  Aspect properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
 * @extends 		{Rectangles}
class RoundedRectangles extends Rectangles
	#options = new Options;

	////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Options object
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;
 * @class           {Array}             Texts                   Collection of Text objects
 * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {StrokeCollection}  stroke                  Stroke collection properties
 * @property        {ShadowCollection}  shadow                  Shadow collection properties
 * @property        {Aspect}            aspect                  Aspect properties
 * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  2D canvas context
 * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
 * @property        {Anchor}            anchor                  Anchor properties
 * @property        {Options}           options                 Options for this object
class Texts extends Array
    _point   = new Point;
    _stroke  = new StrokeCollection;
    _shadow  = new ShadowCollection;
    _aspect  = new Aspect;

    _canvas   = undefined;
    _template = undefined;

    _anchor  = new Anchor;
    #options = new Options;
    #storage = { type: Text }

     * Create Texts object
     * @property        {Point}             point                   X & Y axis coordinates
     * @property        {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas                  Canvas Id
     * @property        {Template}          template                Canvas Lab Template object
    constructor ( point = { x: undefined, y: undefined }, canvas, template )
        super ( );

        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isAspect          = VALIDATION.isAspect;
            this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject;
            this._isInDom           = VALIDATION.isInDom;
            this._isPoint           = VALIDATION.isPoint;
            this._isTemplate        = VALIDATION.isTemplate;

            this._clearCanvas     = UTILITIES.individual.misc.clearCanvas;
            this._drawAnchor      = UTILITIES.collection.drawAnchor;
            this._drawAxis        = UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis;
            this._drawBorder      = UTILITIES.individual.draw.border;
            this._drawOptionsPost = UTILITIES.collection.drawOptionsPost;
            this._setAnchorPoint  = UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint;
            this._setPointOffset  = UTILITIES.collection.setPointOffset;

            this.draw = UTILITIES.collection.draw;
            this.push = UTILITIES.collection.push;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'anchor',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'area',      PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area         );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'aspect',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'width',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'height',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'canvas',    PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'center',       );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'endPoint',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint     );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'perimeter', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter    );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'template',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template     );

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'x',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'y',     PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY );

        this.point    = point;
        this.canvas   = canvas;
        this.template = template;

    ////    [ POINT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

         * Set x-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        set x ( value ) { }

         * Get x-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    X coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointX}
        get x ( ) { }

         * Set the y-axis value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        set y ( value ) { }

         * Get y-axis value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Y coordinate value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.pointY}
        get y ( ) { }

    ////    [ STROKE ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get stroke properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Stroke}                                    Stroke properties
        get stroke ( )
            return this._stroke;

    ////    [ SHADOW ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get shadow properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Shadow}                                    Shadow properties
        get shadow ( )
            return this._shadow;

    ////    [ ASPECT ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get aspect properties
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Aspect}                                    Aspect properties
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspect}
        get aspect ( ) { }

         * Get aspect with
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Width value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectWidth}
        get width ( ) { }

         * Get aspect height
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Height value
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.aspectHeight}
        get height ( ) { }

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas}
        set canvas ( value ) { }

         * Get canvas value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {string}                                    Canvas id
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.canvas}
        get canvas ( ) { }

    ////    [ TEMPLATE ]  //////////////////////////////////

         * Set template
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Template} value                            Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        set template ( value ) { }

         * Get template
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Template}                                  Template object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.template}
        get template ( ) { }

    ////    [ ANCHOR ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set anchor type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Anchor type
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor}
        set anchor ( value ) { }

         * Get anchor
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Anchor}                                    Anchor properties
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.anchor}
        get anchor ( ) { }

    ////    [ OPTIONS ] ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get options
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Options object
        get options ( )
            return this.#options;

    ////    [ STORAGE TYPE ]  //////////////////////////////

         * Returns this collection's storage type
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Canvas Lab object
        get storageType ( )
            return this.#storage.type;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an Aspect
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Aspect or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isAspect}
        _isAspect ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject}
        _isCanvasLabObject ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Draws anchor point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.drawAnchor}
        _drawAnchor ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} offset                             Offset of axis
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @param           {number} stop                               Gradient color stop
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.axis}
        _drawAxis ( ) { }

         * Draws an axis for the associated object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Aspect} aspect                             Aspect properties
         * @param           {Object} color                              Color model
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.individual.draw.border}
        _drawBorder ( ) { }

         * Draws associated options
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.drawOptionsPost}
        _drawOptionsPost ( ) { }

         * Triggers associated pre-draw options
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object}  object                            CanvasLab Object
         * @param           {Options} options                           Options for collections
        _drawOptionsPre ( object, options )
            let _types = [ 'shadow', 'points', 'controlPoints', 'coordinates' ];

            for ( let _type of _types )

                if ( options [ _type ] )

                    object.options [ _type ] = true;

         * Sets anchor's point against this object's point location
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint}
        _setAnchorPoint ( ) { }

         * Sets aspect
         * @private
         * @function
        _setAspect ( )
            let [ _width, _height ] = [ this._canvas.canvas.clientWidth  * 2, this._canvas.canvas.clientHeight * 2 ]

            let [ _left,  _top    ] = [   _width,   _height ];

            let [ _right, _bottom ] = [ - _width, - _height ];

            let _padding            = { left: 14, top: 9 }

            if ( this.length > 0 )

                for ( let _object of this )
                    let _width  = this._canvas.measureText ( this.text ).width;

                    let _height = this._canvas.fontBoundingBoxAscent + this._canvas.fontBoundingBoxDescent;

                    _left   = ( _object.x < _left             ) ? _object.x           : _left;

                    _right  = ( _object.x + _width > _right   ) ? _object.x + _width  : _right;

                    _top    = ( _object.y < _top              ) ? _object.y           : _top;

                    _bottom = ( _object.y + _height > _bottom ) ? _object.y + _height : _bottom;


                console.warn ( `No ${} exist to draw !` );

            [ this._aspect.width,    this._aspect.height   ] = [ _right - _left, _bottom - _top ];

            [ this._aspect.offset.x, this._aspect.offset.y ] = [ _left - _padding.left, _top - ];

         * Sets offset of child object against this constructor's point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} Object                             CanvasLab Object
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.setAnchorPoint}
        _setPointOffset ( ) { }

         * Get area of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Area of rectangle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.area}
        get area ( ) { }

         * Get center of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Center point coordinates
         * @see             {@link}
        get center ( ) { }

         * Returns the last Point within this Array
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     Last Array element's X & Y Coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.endPoint}
        get endPoint ( ) { }

         * Get perimeter of this object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Perimeter of rectangle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.collection.perimeter}
        get perimeter ( ) { }

         * Pushes child object(s) into this collection
         * @public
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.push}
        push ( ) { }

    ////    DRAW    ////////////////////////////////////////

         * Draw function for collections
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} canvas                             Canvas Id
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.collection.draw}
        draw ( ) { }

////    DATA_STRUCTURES    /////////////////////////////////
 * @class           {Object} Queue                              Queue object
 * @property        {Array}  entries                            Array of entries
 * @property        {number} [index=0]                          Current index
 * @property        {Object} entry                              Current entry
class Queue
    _entries = new Array;
    _index   = 0;
    _entry   = undefined;
    #touched = false;

     * Create a Queue object
     * @property        {Array} entries                             Array of entries
    constructor ( entries )
        if ( Array.isArray ( entries ) )

            this.entries = entries;


            for ( let _value of arguments )

                this.entry = _value;

    ////    [ ENTRIES ]    /////////////////////////////////

         * Set entries
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array} value                               Array of entries
        set entries ( value )
            this._entries = Array.isArray ( value ) ? value : this._entries;

         * Get entries
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Array}                                     Array of entries
        get entries ( )
            return this._entries;
    ////    [ INDEX ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Get index
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Current index value
        get index ( )
            return this._index;

    ////    [ ENTRY ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Pushes in an entry
         * @public
         * @function
        set entry ( value )
            if ( typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function' )

                this._entries.push ( value );

         * Get current entry
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Current entry
        get entry ( )
            return this._entry;

    ////    VALIDATION    //////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether this queue is at its end
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
        get isEnd ( )
            return ( this.#touched  &&  this._index === 0 );

         * Returns whether this queue is on its last element
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
        get isLast ( )
            return ( ( this._entries.length - 1 ) === this._index );

         * Returns whether this queue is set, or populated
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
        get isSet ( )
            return ( this._entries.length > 0 );

    ////    UTILITIES    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Returns next entry; begins with [ 0 ], or first entry
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Next entry
        get next ( )
            this.#touched = true;

            let _entry = this._entries [ this._index ];

            if ( this._index === this._entries.length - 1 )

                this._index = 0;


                this._index = this._index + 1;

            return _entry;

         * Resets index to 0
         * @public
         * @function
        get reset ( )
            [ this._index, this.#touched ] = [ 0, false ];

////    HANDLERS    ////////////////////////////////////////
 * @class           {Object}          Animation                 Animation handler; for drawing a single object in one instance
 * @property        {clObject}        object                    CanvasLab object
 * @property        {string|Function} timing                    Timing function
 * @property        {number}          period                    Period of time
 * @property        {Object}          change                    Change to object
 * @property        {Object}          options                   Options for this object
class Animation
    _object = undefined;
    _timing = undefined;
    _period = undefined;
    _change = undefined;

    #timings =
        ////    EASE-IN    /////////////////////////////////////

            'easeInSine':       ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.cos ( ( timeFraction * Math.PI ) / 2 ),
            'easeInCubic':      ( timeFraction ) => timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction,
            'easeInQuint':      ( timeFraction ) => timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction,
            'easeInCirc':       ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.sqrt ( 1 - Math.pow ( timeFraction, 2 ) ),
            'easeInElastic':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : - Math.pow ( 2, 10 * timeFraction - 10 ) * Math.sin ( ( timeFraction * 10 - 10.75 ) * ( ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 3 ) ),
            'easeInQuad':       ( timeFraction ) => timeFraction * timeFraction,
            'easeInQuart':      ( timeFraction ) => timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction,
            'easeInExpo':       ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : Math.pow ( 2, 10 * timeFraction - 10 ),
            'easeInBack':       ( timeFraction ) => ( 1.70158 + 1 ) * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction - 1.70158 * timeFraction * timeFraction,

        ////    EASE-OUT    ////////////////////////////////////

            'easeOutSine':      ( timeFraction ) => Math.sin ( ( timeFraction * Math.PI ) / 2 ),
            'easeOutCubic':     ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.pow ( 1 - timeFraction, 3 ),
            'easeOutQuint':     ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.pow ( 1 - timeFraction, 5 ),
            'easeOutCirc':      ( timeFraction ) => Math.sqrt ( 1 - Math.pow ( timeFraction - 1, 2 ) ),
            'easeOutElastic':   ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : Math.pow ( 2, -10 * timeFraction ) * Math.sin ( ( timeFraction * 10 - 0.75 ) * ( ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 3 ) ) + 1,
            'easeOutQuad':      ( timeFraction ) => 1 - ( 1 - timeFraction ) * ( 1 - timeFraction ),
            'easeOutQuart':     ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.pow ( 1 - timeFraction, 4 ),
            'easeOutExpo':      ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow ( 2, -10 * timeFraction ),
            'easeOutBack':      ( timeFraction ) => 1 + ( 1.70158 + 1 ) * Math.pow ( timeFraction - 1, 3 ) + 1.70158 * Math.pow ( timeFraction - 1, 2 ),

        ////    EASE-IN-OUT    /////////////////////////////////

            'easeInOutSine':    ( timeFraction ) => - ( Math.cos ( Math.PI * timeFraction ) - 1 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutCubic':   ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? 4 * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction : 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 3 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutQuint':   ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? 16 * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction : 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 5 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutCirc':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? ( 1 - Math.sqrt ( 1 - Math.pow ( 2 * timeFraction, 2 ) ) ) / 2 : ( Math.sqrt ( 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 2 ) ) + 1 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutElastic': ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? - ( Math.pow ( 2, 20 * timeFraction - 10 ) * Math.sin ( ( 20 * timeFraction - 11.125 ) * ( ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 4.5 ) ) ) / 2 : ( Math.pow ( 2, -20 * timeFraction + 10 ) * Math.sin ( ( 20 * timeFraction - 11.125 ) * ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 4.5 ) ) / 2 + 1,
            'easeInOutQuad':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? 2 * timeFraction * timeFraction : 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 2 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutQuart':   ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? 8 * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction : 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 4 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutExpo':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? Math.pow ( 2, 20 * timeFraction - 10 ) / 2 : ( 2 - Math.pow ( 2, -20 * timeFraction + 10 ) ) / 2,
            'easeInOutBack':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? ( Math.pow ( 2 * timeFraction, 2 ) * ( ( ( 1.70158 * 1.525 ) + 1 ) * 2 * timeFraction - ( 1.70158 * 1.525 ) ) ) / 2 : ( Math.pow ( 2 * timeFraction - 2, 2 ) * ( ( ( 1.70158 * 1.525 ) + 1 ) * ( timeFraction * 2 - 2 ) + ( 1.70158 * 1.525 ) ) + 2 ) / 2

    _options =
        cache:  false,
        active: false

    _queue = new Queue;
    #cache = new Array;

     * Creates an animation instance
     * @param           {clObject}        object                    Canvas Lab object
     * @param           {string|Function} timing                    Timing function
     * @param           {number}          period                    Period of time
     * @param           {Object}          change                    Change to object
    constructor ( object, timing, period, change )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isNumber = VALIDATION.isNumber;

            this._end              = UTILITIES.animation.end;
            this._getInvertedAngle = UTILITIES.animation.getInvertedAngle;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'cache',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cache  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'cancel', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cancel );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'period', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.period );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'queue',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.queue  );

        this.object = object;
        this.timing = timing;
        this.period = period;
        this.change = change; = true;

    ////    [ OBJECT ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set object to animate
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} value                            Canvas Lab object
        set object ( value )
            this._object = value;

         * Get object
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Canvas Lab object
        get object ( )
            return this._object;

    ////    [ TIMING ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set timing
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string|Function} value                     Timing function
        set timing ( value )
            if ( value != undefined )

                switch ( typeof value )
                    case 'string':

                        this._timing = this.#timings [ value ];


                    case 'function':

                        this._timing = value;



                        console.warn ( `"${value}" is not a valid timing type !` );

         * Get timing
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Function}                                  Timing function
        get timing ( )
            return this._timing;

    ////    [ PERIOD ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set period of animation
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Period of animation-time
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.period}
        set period ( value ) { }

         * Get period of animation
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Period of animation-time
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.period}
        get period ( ) { }

    ////    [ CHANGE ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set change
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {clChange} value                            Canvas Lab change object
        set change ( value )
            this._change = value;

         * Get change
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {clChange}                                  Canvas Lab change object
        get change ( )
            return this._change;

    ////    [ CACHE ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set cache
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             True || False
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cache}
        set cache ( value ) { }

         * Get cache
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cache}
        get cache ( ) { }

    ////    [ QUEUE ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set queue
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Queue} value                               Queue object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.queue}
        set queue ( value ) { }

         * Get queue
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Queue}                                     Queue object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.queue}
        get queue ( ) { }

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Number value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Number value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isNumber}
        _isNumber ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Cache object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} object                           Canvas Lab object
        _cacheObject ( )
            let _object = undefined;

            switch ( )
                case 'Circle':

                    _object = new Circle ( this.object.point );

                    // _object = new Circle (
                    //               this.object.point,
                    //               this.object.radius,
                    //               this.object.angle,
                    //               this.object.stroke,
                    //               this.object.fill,
                    //               this.object.shadow,
                    //               this.object.canvas
                    //           );


                case 'Ellipse':

                    _object = new Ellipse (


                case 'Rectangle':

                    _object = new Rectangle (


                case 'RoundedRectangle':

                    _object = new RoundedRectangle (


                case 'Text':

                    _object = new Text (


            this.#cache.push ( _object );

         * Checks whether queue is set
         * @private
         * @function
        _checkQueue ( )
            if ( this.queue.isSet )
                let _animate =;             // Get initial ( and subsequent ) queue entries

                this.object = _animate.object;

                this.timing = _animate.timing;

                this.period = _animate.period;

                this.change = _animate.change;

         * Clears canvas
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} object                           Canvas Lab object
        _clearCanvas ( object )
            let _canvas = document.getElementById ( object.canvas );

            if ( _canvas )  // @TODO: identify why this check has to take place periodically !

                object._canvas.clearRect ( 0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height );

         * Draw cached object(s)
         * @private
         * @function
        _drawCache ( )
            if ( this.#cache.length > 0 )

                for ( let _entry of this.#cache )

                    _entry.draw ( );

         * End animation
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.animation.end}
        _end ( ) { }

         * Returns an inverted angle; of 360 degrees
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} angle                              Angle to convert
         * @return          {number}                                    Inverted angle
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.animation.getInvertedAngle}
        _getInvertedAngle ( angle ) { }

         * Returns a point based off of the direction & distance passed
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} direction                          Direction to point; in degrees
         * @param           {number} distance                           Distance to point
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
        _getPointByDegreeNDistance ( direction, distance )
            let _point = new Point;

            let _angle = ( direction % 360 );

                _point.x = this.object.position.origin.x - Math.cos ( _angle * Math.PI / 180 ) * distance;

                _point.y = this.object.position.origin.y - Math.sin ( _angle * Math.PI / 180 ) * distance;

            return _point;

         * Caches current object
         * @private
         * @function
        _setCache ( )
            if ( this.queue.isSet  &&  ! this.queue.isEnd )
                if ( this.change.cache )

                    this._cacheObject ( );

                this.animate ( );

       ( 'animation complete !' );

         * Set Position data
         * @private
         * @function
        _setPositionData ( )
            for ( let _type in this.change )
                let _difference = this.change [ _type ];

                switch ( _type )
                    case 'point':

                        this.object.position.origin    = this.object.point;

                        this.object.position.distance  = _difference;

                        this.object.position.direction = _difference;


                    case 'move':

                        this.object.position.origin = this.object.point;

                        = ( this.change.rotatePoint )

                                                          ? + this.change.rotatePoint


                        let _point = this._getPointByDegreeNDistance (, _difference.distance );

                        this.object.position.distance  = _point;

                        this.object.position.direction = _point;


                    case 'radius':

                        // code . . .


                    case 'rotate':

                        // code . . .


                    case 'strokeColor':

                        // code . . .


                    case 'strokeAlpha':

                        // code . . .


                    case 'fillColor':

                        // code . . .


                    case 'fillAlpha':

                        // code . . .


                    case 'fillLinear':
                    case 'fillRadial':
                    case 'fillConic':

                        // code . . .


                    case 'cache':

                        this.cache = _difference;


         * Calculates an animation transition
         * @private
         * @async
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} object                           Canvas Lab object
         * @param           {number}   progress                         Progress of transition; 0 - 1
        async _transition ( object, progress )
            for ( let _type in this.change )
                let _amount = this.change [ _type ];

                switch ( _type )
                    case 'point':
                    case 'move':

                        object.point =
                            x: object.position.origin.x + ( object.position.distance * progress ) * Math.cos ( object.position.direction ),

                            y: object.position.origin.y + ( object.position.distance * progress ) * Math.sin ( object.position.direction )


                    case 'radius':

                        object.radius = _amount * progress;


                    case 'rotate':

                        object.rotate ( _amount );


                    case 'strokeColor':

                        object.stroke.color.cycle ( object.stroke.color, _amount, progress, 1 );


                    case 'strokeAlpha':

                        object.stroke.color.alpha = _amount * progress;


                    case 'fillColor':

                        object.fill.color.cycle ( object.fill.color, _amount, progress, 1 );


                    case 'fillAlpha':

                        object.fill.color.alpha = _amount * progress;


                    case 'fillLinear':
                    case 'fillRadial':
                    case 'fillConic':

                        for ( let _entry in _amount )
                            let _start = object.fill.gradient.stops [ _entry ];

                            let _end   = _amount [ _entry ];

                            object.fill.gradient.stops [ _entry ].color.cycle ( _start.color, _end.color, progress, 1 );


                    case 'rotate':

                        console.log ( '_amount:', _amount );


         * Cancels animation
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cancel}
        get cancel ( ) { }

    ////    ANIMATE    /////////////////////////////////////

         * Initiates animation
         * @public
         * @function
        animate ( )
            ////    PREPARATORY    /////////////////////////

                this._checkQueue ( );

                this._setPositionData ( );

            ////    PROPERTIES    //////////////////////////

                let _object = this._object;

                let _timing = this._timing;

                let _period = this._period;

                let _active =;

            ////    FUNCTIONS    ///////////////////////////

                let _transition   = ( object, progress ) => this._transition ( object, progress );

                let _clearCanvas  = ( object )           => this._clearCanvas ( object );

                let _drawCache    = ( )                  => this._drawCache ( );

                let _setCache     = ( )                  => this._setCache ( );

                let _end          = ( )                  => this._end ( );

            ////    ANIMATE    /////////////////////////////

                function _animate ( )
                    let _start = ( );

                    requestAnimationFrame (

                        function animate ( time )
                            _clearCanvas ( _object );

                            let _timeFraction =  ( time - _start ) / _period;   // timeFraction goes from 0 to 1

                            let _progress     = _timing ( _timeFraction );      // calculate the current animation state

                /* normalize */ _progress     = ( true && _progress < 0 ) ? 0 : _progress;

                            _transition ( _object, _progress );

                            _object.draw ( );

                            _drawCache ( );

                            ( _active ) ? ( _timeFraction < 1 )                 // Resolve

                                              ? requestAnimationFrame ( animate )

                                              : _setCache ( )

                                        : _end ( );

            ////    INITIALIZE    //////////////////////////

                if ( this._object  &&  this._period )

                    _animate ( );


                    console.warn ( '[ Animation ] :: The "object" and/or "period" properties are invalid !' );
 * @class           {Object}                  Animations        Animations handler; for drawing multiple objects in one instance
 * @property        {Array.<clObject>}        objects           CanvasLab objects
 * @property        {Array.<string|Function>} timings           Timing functions
 * @property        {number}                  periods           Period of time
 * @property        {Array.<Object>}          changes           Changes an object
 * @property        {Object}                  options           Options for this object
class Animations
    _objects = undefined;
    _timings = undefined;
    _periods = undefined;
    _changes = undefined;

    #timings =
        ////    EASE-IN    /////////////////////////////////////

            'easeInSine':       ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.cos ( ( timeFraction * Math.PI ) / 2 ),
            'easeInCubic':      ( timeFraction ) => timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction,
            'easeInQuint':      ( timeFraction ) => timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction,
            'easeInCirc':       ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.sqrt ( 1 - Math.pow ( timeFraction, 2 ) ),
            'easeInElastic':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : - Math.pow ( 2, 10 * timeFraction - 10 ) * Math.sin ( ( timeFraction * 10 - 10.75 ) * ( ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 3 ) ),
            'easeInQuad':       ( timeFraction ) => timeFraction * timeFraction,
            'easeInQuart':      ( timeFraction ) => timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction,
            'easeInExpo':       ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : Math.pow ( 2, 10 * timeFraction - 10 ),
            'easeInBack':       ( timeFraction ) => ( 1.70158 + 1 ) * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction - 1.70158 * timeFraction * timeFraction,

        ////    EASE-OUT    ////////////////////////////////////

            'easeOutSine':      ( timeFraction ) => Math.sin ( ( timeFraction * Math.PI ) / 2 ),
            'easeOutCubic':     ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.pow ( 1 - timeFraction, 3 ),
            'easeOutQuint':     ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.pow ( 1 - timeFraction, 5 ),
            'easeOutCirc':      ( timeFraction ) => Math.sqrt ( 1 - Math.pow ( timeFraction - 1, 2 ) ),
            'easeOutElastic':   ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : Math.pow ( 2, -10 * timeFraction ) * Math.sin ( ( timeFraction * 10 - 0.75 ) * ( ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 3 ) ) + 1,
            'easeOutQuad':      ( timeFraction ) => 1 - ( 1 - timeFraction ) * ( 1 - timeFraction ),
            'easeOutQuart':     ( timeFraction ) => 1 - Math.pow ( 1 - timeFraction, 4 ),
            'easeOutExpo':      ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow ( 2, -10 * timeFraction ),
            'easeOutBack':      ( timeFraction ) => 1 + ( 1.70158 + 1 ) * Math.pow ( timeFraction - 1, 3 ) + 1.70158 * Math.pow ( timeFraction - 1, 2 ),

        ////    EASE-IN-OUT    /////////////////////////////////

            'easeInOutSine':    ( timeFraction ) => - ( Math.cos ( Math.PI * timeFraction ) - 1 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutCubic':   ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? 4 * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction : 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 3 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutQuint':   ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? 16 * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction : 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 5 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutCirc':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? ( 1 - Math.sqrt ( 1 - Math.pow ( 2 * timeFraction, 2 ) ) ) / 2 : ( Math.sqrt ( 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 2 ) ) + 1 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutElastic': ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? - ( Math.pow ( 2, 20 * timeFraction - 10 ) * Math.sin ( ( 20 * timeFraction - 11.125 ) * ( ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 4.5 ) ) ) / 2 : ( Math.pow ( 2, -20 * timeFraction + 10 ) * Math.sin ( ( 20 * timeFraction - 11.125 ) * ( 2 * Math.PI ) / 4.5 ) ) / 2 + 1,
            'easeInOutQuad':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? 2 * timeFraction * timeFraction : 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 2 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutQuart':   ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? 8 * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction * timeFraction : 1 - Math.pow ( -2 * timeFraction + 2, 4 ) / 2,
            'easeInOutExpo':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction === 0 ) ? 0 : ( timeFraction === 1 ) ? 1 : ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? Math.pow ( 2, 20 * timeFraction - 10 ) / 2 : ( 2 - Math.pow ( 2, -20 * timeFraction + 10 ) ) / 2,
            'easeInOutBack':    ( timeFraction ) => ( timeFraction < 0.5 ) ? ( Math.pow ( 2 * timeFraction, 2 ) * ( ( ( 1.70158 * 1.525 ) + 1 ) * 2 * timeFraction - ( 1.70158 * 1.525 ) ) ) / 2 : ( Math.pow ( 2 * timeFraction - 2, 2 ) * ( ( ( 1.70158 * 1.525 ) + 1 ) * ( timeFraction * 2 - 2 ) + ( 1.70158 * 1.525 ) ) + 2 ) / 2

    _options =
        cache:  false,
        active: false

    _queue = new Queue;
    #cache = new Array;

     * Creates an animation instance
     * @property        {Array.<clObject>}        objects           CanvasLab objects
     * @property        {Array.<string|Function>} timings           Timing functions
     * @property        {number}                  period            Period of time
     * @property        {Array.<Object>}          changes           Changes an objects
    constructor ( objects, timings, period, changes )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isNumber = VALIDATION.isNumber;

            this._end              = UTILITIES.animation.end;
            this._getInvertedAngle = UTILITIES.animation.getInvertedAngle;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'cache',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cache  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'cancel', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cancel );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'period', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.period );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'queue',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.queue  );

        this.objects = objects;
        this.timings = timings;
        this.period  = period;
        this.changes = changes; = true;

    ////    [ OBJECT ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set objects to animate
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} value                            Canvas Lab objects
        set objects ( value )
            this._objects = value;

         * Get objects
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Canvas Lab objects
        get objects ( )
            return this._objects;

    ////    [ TIMING ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set timings
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string|Function} value                     Timing function
        set timings ( value )
            if ( Array.isArray ( value ) )
                let _results = new Array;

                for ( let _entry of value )

                    ( typeof _entry === 'string' )

                        ? _results.push ( this.#timings [ _entry ] )

                        : _results.push ( _entry );

                this._timings = _results;

                this._timings = ( value != undefined )

                                    ? ( typeof value === 'string' )

                                          ? this.#timings [ value ]

                                          : value

                                    : this._timings;

         * Get timing
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Function}                                  Timing function
        get timings ( )
            return this._timings;

    ////    [ PERIOD ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set period of animation
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Period of animation-time
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.period}
        set period ( value ) { }

         * Get period of animation
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Period of animation-time
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.period}
        get period ( ) { }

    ////    [ CHANGE ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set changes
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {clChange} value                            Canvas Lab changes object
        set changes ( value )
            this._changes = value;

         * Get changes
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {clChange}                                  Canvas Lab changes object
        get changes ( )
            return this._changes;

    ////    [ CACHE ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set cache
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {boolean} value                             True || False
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cache}
        set cache ( value ) { }

         * Get cache
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cache}
        get cache ( ) { }

    ////    [ QUEUE ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set queue
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Queue} value                               Queue object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.queue}
        set queue ( value ) { }

         * Get queue
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Queue}                                     Queue object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.queue}
        get queue ( ) { }

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Number value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Number value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isNumber}
        _isNumber ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Cache object
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} object                           Canvas Lab object
        _cacheObjects ( id )
            let _object = this.objects [ id ];

            switch ( )
                case 'Circle':

                    _object = new Circle ( _object.point, _object.radius, undefined, _object.stroke );


                case 'Ellipse':

                    _object = new Ellipse ( _object.point, undefined, undefined, _object.stroke );


                case 'Rectangle':

                    _object = new Rectangle ( _object.point, undefined, undefined, _object.stroke );


                case 'RoundedRectangle':

                    _object = new RoundedRectangle ( _object.point, undefined, undefined, _object.stroke );


                case 'Text':

                    _object = new Text (


            this.#cache.push ( _object );

         * Checks whether queue is set
         * @private
         * @function
        _checkQueue ( )
            if ( this.queue.isSet )
                let _transition =;          // Get initial ( and subsequent ) queue entries

                this.objects = this._getObjects ( _transition );

                this.timings = this._getTimings ( _transition );

                this.period  = _transition.period;

                this.changes = _transition.change;

         * Clears canvas
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} object                           Canvas Lab object
        _clearCanvas ( )
            let _object = this.objects [ 0 ];

            let _canvas = document.getElementById ( _object.canvas );

            if ( _canvas )  // @TODO: identify why this check has to take place periodically !

                _object._canvas.clearRect ( 0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height );

         * Draw cached object(s)
         * @private
         * @function
        _drawCache ( )
            if ( this.#cache.length > 0 )

                for ( let _entry of this.#cache )
                    _entry.stroke.color.alpha = 0.35;

                    _entry.draw ( );

                    _entry.stroke.color.alpha = 1;

         * End animation
         * @private
         * @function
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.animation.end}
        _end ( ) { }

         * Returns an inverted angle; of 360 degrees
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} angle                              Angle to convert
         * @return          {number}                                    Inverted angle
         * @see             {@link UTILITIES.animation.getInvertedAngle}
        _getInvertedAngle ( angle ) { }

         * Returns an array of objects based on the transitions object type
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Transition} transition                     Animation transition instance
         * @return          {Array}                                     Array of objects
        _getObjects ( transition )
            let _collections = [ 'Circles', 'Ellipses', 'Rectangles', 'RoundedRectangles', 'Texts' ]

            let _array       = new Array;

            let _type        =;

            return ( _collections.includes ( _type ) ) ? _array.concat ( transition.object )

                                                       : transition.object;

         * Returns an array of timings based on the transition timing type
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Transition} transition                     Animation transition instance
         * @return          {Array}                                     Array of timings
        _getTimings ( transition )
            let _results = undefined;

            if ( Array.isArray ( transition.timing ) )

                _results = transition.timing;

                let _length  = this.objects.length;

                    _results = new Array;

                for ( let _i = 0; _i < _length; _i++ )

                    _results.push ( transition.timing );

            return _results;

         * Returns a point based off of the direction & distance passed
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} direction                          Direction to point; in degrees
         * @param           {number} distance                           Distance to point
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
        _getPointByDegreeNDistance ( id, direction, distance )
            let _point = new Point;

            let _angle = ( direction % 360 );

                _point.x = this.objects [ id ].position.origin.x - Math.cos ( _angle * Math.PI / 180 ) * distance;

                _point.y = this.objects [ id ].position.origin.y - Math.sin ( _angle * Math.PI / 180 ) * distance;

            return _point;

         * Caches current objects
         * @private
         * @function
        _setCache ( )
            if ( this.queue.isSet  &&  ! this.queue.isEnd )
                for ( let _id in this.changes )

                    if ( this.changes [ _id ].cache )

                        this._cacheObjects ( _id );

                this.animate ( );

       ( 'animations complete !' );

         * Set Position data
         * @private
         * @function
        _setPositionData ( )
            for ( let _id in this.objects )
                let _object = this.objects [ _id ];

                let _change = this.changes [ _id ];

                for ( let _type in _change )
                    let _difference = _change [ _type ];

                    switch ( _type )
                        case 'point':

                            _object.position.origin    = _object.point;

                            _object.position.distance  = _difference;

                            _object.position.direction = _difference;


                        case 'move':

                            _object.position.origin = _object.point;

                            // Whether to invert degree
                            let _point = ( _difference.invert ) ? this._getPointByDegreeNDistance ( _id, this._getInvertedAngle ( ), _difference.distance )

                                                                : this._getPointByDegreeNDistance ( _id,, _difference.distance );

                            _object.position.distance  = _point;

                            _object.position.direction = _point;


                        case 'radius':

                            // _object.position.radius = _object.radius;


                        case 'rotate':

                            // code . . .


                        case 'strokeColor':

                            // code . . .


                        case 'strokeAlpha':

                            // code . . .


                        case 'fillColor':

                            // code . . .


                        case 'fillAlpha':

                            // code . . .


                        case 'fillLinear':
                        case 'fillRadial':
                        case 'fillConic':

                            // code . . .


                        case 'cache':

                            this.cache = _difference;


         * Calculates an animation transition
         * @private
         * @async
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} object                           Canvas Lab object
         * @param           {number}   progress                         Progress of transition; 0 - 1
        async _transition ( id, progress )
            let _object = this._objects [ id ];

            let _change = this._changes [ id ];

            for ( let _type in _change )
                let _amount = _change [ _type ];

                switch ( _type )
                    case 'point':
                    case 'move':

                        _object.point =
                            x: _object.position.origin.x + ( _object.position.distance * progress ) * Math.cos ( _object.position.direction ),

                            y: _object.position.origin.y + ( _object.position.distance * progress ) * Math.sin ( _object.position.direction )


                    case 'radius':

                        _object.radius = _amount * progress;


                    case 'rotate':

                        _object.rotate ( _amount );


                    case 'strokeColor':

                        _object.stroke.color.cycle ( _object.stroke.color, _amount, progress, 1 );


                    case 'strokeAlpha':

                        _object.stroke.color.alpha = _amount * progress;


                    case 'fillColor':

                        _object.fill.color.cycle ( _object.fill.color, _amount, progress, 1 );


                    case 'fillAlpha':

                        _object.fill.color.alpha = _amount * progress;


                    case 'fillLinear':
                    case 'fillRadial':
                    case 'fillConic':

                        for ( let _entry in _amount )
                            let _start = _object.fill.gradient.stops [ _entry ];

                            let _end   = _amount [ _entry ];

                            _object.fill.gradient.stops [ _entry ].color.cycle ( _start.color, _end.color, progress, 1 );


                    case 'rotate':

                        console.log ( '_amount:', _amount );


                    case 'lineTo':

                        if ( Array.isArray ( _amount ) )
                            for ( let _entry of _amount )
                                let _line = new Line ( _object.point, _entry.point );

                                _line.draw ( );
                            let _line = new Line ( _object.point, _amount.point );

                            _line.draw ( );


         * Cancels animation
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.animation.cancel}
        get cancel ( ) { }

    ////    ANIMATE    /////////////////////////////////////

         * Initiates animation
         * @public
         * @function
        animate ( )
            ////    PREPARATORY    /////////////////////////

                this._checkQueue ( );

                this._setPositionData ( );

            ////    PROPERTIES    //////////////////////////

                let _objects = this._objects;

                let _timings = this._timings;

                let _period  = this._period;

                let _changes = this._changes;

                let _active  =;

            ////    FUNCTIONS    ///////////////////////////

                let _transition   = ( id, progress ) => this._transition ( id, progress );

                let _clearCanvas  = ( )              => this._clearCanvas ( );

                let _drawCache    = ( )              => this._drawCache ( );

                let _setCache     = ( )              => this._setCache ( );

                let _end          = ( )              => this._end ( );

            ////    ANIMATE    /////////////////////////////

                let _timeFraction = undefined;

                let _progress     = undefined;

                function _animate ( )
                    let _start = ( );

                    requestAnimationFrame (

                        function animate ( time )
                            _clearCanvas ( );

                            for ( let _id in _objects )
                                let _object = _objects [ _id ];

                                let _timing = _timings [ _id ];

                                let _change = _changes [ _id ];

                                _timeFraction =  ( time - _start ) / _period;   // timeFraction goes from 0 to 1

                                _progress     = _timing ( _timeFraction );      // calculate the current animation state

                /* normalize */ _progress     = ( true && _progress < 0 ) ? 0 : _progress;

                                _transition ( _id, _progress );

                                _object.draw ( );

                                _drawCache ( );

                            ( _active ) ? ( _timeFraction < 1 )                 // Resolve

                                              ? requestAnimationFrame ( animate )

                                              : _setCache ( )

                                        : _end ( );

            ////    INITIALIZE    //////////////////////////

                if ( this._objects  &&  this._period )

                    _animate ( );


                    console.warn ( '[ Animations ] :: The "objects" and/or "period" properties are invalid !' );
 * @class           {Object}   Application                      Application handler
class Application
    _animation  = undefined;

     * Application configurations & details
     * @type            {Object}
     * @property        {boolean} debug                             Whether to debug application
     * @property        {Object}  about                             About properties
     * @property        {Object}  about.Author                      Author of application
     * @property        {Object}  about.Created                     Date originally created
     * @property        {Object}  about.Library                     Library name
     * @property        {Object}  about.Updated                     Date last updated
     * @property        {Object}  about.Version                     Current versions
     * @property        {Object}  about.Copyright                   Copyright
    #config =
        debug: false,
            Author:    'Justin Don Byrne',
            Created:   'October, 2 2023',
            Library:   'Canvas Lab',
            Updated:   'Sep, 10 2024',
            Version:   '0.7.163',
            Copyright: 'Copyright (c) 2023 Justin Don Byrne'

     * Document object model data
     * @type            {Object}
     * @property        {Object} canvases                           List of canvases
     * @property        {Object} contexts                           List of canvas contexts
     * @property        {Object} window                             Window properties
     * @property        {number} window.width                       Window's width
     * @property        {number} window.height                      Window's height
     * @property        {Object}                      Window's center X & Y coordinates
     * @property        {number}                    X-axis coordinate
     * @property        {number}                    Y-axis coordinate
     * @property        {Object} mouse                              Mouse properties
    #dom =
        canvases:  undefined,
        contexts:  { },
            width:     window.innerWidth  - 18,
            height:    window.innerHeight -  4,
                x: ( ( window.innerWidth  - 18 ) /  4 ),
                y: ( ( window.innerHeight - 4  ) /  2 )
            start:  undefined,
            end:    undefined,
            down:   false,
            extant: -1,
            offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }

     * Creates an application handler
    constructor ( )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isInDom = VALIDATION.isInDom;

    ////    [ ANIMATION ]    ///////////////////////////////

         * Get animation
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Animation}                                 Animation object
        get animation ( )
            return this._animation;

    ////    [ CANVAS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set canvas element
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element Id
        set canvas ( value )
            let _canvases = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'canvas' );

            if ( this.#dom.canvases === undefined )
                this.#dom.canvases = new Object ( );

                for ( let _canvas of _canvases )
                    this.#dom.canvases [ ] = document.getElementById ( );

                    this.#dom.contexts [ ] = document.getElementById ( ).getContext ( "2d" );

            if ( this._isInDom ( value ) )
                this.#dom.main.canvas  = this.#dom.canvases [ value ];

                this.#dom.main.context = this.#dom.contexts [ value ];

                console.warn ( `"${value}" does not exist !` );

         * Get canvas element
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {HTMLCanvasElement}                         Canvas context
        get canvas ( )
            return this.#dom.main.context;

    ////    [ ABOUT ]   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Get application details
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    Application details
        get about ( )
            return this.#config.about;

    ////    DOM    /////////////////////////////////////////

         * Get dom details
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    DOM details
        get dom ( )
            return this.#dom;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is an element id within the DOM
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {string} value                              Element id
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isInDom}
        _isInDom ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES   ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns center ( x & y coordinates ) for the present window
         * @private
         * @function
         * @return          {Object}                                    X & Y Coordinates
        get _center ( )
            let _center =
                x: ( ( window.innerWidth  - 18 ) /  4 ),

                y: ( ( window.innerHeight - 4  ) /  2 )

            return _center;

         * Creates a new animation instance
         * @param           {Transition|Queue} transition                   Contains timing, draw, & duration values & functions
         * @param           {number}           transition.object            CanvasLab Object
         * @param           {Function}         transition.timing            Timing function
         * @param           {number}           transition.period            Period of time
         * @param           {clChange}         transition.change            Changes to object
        set animation ( transition = { object, timing, period, change } )
            if ( Array.isArray ( transition ) )             // Transition(s)

                if ( Array.isArray ( transition [ 0 ].object ) )                // Animation(s) #3
                    this._animation       = new Animations;

                    this._animation.queue = new Queue ( transition );

                    this._animation.animate ( );
                else                                                            // Animation    #1
                    this._animation       = new Animation;

                    this._animation.queue = new Queue ( transition );

                    this._animation.animate ( );

            else                                            // Transition

                if ( Array.isArray ( transition.object ) )                      // Animation(s) #2
                    this._animation = new Animations ( transition.object, transition.timing, transition.period, transition.change );

                    this._animation.animate ( );
                else                                                            // Animation        # One-Shot
                    this._animation = new Animation ( transition.object, transition.timing, transition.period, transition.change );

                    this._animation.animate ( );

////    INITIALIZATION  ////////////////////////////////////

 * Initiates canvasLab
 * @param           {string} [canvas]                   Canvas identifier
let initCanvasLab = ( canvas ) =>
    if ( typeof canvasLab === 'function' && typeof window.canvaslab  === 'undefined' )

        window.canvaslab = new canvasLab ( canvas );

////    TEMPLATES    ///////////////////////////////////////
 * @class           {Object} SacredCircles                      SacredCircles template
 * @property        {Point}  point                              X & Y axis coordinates
 * @property        {number} [radius=25]                        Radius of circle
 * @property        {number} iterations                         Amount of iterations
 * @property        {Queue}  degrees                            Degrees for generation
 * @property        {Queue}  colors                             Colors for generation
 * @property        {Object} master                             Master object
class SacredCircles
    _point      = new Point;
    _radius     = 25;
    _iterations = undefined;
    _degrees    = [ 90, 330, 270, 210, 150, 90, 30 ];
    _colors     = new Queue ( [ new Rgb ( 255, 255, 255, 0 ) ] );

    _master     = undefined;

    #numbers     = undefined;
    #tangents    = undefined;
    #counter     = -1;              /* Counter to define the gaps between each circle: @see this.create ( ) */
    #transitions = new Array;

     * Create a SacredCircles template
     * @property        {Point}  point                              X & Y axis coordinates
     * @property        {number} [radius=25]                        Radius of circle
     * @property        {number} iterations                         Amount of iterations
     * @property        {Queue}  degrees                            Degrees for generation
     * @property        {Queue}  colors                             Colors for generation
    constructor ( point = { x: undefined, y: undefined }, radius, iterations, degrees, colors )
        ////    COMPOSITION     ////////////////////////////

            this._isCanvasLabObject = VALIDATION._isCanvasLabObject;
            this._isNumber          = VALIDATION.isNumber;
            this._isPoint           = VALIDATION.isPoint;

            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'master', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'point',  PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point  );
            Object.defineProperty ( this, 'radius', PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.radius );

        this.point      = point;
        this.radius     = radius;
        this.iterations = iterations;
        this.degrees    = degrees;
        this.colors     = colors;

        this._tangents  = iterations;

    ////    [ POINT ]    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Set point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} value                               X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        set point ( value ) { }

         * Get point
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {Point}                                     X & Y coordinates
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.point}
        get point ( ) { }

    ////    [ RADIUS ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set radius
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Radius of circle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.radius}
        set radius ( value ) { }

         * Get radius
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Radius of circle
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.radius}
        get radius ( ) { }

    ////    [ ITERATIONS ]    //////////////////////////////

         * Set iterations value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Number of iterations
        set iterations ( value )
            this._iterations = ( this._isNumber ( value ) ) ? value : this._iterations;

         * Get iterations value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Number of iterations
        get iterations ( )
            return this._iterations;

    ////    [ DEGREES ]    /////////////////////////////////

         * Set degrees value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array} value                               Array of degrees
        set degrees ( value )
            this._degrees = ( Array.isArray ( value ) ) ? new Queue ( value ) : this._degrees;

         * Get degrees value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Queue}                                     Queue of degrees
        get degrees ( )
            return this._degrees;

    ////    [ COLORS ]    //////////////////////////////////

         * Set colors value
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {Array} value                               Array of colors
        set colors ( value )
            this._colors = ( Array.isArray ( value ) ) ? new Queue ( value ) : this._colors;

         * Get colors value
         * @readOnly
         * @function
         * @return          {Queue}                                     Queue of colors
        get colors ( )
            return this._colors;

    ////    [ MASTER ]  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Set master object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} value                            Canvas Lab object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master}
        set master ( value ) { }

         * Get master object
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {clObject}                                  Master Canvas Lab object
         * @see             {@link PROPERTY_BLOCKS.individual.master}
        get master ( ) { }

    ////    [ NUMBERS ]    /////////////////////////////////

         * Set numbers value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Array} value                               Array of numbers
        set _numbers ( value )
            this.#numbers = ( Array.isArray ( value ) ) ? new Queue ( value ) : this.#numbers;

    ////    [ TANGENTS ]    ////////////////////////////////

         * Set tangents value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Number of iterations
        set _tangents ( value )
            this.#tangents = ( Number.isInteger ( value ) ) ? this.#getTangents ( value ) : this.#tangents;

    ////    VALIDATION  ////////////////////////////////////

         * Returns whether the passed value is a CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              CanvasLab object; Line, Circle, Rectangle, Text
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isCanvasLabObject}
        _isCanvasLabObject ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Number value
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {number} value                              Number value
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isNumber}
        _isNumber ( ) { }

         * Returns whether the passed value is a Point
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Object} value                              Point or object equivalent
         * @return          {boolean}                                   True || False
         * @see             {@link VALIDATION.isPoint}
        _isPoint  ( ) { }

    ////    UTILITIES    ///////////////////////////////////

         * Returns a Circle object
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} point                               X & Y Coordinates
         * @param           {Rgb}   color                               Color model & value
         * @return          {Circle}                                    Circle object
        #getCircle           = ( point, color )         => new Circle ( point, this.radius, undefined, undefined, new Fill ( color ), undefined, undefined );

         * Returns a Ellipse object
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} point                               X & Y Coordinates
         * @param           {Rgb}   color                               Color model & value
         * @return          {Ellipse}                                   Ellipse object
        #getEllipse          = ( point, color )         => new Ellipse ( point, new Point ( this.radius, this.radius * 0.5 ), undefined, undefined, new Fill ( color ), undefined, undefined );

         * Returns a Rectangle object
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} point                               X & Y Coordinates
         * @param           {Rgb}   color                               Color model & value
         * @return          {Rectangle}                                 Rectangle object
        #getRectangle        = ( point, color )         => new Rectangle ( point, undefined, undefined, undefined, new Fill ( color ), undefined, undefined );

         * Returns a RoundedRectangle object
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} point                               X & Y Coordinates
         * @param           {Rgb}   color                               Color model & value
         * @return          {RoundedRectangle}                          Rounded rectangle object
        #getRoundedRectangle = ( point, color )         => new RoundedRectangle ( point, undefined, undefined, undefined, new Fill ( color ), undefined, undefined );

         * Returns a Text object
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} point                               X & Y Coordinates
         * @param           {Rgb}   color                               Color model & value
         * @return          {Text}                                      Text object
        #getText             = ( point, color )         => new Text ( point,, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined );

         * Returns a Line object
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} startPoint                          Starting point of line
         * @param           {Point} endPoint                            Ending point of line
         * @return          {Line}                                      Line object
        #getLine             = ( startPoint, endPoint ) => new Line ( startPoint, endPoint, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined );

         * Insert initial object
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @param           {Point}  point                              X & Y Coordinate(s)
         * @param           {number} degree                             Degree of movement
         * @param           {Rgb}    color                              Color model & value
         * @param           {number} iterator                           Current iterator
        #insertInitialObject ( point, iterator, degree, color )
            let _object = this._getObjectPerCollectionType ( point, color );

            this._moveObject ( _object, degree, this.radius * iterator );

            this._setObjectPerCollectionType ( _object );

         * Insert Ensuing objects
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @param           {number} degree                             Degree of movement
         * @param           {Rgb}    color                              Color of object
        #insertEnsuingObjects ( degree, color )
            let _object = this._getObjectPerCollectionType ( this.master.circles.endPoint, color );

            this._moveObject ( _object, degree, this.radius );

            this._setObjectPerCollectionType ( _object );

         * Returns an array of all tangents for each iteration
         * @protected
         * @function
         * @return          {Array}                                     Tangents for each iteration
        #getTangents ( )
            let _results = new Array;

            let _count   = 0;

            for ( let _i = 1; _i <= this.iterations; _i++ )
                _results.push ( _count * 6 );

                _count = _i + _count;

            if ( this.iterations > 1 )

                _results.shift ( );

            return _results;

         * Returns a clObject based on the current collection type
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {Point} point                               X & Y Coordinates
         * @param           {Rgb}   color                               Color model & value
        _getObjectPerCollectionType ( point, color )
            let _collectionType =;

            let _result         = undefined;

            switch ( _collectionType )
                case 'Circles':             _result = this.#getCircle ( point, color );                 break;

                case 'Ellipses':            _result = this.#getEllipse ( point, color );                break;

                case 'Rectangles':          _result = this.#getRectangle ( point, color );              break;

                case 'RoundedRectangles':   _result = this.#getRoundedRectangle ( point, color );       break;

                case 'Texts':               _result = this.#getText ( point, color );                   break;

                case 'Group':

                                        let _objectA = this.#getCircle ( point, color );

                                        let _objectB = this.#getEllipse ( point, color );

                                        let _objectC = this.#getRectangle ( point, color );

                                        let _objectD = this.#getRoundedRectangle ( point, color );

                                        let _objectE = this.#getText ( point, color );

                                            _result  = new Array ( _objectA, _objectB, _objectC, _objectD, _objectE );

            return _result;

         * Moves the passed object in a specific degree & distance
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} object                           Canvas Lab object
         * @param           {number}   degree                           Degree to move
         * @param           {number}   distance                         Distance to move
        _moveObject ( object, degree, distance )
            if ( Array.isArray ( object ) )

                for ( let _entry of object )

                    _entry.move ( degree, distance );


                object.move ( degree, distance );

         * Pushes the passed clObject into the current collection type
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject} object                           Canvas Lab object
        _setObjectPerCollectionType ( object )
            let _collectionType =;

            switch ( _collectionType )
                case 'Group':

                    for ( let _entry of object )
                        let _type = `${ ( )}s`;

                            _type = ( _type === 'roundedrectangles' ) ? 'roundedRectangles' : _type;

                        this.master [ _type ].push ( _entry );


                    this.master.push ( object );


         * Set a single transition
         * @private
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject}        object                    Canvas Lab object
         * @param           {string|Function} timing                    Timing function
         * @param           {number}          period                    Period of animation-time
         * @param           {object}          change                    Properties to change
        _setTransition ( object, timing, period, change )
            let _result =
                object: object,
                timing: timing,
                period: period,
                change: change

            this.#transitions.push ( _result );

         * Returns an array of transitions based on the passed params
         * @public
         * @function
         * @param           {clObject}        object                    Canvas Lab object
         * @param           {string|Function} timing                    Timing function
         * @param           {number}          period                    Period of animation-time
         * @param           {number}          radius                    Radius of circle
         * @param           {number}          iterations                Amount of iterations
        getTransitions ( object, timing, period, radius, iterations )
            this.iterations = iterations;

            this.radius     = radius;

            this._setTransition ( object, timing, 1, { cache: true } );

            for ( let _i = 0; _i < this.iterations; _i++ )
                ////    FOUNDATION STONE    ////////////////

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone < 1; _stone++ )

                    this._setTransition ( object, timing, period, { move: { degree: this.degrees [ 0 ], distance: this.radius }, cache: true } );

                ////    FILLER STONE(S)    /////////////////

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= _i; _stone++ )

                    this._setTransition ( object, timing, period, { move: { degree: this.degrees [ 1 ], distance: this.radius }, cache: true } );

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= _i; _stone++ )

                    this._setTransition ( object, timing, period, { move: { degree: this.degrees [ 2 ], distance: this.radius }, cache: true } );

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= _i; _stone++ )

                    this._setTransition ( object, timing, period, { move: { degree: this.degrees [ 3 ], distance: this.radius }, cache: true } );

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= _i; _stone++ )

                    this._setTransition ( object, timing, period, { move: { degree: this.degrees [ 4 ], distance: this.radius }, cache: true } );

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= _i; _stone++ )

                    this._setTransition ( object, timing, period, { move: { degree: this.degrees [ 5 ], distance: this.radius }, cache: true } );

                ////    KEYSTONE    ////////////////////////

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= _i; _stone++ )

                    if ( _stone == _i )

                        this._setTransition ( object, timing, period, { move: { degree: this.degrees [ 6 ], distance: this.radius }, cache: false } );


                        this._setTransition ( object, timing, period, { move: { degree: this.degrees [ 6 ], distance: this.radius }, cache: true } );

            return this.#transitions;

         * Get number of total objects
         * @public
         * @function
         * @return          {number}                                    Number of total objects
        get totalObjects ( )
            if ( this.#tangents === undefined )

                this.#tangents = this.#getTangents ( );

            return this.#tangents [ this.#tangents.length - 1 ];

    ////    INITIALIZER    /////////////////////////////////

         * Sets this template
         * @public
         * @function
        init ( )
            this._numbers = Array.from ( { length: this.totalObjects }, ( element, index ) => index.toString ( ) );

            for ( let _i = 0; _i < this.iterations; _i++ )

                ////    FOUNDATION STONE    ////////////////////////////////////

                let [ _degree, _color ] = [, ];

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone < 1; _stone++ )

                     this.#insertInitialObject ( this.point, _i, _degree, _color );

                ////    FILLER STONE(S)    /////////////////////////////////////

                    [ _degree, _color ] = [, ];                  // Number: 01, Degree: 150

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= ( _i - 1 ); _stone++ )

                     this.#insertEnsuingObjects ( _degree, _color );

                    [ _degree, _color ] = [, ];                  // Number: 02,  Degree: 90

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= ( _i - 1 ); _stone++ )

                    this.#insertEnsuingObjects ( _degree, _color );

                    [ _degree, _color ] = [, ];                  // Number: 03,  Degree: 30

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= ( _i - 1 ); _stone++ )

                  this.#insertEnsuingObjects ( _degree, _color );

                    [ _degree, _color ] = [, ];                  // Number: 04, Degree: 330

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= ( _i - 1 ); _stone++ )

                  this.#insertEnsuingObjects ( _degree, _color );

                    [ _degree, _color ] = [, ];                  // Number: 05, Degree: 270

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= ( _i - 1 ); _stone++ )

                  this.#insertEnsuingObjects ( _degree, _color );

                ////    KEYSTONE    ////////////////////////////////////////////

                    [ _degree, _color ] = [, ];                  // Number: 06, Degree: 210

                for ( let _stone = 0; _stone <= ( _i - 2 ); _stone++ )

                  this.#insertEnsuingObjects ( _degree, _color );

            ////    REVERSE COLLECTIONS    /////////////////

            // this.master.circles.reverse ( );

            this.master.ellipses.reverse ( );

            this.master.rectangles.reverse ( );

            this.master.roundedRectangles.reverse ( );